Thanks Edge and Chris!
I think it's about time for another update.
To start off, I am making a sort of pledge/oath. Hopefully it'll help motivate me to finish more models. So, for every model(s) I paint, I will reward myself with a battle. I hate playing battles with unpainted minis so unless they're painted, they'll have to sit on the sidelines. So far I have a small army for Isengard that is battle-worthy. I am now painting some Rohan models equal to the points of Isengard. That's Battle #1.
The next one involves finishing the Mumakil and crew to fight against my Riders of Rohan (unfinished too). Being finished also counts for terrain so those need to be finished in order to make the battlefield look like Middle Earth.
So here is the Rohan army to contend against Isengard: Gamling leading 24 Rohan warriors and a banner bearer.
What they should look like when painted:
Progress on Gothmog before completion:
Completed for the Painting Challenge:
The base is supposed to represent burning grass in the back. I tried OSL to mimic a fire burning behind Gothmog with the glow shining on the ground and off the warg and his armour. Not sure how well that was pulled off but I think it looks convincing.
Let me know what you think.
Basing a Mumak:
Is that enough grass for the base?
Not to worry!
Alright. I just recently went to my local hobby store and bought more models. Let's take a look at what I found!
Two Dwarf Ballistas:
Metal ones, too!
I got really excited and started to paint one of them. They are some fantastic sculpts!
Once I get more Dwarves, I'll reveal my painting scheme for the army.
It won't be the same for every model.
Gandalf the Grey mounted and Radagast the Brown foot model:
Well, for now it's still Gandalf the Grey.
More on that later.
A box of Rangers of Middle Earth!:
And now for another finished model:
The Balrog!
Well, finished till I decide what to do for the base.
And lastly, I've started to empty all of my unopened boxes and started taking the models off the sprues. I'm starting with Easterlings, then going to the Army of the Dead (including the 3 archers mentioned earlier), then to Galadhrim Warriors, another box of AotD warriors, and finally to the Rangers. The metal models will fit in between some of those to break up the monotony of the same models over and over.
So to the Easterlings, I've made two conversions that will help break the identity crisis.
Two Easterling Captains:
I may add a cape to the first one as it screams for something on his back!
On the second one, I'm scratch building an Easterling Halberd. All that's left is for it to dry and than I can add the axe part of it. I think my sculpting is getting better if I say so myself.
So that's it for today! Thanks again for all the support, and hopefully I can get a battle report written when I finish some models!
Till then, hope you enjoyed!