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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:06 am 
Elven Warrior
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I decided to try my hand and some putty work on some of these guys. So far, I'm mostly pleased with the results. I'm trying out some new tricks using petroleum jelly to keep the putty from sticking to the sculpting tools. That does seem to help but I'm still not doing a great job smoothing out the seams like I think I should.

However, most of these are just a little bit a putty here and there. I'm using Procreate instead of greenstuff on these.

First up, Bilbo with a bit more cloak to hide that unsightly join:

Here's a couple of the plastic ranger conversions. Nothing major on this guy, just filling out the sleeves a bit to hide the joins:

This guy needed a bit of work on the sleeve and arm. However, the real improvement (in my opinion) was putting down some new hair. Some of the plastic rangers are notoriously flat in the hair on the top of their sculpts. Hopefully this improves the look a bit:

Next up, my favorite so far... this is the Iron Guard Ranger Mash-up:

Besides the work blending the beards togehter, I've smoothed out the chainmail armour and turned it into sleeves and a hood. I've also added some leather armor to the very bottom on the right side where the chain mail used to peak through.
Finally, here's a dwarf that I'm bulking up to be fatter than the rest. Eventually he'll be holding a banner as well.
He'll get more putty around the waist and eventually an even fuller beard and a hood. He'll be a real centerpiece if I can pull off the putty work I think.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:06 am 
Elven Warrior
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I've got a lot more sculpting work finished. Its not turning out quite as nice as I'd hoped but I do think I'm getting a bit better at it.

First up some simple Dwarf Ranger based conversions:




Now for some more complicated ones.

Here's the Gimli from Death of Gothmog that I posted earlier. I had to reposition his sword arm as it just didn't look right when I was doing the earlier conversion work. I've since done a lot of extra sculpting on it including a hood and work on the robes to cover up the areas where Gimli hung the large two handed axe. I've also had to hide all the chainmail portions as I've elected to have all my dwarves have leather based armor.

Here's a new one. Its based off a Dwarf Captain and the head and weapons from a Ranger. I've covered over all the chainmail with leather armor and blended in the new head. I've also spent some time working on the hood and cloak. I've decided that his axe arm is too short, he looks a bit "off" so I'm going to cut that arm off and extend it a bit more. Hopefully that will do the trick. But in the meantime, I wanted to show him off as he's a pretty cool little conversion (in my mind).

Lastly, lots of progress made on fat old Bombur. I've added some more bulk and tried to sculpt in a shirt and trowsers. I've also sculpted on the hood and started working on the cloak.

The extreme close-ups shown in these photos really accentuate the "flaws" in the conversions (especially the sculpting). I think I'm doing a better job of "putty control" with these latest sculpting attempts. I've been using vaseline to keep my sculpting tools from sticking the to the putty. That has helped a lot compared to what I'd tried in the past. I've been able to do a better job getting a "smooth" finish on the putty which is something in the past I couldn't do very well. I'm still learning to sculpt the fabric folds but I think I'm starting to get better at it. If they still drive me crazy, I may rip them off and try again.

As always, comments and criticism are always welcome.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:42 am 
Elven Warrior
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I'm really liking this! Good job. I especially like Bombur and the Gimli one.

The main problem I have ntoiced is with the right arm on the dwarf that was converted from a dwarf captain. The right arm is too short.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:59 am 
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Really nice work! They will look awesome once they are painted 8)

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Gandalf, The Return of the King
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Great idea and superb work so far! :yay:

Keep it up. :wink:

TO9G - 2010 Isengard
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:37 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Excellent conversions, much better than I could do :yay:

Can't wait to see 'em painted and all together :-D

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:58 pm 
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i really like 'em, they're all coming along nicely. Which gandalf are you going to use or are you going to convert him too?

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:11 pm 
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Looking really good so far - I'm actually doing the same thing myself, but not going so far with the conversions - there's 12 ranger sculpts so I just changed one for Thorin. A suggestion I might make though, to make Thorin stand out from the others, and also to fit him in with the book is to give him Orcrist. I did this by cutting off the hand-guard-thingy and blade of the fellowship-Gandalf's Glamdring, and adding it to a hand with the rest of the sword in, then adding that to Thorin's. this was only because that was the best I had available though, given a wider choice I may have looked at other options such as Arathorn, which has the leaf-blade shape but is slightly different (link) or just a gandalf which has a more easily accessible sword. Just a small suggestion though - it's all looking great!

