Lord Hurin wrote:
Finecast is essentially plastic, so how does this make sense? Blisters used to be metal, which I will always prefer to FC.
Because I am comparing blisters to boxed sets. As I refer in my posts to being a long time collector here, I very well know that the blisters are now resin. And I know they are not injection grade plastic, so they are not the same as plastic either. But a blister price has only gone up 150% but a plastic box has gone up 300% and that is what I have noted, Esentially a high quality blister is a better value to me (both in the metal days and now in the FC days).
in your post you also make note that you 'prefer' metal. so to you FC is a lower Value to you. Just because we both have different value systems to the miniatures doesn't make my point invalid as it is only referring to how paying 300% more for a plastic box makes me cringe because I deal in plastics all the time and know that this is a rip off. Resin prices although high, didn't seam as far off the mark IMO. hope that helps.
We could start another new thread on FC vrs. metal yet again but I think it is pointless, those that hate FC will always hate it, it is a fact they won't change. I have gone through a lot of metal and FC blisters now and have not returned either one. I have had weapons break off in prep on both, FC was easier to fix or weapon swap. I have had both be bent and hard to put together. both have to be washed well to paint well. both are bad to drop from high, but FC seams to not break and not chip where metal does both. Metal models I am told sit better on a table top, yet on most uneven terrain or nice tables that are not just flat, metals fall all the time where plastics and FC models seam to stay put as the texture is enough to hold them. All this and more has formed my opinion that FC is as good as Metal. And since prices went up on all models in the range, I can't say that Metals would not have gone up too had GW stuck with it. That is why when I refer to blisters, I refer to all blisters, metal or FC, as to me it was a material change and nothing else said can make one better than an other.