I actually lost my chance to vote just because I couldn't make a decision in time...
The Trolls and Goblin King looked great and would be wonderful on the table. Likewise with Treebeard. In fact, I think he reminds me greatly of my own version, so that's gotta say something for taste.
The Ice Balrog was a neat concept and very well execute, but I'm not a huge fan of it. I think it's the ice blocks out of the back. Just a personal taste item. But the paint job and base are all done wonderfully and it's a pleasure to look at it.
The Gandalf / Gwahir conversion really, really impressed. Mostly for the paint job on the eagle itself. Truly amazing and it looks every bit a REAL eagle.
But where I was stuck were the two Fellbeasts and I couldn't decide if either drew enough of my attention from Gwahir to get my vote. The work on the wings (especially) and the hide for RZ's entry are a standard I hope to reach myself when I paint one. And I love the "on the ground" conversion for Knighty's. You want to see Eowyn standing over Theoden and Snowmane in front of that one. VERY very nice. I'd talked to a few local gamers about having a FB on the ground rather than flying but we just couldn't figure out how to best pose it to still be playable without having it climbing on a wall or such. This looks unique and like it can be used on the table without much issue and those are key points.
In the end, I told myself I'd step away a couple days and come back and go with whatever gets my gut feeling. Then "life happened" and I didn't get back on in time to put myself through that final torture.