Does that pupil look like it was done on MS Paint to you?
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:18 pm 
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:D I was just wishing that there would be some more sculpting related wips and what do you know! :-D This is shaping up to be an awesome project, I will be watching for updates.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:58 am 
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Once more a proof of small and simple conversions can do wonders!
Lovely BrentS!! I wish I had done a few like this for my own Dwarves!!
Looking forward to see more and more! :D

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:06 am 

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Very nice conversions on the unexpected party 8)

I too have 13 half converted dwarfs sitting on my shelf, but I was planing on getting back to them very soon (only got to finish my game board that I started in January)

keep up the good work!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:07 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Thought I'd show a quick update on some WIP painting. I've selected this model to be Dwalin. The book decribes him as having a Dark Green Hood (cloak).


He's not done yet but getting close. I need to work on the metal parts and the cloak which only have basecoats for now. When I primed him, his left arm came out a bit speckly. Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about that now. In person its not quite as noticeable. I'm very pleased with the face on this one - maybe one of the best faces I've painted I think.

I've got a photo with a slightly different angle on my blog. Click on the link my signature if you are interested.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:19 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Very nice work, the eyes are very good. :yay:

Nice color selection! :-D

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:21 pm 
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Good work on the eyes,skin and face and i really like the boots 8)

Keep updating!
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:10 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Nice work, the face is super and I like the earthy-brown cloth.

Keep up the great work! :yay:

TO9G - 2010 Isengard
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:55 am 
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Awesome work on these fellows Brent!!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:22 pm 
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Great work. You have convinced me to redo my rangers. The painting on Dwalin is great but the left had needs some work to fix up the orange. I agree with you, the face is very very good.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:28 am 
Elven Warrior
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I've been using my free time to make a lot of progress on the modeling of the remaining members of the Unexpected Party. I'm pleased with how things are turning out. Not quite as great as I would have liked but I always set the bar a bit to high for myself. I definitely feel like I'm improving my work the sculpting putty.

Here's a couple WIPs:
For this guy (Bofur) I had to reposition the sword arm from the previous WIP. I just wasn't happy with his arm's length. So I had another go at and had the sculpt the sleeve and fix some of the cloak.

Here's Ori. I've decided to make all three of these using what is like an Iron Guard Body. For this mini, which started as a Dwarf Archer, I had to smooth out the armor and then add the sleeping pack on his back.

Here's Dori. He started as an Iron Guard with a Dwarf Ranger head with lots of modeling putty on the beard and hair. I also had to smooth over the metal armor and add some leather "plating".

Here's an update on Bombur. I finished modeling him and have started on the banner. Ultimately it will be turned around the other way but I've only sculpted one half of it so you can see the back half right now. In addition to the banner, I'm especially pleased with how the additions to the cloak turned out.


Here's the model I'm going to use to represent Balin. I really like this model with the possible exception of how it looks like his right "shoulder" is up too high. Believe or not, I've fixed this 3 times. Twice I had to tear the weapon arm out and remove all the modeling putty and start over. He'll have to do as he is now. I still think he looks good. I love the Gimli (3 Hunters) sculpt that this model is based from.

Here's Gloin, another of my Dwarf Heros. You've seen WIPs of this model before but I've finished him up and undercoated him white.

This model is Bifur. You've see this one as WIP as well. He's another one that I had to rework an arm. The first version had his arm too short. Hopefully this one looks better. Not sure if I'm completely pleased with him but I think he'll be just fine once painted up.

Finally, here's Thorin Oakenshield. As you can see, I used the Durin model as the base. I added the sword hand from Theoden and had to do a bit of sculpting around the sword to hide the Rohan icongraphy. Before someone points it out, I know that Orcist should match Glamdring but I couldn't find a suitable way to get a Glamdring sword on this mini. Not a lot of models are holding swords in the left hands either and since I had an extra Theoden, I just used that one. I cut away his head and had to have a go a sculpting at least part of a face. I think it came out okay but only time will tell when I paint it up. I added a long droopy hood to Thorin and tied in the long braid in the back of the Durin model to be the "Silver Tassel" that hangs from Thorin's hood. I think it works pretty well. I also had to cover up all the chainmail with leather plating.

Finally, I've started working on Gandalf. Since I needed to represent Gandalf riding Shadowfax, I decided to make some modifications to the horse for this conversion. Shadowfax needs no saddle, tack or bits. I had to cut away the original head, shave down the existing saddle parts and then come up with a new head free of the reins. I went with the Shadowfax model and cut its head off. I'm going to sculpt a new neck (in progress as you can see). I also added Glamdring from the foot version of the model and cut away the hands and robe where Gandalf is holding the reins on the old model.

That's it for now! All the dwarves are finished in terms of sculpting. I need to finish Gandalf and finish the modeling on the banner and then I can get on to painting in full force!!

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:29 am 
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Great sculpting. Bombur could use a little smoothening as the putty is quite rough. You might also want to be careful with how far the armour on the legs extend as they are doing a lot of walking and would want their legs to be free.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:47 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Very nice! I look forward to seeing them all painted. :-D

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