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 Post subject: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:51 pm 
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Hey folks, I was wondering what are the best medieval wargames out there apart from LotR? I'm looking for something in the range of the Crusades but I can't really find anything. I've always been swaying about collecting a few and have finally actually made a move after being inspired by 'Kingdom of Heaven', which I must say is a brilliant film! I would probably only collect a handful, but I wouldn't mind making a diaorama out of it.

Thank's In Advance
Drum 8)
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 Post subject: Re: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:20 am 

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What sort of game are you looking for, skirmish, epic battles? Either way I'd just stick to the SBG rules myself, haven't played or know of any recent specific medieval rules, they are generally bundled in with ancients of which WHFB is one.
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 Post subject: Re: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:42 am 
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Drumstick wrote:
I would probably only collect a handful,

In that case you'll be wanting to stick with skirmish rules, and SBG is the best there is, imo. Statting up your lil' medieval dudes would be really easy since you've got rohan/gondor for reference.

If you're looking for minis, Perry Miniatures are your go-to for historical stuff. They have an extensive range covering the crusades iirc.

Talaan-u rûk-ir tor Urûk
Nauru-ir agh kragoru nûrsu grishûrz
Nork-ulu furtun agh goð
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 Post subject: Re: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:57 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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eBob Miniatures has a skirmish game called Rebellion, which is based on the Scottish War of Independence. eBob also has a small-ish range to accompany it, including the likes of William Wallace and King Edward Longshanks. The rules are available as a free black and white pdf. Color rules and supplements are available as pdfs with a price.

If you're looking for something from Games Workshop, there is the Warhammer Historical range. Warhammer Ancient Battles is based on Warhammer, and has the following medieval expansions: The Age of Arthur, Armies of Chivalry, Byzantium: Beyond the Golden Gate, El Cid, Shieldwall, and Siege and Conquest. There is also Warmaster Ancients, which has the supplement Warmaster Medieval Armies.
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 Post subject: Re: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:53 pm 
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Yes I know of eBob minatures. I was thinking of getting a few of them but I find there's not enough range. Not really into the Warhammer fantasty line of things, but I am looking for around the 28mm scale. Doesn't have to be exact though.
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 Post subject: Re: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:13 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Quite a bit of thread necromancy here, but I remembered that your question had never been properly answered. I have actually recently been interested in playing some games based on the Crusades, and so have also been looking for a decent rules set for medieval games. I first looked over Rebellion, as I myself suggested--but was turned off immediately by the use of different types of dice. Hithero and Raukov both suggested using SBG rules for your medieval games; after a lot of searching, I would agree. Google "Age of the Trebuchet." You should find a pdf for a rules set that is adapted from SBG for the Middle Ages! At the beginning I think it even includes hithero as a contributor.

I feel like the Middle Ages should be one of the most popular periods in both video games and wargaming, but its actually quite hard to come by. There's a good amount of companies with very small, not-so-great ranges for the Middle Ages. I think the best recommendations I can make is Perry for early Medieval, eBob for high Medieval, and Perry again for late Medieval. Personally, I am planning on using Age of the Trebuchet to play games set in the later Crusades, with eBob for the Crusaders, and Perry for the Muslims (his Muslim range can quite possibly be used throughout).

If anyone has some suggestions for 28mm plastics in the high Middle Ages, I'd also like to know!

Edit: After all that, I ended up changing my mind; I'm adapting the War of the Ring to the Middle Ages, and switched from 28mm to 1/72 scale models. :) I'll periodically post progress in my "Non-LotR showcase" thread.

Last edited by Jamros on Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:46 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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There are heaps of excellent medieval ranges in metal. If you went onto somewhere like TMP and asked for something specific, you would get deluged with suggestions :) Those that dwell there can be at the curmudgeonly end of the scale though so fair warning.

Plastic does make it harder. However, Historicals are nothing like GW pricewise and you can do very well using metals from the likes of Crusader, Gripping Beast and Old Glory, none of which are exorbitant. There are some very characterful miniatures in those ranges. A mate just got Bulgars and Slavs and now I see the minis in the 'flesh', they are very cool. I do have a suggestion that matches your question though: Fireforge Games now do plastic Teutonic Knights, and very nice they are too.

What is holding the whole show up is that Renadra pretty much do ALL the historical plastics: one production company = a lot of waiting time in the queue. Wargames Factory is the exception there. So we are forced to wait a while for our Medieval foot in plastic. Me, I'm tiding myself over by getting the Plastic Knights that are available now, a few metals for some accompanying foot, and making a virtue out of necessity. Cavalry armies are fun, and extra fun in Impetus.

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 Post subject: Re: Any Medieval wargames?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:01 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:52 am
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Hi guys, I was looking for specifically miniatures (hoping to get them without the bundle).....thanks for the suggestion....i tried eBOB and Perry miniatures......they've got what i need........
and on topic i would suggest has been the best one for me.... XD

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