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 Post subject: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:01 pm 
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Just an idea I had, but should we make it a rule that the mini's for the painting competition should be entered un-based? It is a painting competition after all.

Just throwing it out there. I'm fine with the way it is, but I know that I personally am swayed by the basing job on figures. If the paint job was the same the better based would get my vote. I might even vote for a worse painted figure that is better as a whole because of the basing job...

Thoughts? :)
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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:07 pm 
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Basing a model is part of painting it.

Being that I run two competitions over on CDO, I can promise that the majority will dislike this. The painting competition is kind of a way to get people to finish models off for their collection. Also, I can't speak about others, but personally, I'd never get around to basing it if I entered without basing it before the deadline - the deadline is the point by which I must finish the model, if you get what I mean?

I see exactly where you're coming from though - but most people think that the base is part of the painting.
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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:11 pm 
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I agree that the base is part of the model. I love basing models, probably more than i enjoy painting the models themselves so naturally I'm not fussed on the idea of entering unbased models in the challenges. At the end of the day its up to you guys - its your painting challenges.

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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 6:25 pm 
Elven Elder
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I can see your point and throw my penny's worth in.
Of late I have noticed how elaborate people's bases are getting, clearly in an effort to win. It is this competition that is driving that forward and I say long may that continue.
However great painting will always see through. Look at the banners competition and the winner Harfoot did very little with his, so I think this justifies keeping the bases as part of the competition and get more people being creative.
Like Hashut, if I submit a figure without the base I doubt I will ever finish it.

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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:21 pm 
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Thanks Gandalf, IMHO I think the basing is essential, it is part of the model and needs painting, like DMS I love basing,. As Gandalf aways basing is getting very elaborate, which is good, but sometimes a simple based figure draws you attention to the figure, and if it's a nicely sculpted and painted it's all it needs, iIMHO.

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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:25 am 

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An un-based miniature is simply not finished!
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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:52 am 
Elven Warrior
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I can very much see where you are coming from. Quite a number of models that I have seen entered into competitions, whether for prizes or not, have bases which would take longer than the model to do. I don't think this is right. Because we are so familiar with virtually the entire miniature LOTR range, there is not much which makes the miniatures stand out, even when painted to a high level. This is why the bases started getting more fanciful.

I for one do not vote in favour of a good base. I normally put a hand up to block it out so I can focus on what the actual paint job was. I also find that more often than not, the bases are absolutely ludicrously sized, so that you couldn't even get a model to touch base to base - more like base to 2x base. So I really dislike this.

Having said all that, it would not be difficult to implement this as people would just have to take a picture before basing, which is usually one of the latter things. However, the base does need to be painted, so I think keeping it as part of the comp will be the result. Added to that, it does look much nicer, more enticing and more satisfying.

On a similar matter, why therefore does the S&C challenges require the miniature to be unpainted? It's the same principle isn't it?

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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:24 am 
Elven Warrior
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I think the challenges are fine the way they are. I agree that bases are getting more elaborate, mine included, but I don't base my vote off of the base. I really like basing, and I do try to win the competition and fancy bases seem to work for some people, but I guess not with me :( . That however is a different conversation. To me, a good base will compliment the miniature nicely and not take the focus away from it, no matter how big or fancy. This is something I still need to work on, and that's one reason why I like these challenges, the help me be more creative than I normally would in both the painting and the basing aspects.
That's just my opinion though, I'm fine either way.


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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:18 pm 
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:D Great to hear there's actually some opinion on this. I am happy to keep the final pictures with bases finished, and agree that the figure is not finished until the base is done. I guess it's just good to hear some people say that the super elaborate bases don't sway their vote (too :P ) much. :)

TL;DR I agree with others that we can keep it as it is.
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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:52 pm 
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Ultimately, the base being fancy is either beneficial to the paintjob or detrimental. Regardless, it's part of the finished model and requires painting itself. People will be punished and lauded and ignored in equal measure for their bases. If somebody is bothered by the fanciful basing, they have the option of copying Hodush and simply hiding the base before judging. Seems odd to me, but is their choice. But for many,t he base is a part of the judging or a setting for it.

The thing is - the base should complement the model and that's not easy to do, so if somebody doesn't think it through well, it will be to their detriment, lol.

Regarding the sculpting and converting competitions, the reason they are to be in unpainted is because the paintjob all too easily hides blemishes and requires a whole other set of judging.
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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:25 am 
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I'm late in this conversation. I only take basing into account when very well painted models are too good that it becomes difficult to place a vote for one. This happens more often than not unfortunately, so bases can turn the tide for my vote. Some models even have the base as part of the reason for the paint job of the model, like Sauron standing on top of a rock surrounded by lava which sends out a red/orange gleem on the miniature.

I don't like it when bases take the forefront of what is suppose to be a painting competition. Like a foot model on a very detailed diorama base. That won't move me to vote for it.

Bases are necessary, but I think it should be considered last in judgement when voting. A well painted miniature on a bare base should always beat the bland paint job mini on a spectacular base. But a bare base is not good because people judge on the overall finished state of the model. Like some have said, basing can be a detriment, especially a bare one. And good bases can lend to a particular theme of a paint job. (ex. Elf in autumn clothing on a base with orange/red flocking, or winter themes, etc.)

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 Post subject: Re: Painting competition rules change?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:49 am 
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I'll chip on this one.

When i vote for a model i keep in mind, what is the purpose of the model. For me that is to play in a table top game. A base that is over the top and looks like it belongs on a shelf for me distracts from the model. I like a model to look like it was painted and based for gaming. So ellaborate bases never get my vote unless i really don't like the paint jobs on the other entries.

I believe in the KISS principle for bases, but that's just how i feel.

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