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 Post subject: Scib's Hobby Log - Update 14 - Aragorn and Fell Wargs
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 7:08 pm 
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With so many little projects on the go I thought it was about time to start a thread to both help focus my efforts and to provide some motivation.

Lately I have been working on my Dwarves, these are going to be for an armies on parade board. The board itself is mostly done bar a few touch-ups, I will post a picture of it when completed.

Here are a few finished warriors. I've mixed parts of the warriors of erebor and grim-hammer kits for some variety:


A group almost completed, just the bases that need doing:


The rest of the army that needs doing, in total there will be Thrain, Captain and 24 warriors/grimhammers. It will be a good milestone to get these completed, in the future I will probably expand them even more:


Just for fun and as I had bits lying around here is the start of a piece of terrain for a goblin made bridge or walkway:


Once painted I think it will provide a nice vantage point for some archers:


Well that is it for now. I will post weekly updates going forward, my aims for next week will be:

-Paint another 6 dwarves
-Paint goblin walkway
-Finish touchups on armies on parade board

I will see how I get on with this...until then, let me know your thoughts :)

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!

Last edited by Scib on Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:47 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 1 Dwarves
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 11:07 pm 
Elven Elder
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The figures look good. I like the rope around the rock. A very good idea. 8)

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 1 Dwarves
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:08 pm 
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Thanks, I bought a couple of rolls of cheap string a while ago as I thought they could be quite useful for terrain projects

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 1 Dwarves
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:28 pm 
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Week 2 update, I've completed a few more dwarves, the bases I will do at the end of the project in one big batch I think


Goblin platform also done


Didnt manage to quite complete the board, but no hurry as still a couple of weeks left before the armies on parade, hopefully can get this done soon


Model wise for this week I am going to try and complete Thrain and a few more dwarves


Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 2 Dwarves & Terrain
PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:30 pm 
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Cool stuff Scib!
I really like the bridge you made! That's very cool!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 2 Dwarves & Terrain
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:31 pm 
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Love the terrain, brilliant idea with the walkway!

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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 2 Dwarves & Terrain
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:47 pm 
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Thanks guys, I plan to make some more terrain soon. I have so many bits lying around just need the ideas.

This week I've painted Thrain and a pair of dwarves


I'm going to step it up this time my aim is to paint the remaining dwarves, only 8 of them so quite doable and the end is in reach


I didnt get anything done for my board apart from painting the sides of the board black. At this stage I'm not really sure what else I can add to it so I will leave as is until inspiration hits.

Also I've bought two issues of BGIME on ebay, these have some really great articles in so I am looking forward to reading through them. (Plus they come with free minis!).


Thats all for this week, thanks for reading 8)

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 4 Dwarves & BGIME
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:41 pm 
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Hi all, back with my update for this week. Dwarves are all painted, just the bases that need doing which should be straightforward. In total there are 24 warriors including banner, in games they will be warriors of Erebor and Grimhammers for the ones with picks. The two warbands will be led by Thrain and a captain of Erebor.


Also managed to paint the two miniatures that came with the BGIME issues I got last week. Durburz will now be the leader of my goblins which I will be expanding soon. The Dwarf captain doesn't fit in very well with the new Hobbit dwarves but it is a nice miniature none the less.


Finally, this week I have made a start on my dunlending warrior for the Hobby Challenge. So far the base and shading is done. To add some variation to the model I actually bent the shield arm inwards so that it is in front of him rather than out to the side. I've also added an orc to the base that he is stepping over as if he is the thick of battle.


For next week goals are to complete the basing of the dwarves and finish the dunlending warrior for the Hobby Challenge.This shouldn't take too long so I shall probably find something else to keep me occupied until next time.



Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 5 Dwarves, Dunland & Goblins
PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:11 pm 
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Back with an update, first of all is my Dunlending warrior I have finished for the October hobby challenge




All the basing is now done from my previous weeks, so that my Dwarves are now completed





I will still expand the Dwarves over time but for now I am happy with them. Maybe the odd piece here and there but nothing major for a while. My Goblins are also outnumbered which just isn't right so I have gathered some reinforcements for them... :twisted:


There is also a new Tale of Painters hobby challenge up which I have put my name down for. Again, I am using this as an opportunity to clear some backlog so have made the pledge of 3 months with the aim of completing a hero and a warband (either 12 infantry or 6 cavalry each month).

