Hi, I am new here, so I'll start with an introduction of myself.
I am Siebe, a sixteen-year-old from Delft, Holland. I have done some miniature painting before, three years or so ago, but that was nothing really. Now I have the idea of a diorama involving
a lot of figures including a Mûmak, so I thought I'd pick up the brush again and start practising my skills. For my birthday I got the Saruman and Grima blister, and I have two already basecoated giant spiders, as well as the WoH boxed set, with 24 figures. Also, the Kings of Men blister is on it's way from the States.
I have started off with Grima, who is nearly done. I am also working on a base, but I want to keep that a surprise.
I see on the pictures some retouching needs to be done around the left eye. The cloak was painted in black, and for highlights I used a mix of about 70/30 Regal Blue/Chaos Black. Maybe this is a bit hard to see on the pictures, these were taken this evening from under the whitest light source I could find in my house, tomorrow I'll try and post pictures made in real, actual daylight. The face is also a little bit less goblin colored, I made the color with Elf Flesh, with just a minimal amount of Regal Blue added.
Saruman his face has been basecoated in white, and the cloak in a 50/50 mix of Dheneb Stone/Skull White, and in the shadow I have used pure Dheneb Stone:
Obviously what I am now going to do is keep adding more Skull White to the Dheneb Stone for highlighting.
I will also practise some more with miniature photography, but for now I just wanted to show some of my work.
So yeah, I hope you like it and won't ban me from the site for making it look bad
grtz Siebe
P.S.: One more question, am I supposed to make a new thread for every model I'm working on or do I have to post all the pictures and progress on other minis in this one to prevent pollution?