Hello One Ring!
So, back when I started this hobby (bought a pack of high elf spears right before my uncle told me 'You'll love this movie') I had no idea how much it would impact my hobbies and taste in entertainment. I've looked around a lot of these WIP threads and I have to say I crawled back into my cave. Many of you are extremely talented and I cannot begin to fathom how you achieve such effects on your models. Long story short, I decided to try, and I mean really put effort into my painting. The downside is, each model is taking quite some time. The upside is, they're the best models I've painted by my standard to this day. I will upload some comparison pictures between the models I finished today, then the ones I last did a few years ago. Criticism welcome, tips, advice, please! I want to use this army in my first tournament, and want them to look great.
So without further delay or rogue paragraphs clogging up my first post in this sub-forum, here is my Mirkwood Glaive/spearman.
Oh and some guy they call 'the King'.
My colour scheme. I used a 'chocolate cake' pattern on the leather cover over his scale-mail. This was achieved by a black basecoat, followed by Rhinox hide, agrax earthshade then touched up the lighter parts with Steel legion drab.
The armour was achieved by a black under-coat, Balthasar gold coat, highlighted with ghenna's gold and highlights on the edges and raised areas with Auric armour gold.
My first attempt at eyes. I think it looks okay! Better than I expected.
The King himself. Had a lot of fun with this and can't wait to get onto the mounted one (though it has some imperfections that I'm trying to remedy currently, so don't expect it soon) so just the 'foot' variant for now. His armour was undercoated black, then leadbelcher, washed with nuln oil, added a bit more leadbelcher to areas that had gotten too dark. Then I washed with Agrax Earthshade. I then highlighted with runefang steel, very carefully along the edges and decorative parts of his armour. The cloak was a 2:1 mix of abaddon black with mechanicus standard grey.
The mighty duo. Can't wait to have a full warband.
I currently have (A LOT) of elves to do, three warband's worth, with the new Legolas also. So expect some Palace Guard, Rangers, other armoured mirkwood elves and maybe some King under the mountain with grimhammers if I need a break from the Elves.
Thanks for visiting my W.I.P!