Anduril Blade of Kings wrote:
Excellent improvement on the painting. Banner looks great, some good freehand--only why does it say "hello"
Oh, It's supposed to be the name of the Castellan "Helo". I took the name from the 'New' Battlestar Galactica, it's the name of one of the shows main characters.
Oh, thanks for the compliments as always. I have a question for you, how much do you charge for commisions? say for example a Techmarine painted up to the standards of my Fallen Angel or Castellan (I'll Post Pics). After seeing my Castellan painted and my Fallen Angel in the GW cabinet, one of my little brothers friend now is offering to pay me to paint his one. I know the kid pretty well and I have been teaching him painting tips recently. So your thoughts on the matter would be most welcome. And on top of that some other local gamers would also like me to paint something of theirs.
Anduril Blade of Kings wrote:
You've gotten good clean coverage on the white, which is a PITA to do in my experience.
Yeah, it is time consuming but if you have another thing to paint you can paint it while the layers dry. The banner ended up with 10 layers of watered down Skull White, and the shoulder pads were, 1 layer of Codex Grey, 1 layer of Fortress Grey, 3 layers of skull white.
P.S. I have been wanting to paint a Techmarine for quite some time anyway (but I am too cheap to buy the model just to paint it) so I may end up painting it for free if I can't think of a price, I was offered £5 to paint it by the owner of the model.