So, here we go with another small update. I managed to paint up a few models, finally!
First of all, an normal Orc Captain.

Not much special here, but pretty glad with how he worked out in the end: dark, but enough variation in the tones, to my taste.
Furthermore, I bought a Roman Medicus from Warlord Games (link: ... ns-medicus ). These will be converted to make them into Gondorians, in the same style as my previous Warriors of Minas Tirith with sword and shield. For that, the lorica segmenta was removed. Chain mail will be sculpted in various places, and the surcoat will be repaired on the helping soldier. The physician himself will be getting some extra pouches.

You can see some chain mail added so far, I hope to finish this conversion soon-ish.
I also painted a Dwarf Hero. The model is from Red-Box-Games (link: ... x&cPath=16 ) but seems to be out of production nowadays. The RBG sculpts (and casts) are amazing though. I would say they are more detailed than GW, and the casts are easily as good as GW's.
Anyway, this dwarf will represent a Dwarf Hero, but I don't have anything particular in mind now. He could represent Nain, Frerin, or any of Durin's house. Depending on the need, I will make house rules or use a Dwarf Captain or King profile.

The cloak is more blue in real life, but for some reason this doesn't show very well on the photo.
And lastly, I bought 8 Roman Auxiliaries, also from Warlord Games (link: ... -boxed-set). I will be using shields and swords from Gripping Beast (link: ... 6&CatID=65), however, and heads from Warriors of Minas Tirith. I was thinking about Numenorean heads, but I think I prefer these.
They will represent some kind of kind of specialised small unit, perhaps a Pelargir or Dol Amroth sea guard or some fighting mariners, or perhaps some Gondorians of Umbar during the occupation around the year 1000 in the Third Age.
Now, I'm just debating with myself whether to use round shields or kite shields. Here's how it looks, quickly assembled one with (white) blue tack.

As Coenus from this site pointed out, the round shields might fit better with their very dynamic poses.
What do you think, what shield should I use? Round or kite?
Comments and criticism welcome.