Killerkatanas wrote:
Really? Well it sure worked on me!
I have over 6,000 painted LOTR figures now and have every army in the book, including a large sharky's Ruffians force for WOTR.
Um...excuse me... wow, that's amazing! Please never get rid of that collection and if you do give it to a LOTR fan. Unfortunately for GW there is only a select few people that have a collection of that figure.
Bilbo wrote:
I personally feel that GW developed WOTR as part of a strategy to sell vast amounts of plastic miniatures, which really did not take off.
Yes... there doesn't seem to be another reason why GW created the game of WOTR (well their version). Profits and money of course drive GW to do everything, but it was an appropriate game for the books and films at the same time, as is SBG.
So, in the books and films there were small skirmishes and large epic battles (my fav is the epic battles and so is WOTR game)
daersalon wrote:
The marketing and positioning of the Hobbit materials seems aimed more at the younger and new players...That said.... I would *reeeeally* like an updated Mass battle Set a la WotR.
I agree with both your points, the hobbit im afraid I don't like as much as regular SBG, im not into the whole "Troll throwing a body 5inches thing " and all the other extras the Hobbit brought. Like I said at the start of the discussion im also reeeeaallly keen for WOTR 2ed or something

because I love LOTR, and to be honest I don't want to just play 40k (and yes I have two small 1000 point 40k armies and I play on a less than regular basis) and I feel like 40k is the only option for some reason.
Anyway GW did a great job with WOTR when it came out, it had balance issues as most WOTR players knew (and abused

) it had some spelling mistakes (Castellans of Dol Guldur entry page 159 of WOTR "one to tree companies"

but it was a great set of rules and I thought for a first ed book it had few flaws.
one more thing, somebody mentioned how hard it would be to get back into WOTR if they did do a 2ed or something because of the nasty boxing changes, with regard to price and number of figures, so that is something which may deter people collecting a massed LOTR force unfortunately