Officially Dead:
Well, indeed, it seemed inevitable. I don't deny they tried to push it hard and even officially dropping support for SBG in WD etc. I used to go to the GW stores local to me every week in this period during their regular weekly events sometimes twice a week when I took my son to the 'junior' sunday afternoon gaming session.
The result was ... for new players the outlay for a reasonable WotR army is rather significant. You couldnt just spend 30-50 GBP on a battlebox and get underway like some other current systems. For more experienced players already with SBG armies, the ones who could have spent 'a little more' to upgrade to the bigger system, they were fully invested in the existing and well-honed system. And WotR had a few holes... not in the combat system which is rather slick and playtested (it feels so). But in the points costing and faction balancing which seems a little arbitrary, which is important for most of us players having a small army and playing points matches and not able to regularly recreate the special scenarios in the book.
I still play it most weeks though! After all it is LotR... AND big army battles!!! what isn't good about that???
Trays. Go for a lot these days i notice on eBay. I have loads (90+ cav and inf) but wanting to magnetise everything to store everything in their trays I need more and started to make my own in resin. But there are good and cheap mdf laser cut choices out there which work out less than £0.80 a tray, (and what I use as a base to sculpt greenstuff over and cast in silicone and resin).
If you hunt online : There are even resin casts available. Ranging from some beautiful but pricey woodland ones with matching model bases. To a company making bases for all the special formations as well as the standard. Need a correct size sculpted base for the three hunters? the nine are abroad? several Ballistae? they are £1-£2 each. The quality isnt the best but they are correct size and with a small amount of work save a huge amount of time making your own custom ones

A second Edition for The War of the Ring:
http://wessexcodex.wordpress.comTaking the War in Middle earth to a new level!