Hi guys, this is my first post on the one ring!
I got back into LOTR SBG late last year and have been lurking on this forum since then.
I'd been reading all of you guys' posts and got the urge to get involved myself. I hope to keep this thread updated as often as possible, to showcase my progression as a painter.
With that said, i've probably not chosen the best miniature to show where i currently am with my painting. Not sure about you guys who have painted this chap, but i found his sculpt (or at least the cast i got) to be somewhat difficult, Parts of the helmet missing, gaps and most frustratingly i found the cast of his face to be well, horrendous (is this just my model or is this a common issue?
Anyways, here is my Eorl!
(Please excuse the photo quality!)
Since the Face on Eorl was a disappointment, i thought i'd add one of the Rohan-esque miniatures i like from "Gripping Beast" as an example of where my Face painting is up to.
I'm absolutely open to, and welcoming any comments,critiques, criticism and any helpful tips!