The army will be Rivendell, here are some of the models I have dug out currently but there are some more plastic warriors and knights in the cupboard as well.

If anyone has suggestions for colour schemes please let me know, I always like to try something different from the movies.


That is it for now, thanks for reading chaps.



Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 6:30 pm 
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Here with another update, didn't manage to do as much painting as I would like but I have at least made a start of my Elves.

The first finished warrior:


I mixed in a little blue/green to give a different tint to the armour, overall I'm happy with the scheme but will continue to play around with my layering on the other models as I feel that this could always improve.

The rest of the WIP warriors and Elrond:


You may notice that I changed the blue to a more greenish colour.

Other than that, this week I primed the rest of the goblins ready for some base colours.


Hopefully next week I will have some more painting time, would really like to finish the batch of Elves and maybe do a bit of terrain work too.

Thanks for reading.



Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 10:03 pm 
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Cool stuff, Scib! That's a very original painting scheme on the elves.
May I ask what kind of brown paints you use? I like the tints so I was wondering; do they come straight out of a pot or did you achieve those by mixing a bit?

EDIT: Oh, and what kind of Elrond model is that? That miniature looks really nice!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:38 pm 
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Thanks, I always try and go for something a little different

The brown is GW gorthor brown over a white base, 2 thin coats usually. Then some seraphim sepia shade and layer it up with some bane blade brown.

The Elrond is from the hobbit white council set, they are all really nice models but I've never got around to painting them

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:34 pm 
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Thanks Scib!

That's the coolest Elrond model I've seen... Too bad I'm not interested in the other 3 White Council members and the price for that set is pretty huge. :(
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:17 am 
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You can sometimes find him on Ebay if you dont want to get the whole set

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:43 am 
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Scib wrote:
You can sometimes find him on Ebay if you dont want to get the whole set

I found him for 11 pounds yesterday and won the auction. Quite a good deal. :)
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:40 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Looking good! I like the Dunland warrior, but I think there are a few things you could do to bring it up a notch. First, there are a few spots around the beard that you left black that should be painted, the neck and lip in particular. Second, the gems look a bit dull. I'm not sure if that's what you are going for, but if you want them to pop a little more simply highlight the bottom left corners of them up to white, then add a white dot to the top right corners. Then add a layer of gloss varnish to give them a nice shine.
The only other thing I would suggest would maybe one or two more highlights all around. I do like the dirty, middle of battle look, but that doesn't mean you can't push the highlights further, and I think it gives the model a more dramatic look.
This is all my opinion of course, just thought that since it's for the competition I thought I'd try and point a few things out to hopefully make them better. Good luck!


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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 6 The House of Elrond
PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 5:35 pm 
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Thanks, feedback is always welcome! I have to say I do struggle with highlights so I usually try and play it safe but they end up not popping as much.

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 7 Progress on Elves
PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 7:46 pm 
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Not a lot of painting done this week, but I have made progress on the Elves. Just some work tidying them up and doing the finishing touches left to do:



Scib. 8)

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 7 Progress on Elves
PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:37 pm 
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You have made some nice looking dwarves by mixing the warriors of Erebor with Grimhammers :)
And I must say I'm surprised how well that Elrond fits in with the Last Alliance Elves! Especially with your colour scheme :)

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 Post subject: Re: Scib's Hobby Log - Week 8 Elves and other things
PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:14 pm 
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Baardeend wrote:
You have made some nice looking dwarves by mixing the warriors of Erebor with Grimhammers :)
And I must say I'm surprised how well that Elrond fits in with the Last Alliance Elves! Especially with your colour scheme :)

Thanks :) The Elrond model is really nice probably my favourite one now.

What I've been working on:

This week I've been doing Elves again, the first half of the warband is now done. I always struggle with new schemes so hopefully my next batch will cleaner. I'm quite pleased with Elrond though, his face looks a little plain around the eyes but it looks better in person.


Here is the rest of the warband which I will get stuck into this week.


Just for fun/practice I've started painting Legolas. So far he's had the base, shade and a layer on most things.


My Iron Hills Dwarves also arrived which is exciting, really nice models so I couldnt help but get started on them. I've done a base and a shade so far. I'm going to highlight the armour up to a more reddish brown I think and see how that turns out.


Finally I've started work on another board/tile to continue on from the one I did for the Dwarves. This one will display my goblins once completed.


Thanks for reading, until next time.



Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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