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 Post subject: Rohan Vs. Uruk-Hai - 500pts - 3 Battles
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:28 am 
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This was my first game and is my first battle report. I talked my gf into playing the game and it was cool. Only used one hero per side to keep things simple. ...I forget the precise details of combat and that :roll: but you'll get the general idea hopefully :)


Uruk-Hai Force

1. Uruks. 5 shields, 10 pikes
2. 4 Berserker's
3. 8 Uruks with Crossbow
4. Uruks. 5 shields, 10 pikes.

Rohan Force

1. 5 bows
2. 10 warriors with shields and throwing spears
3. 11 Riders with throwing spears
4. 5 bows, 10 warriors with shields and throwing spears.



I had moved all my Rohan forward and forgot about the shooting penalty so I failed to shot at all. A uruk crossbow took out one of my horse, but the rider was unharmed.


The Uruks pushed forward and where charged by half my riders, the other half broke away and made their way to attack the advancing uruks from the rear which where closing in on my warriors.


The Riders shot at the pikes and crossbows but didn't do much damage.
The uruk crossbows returned the favour and took out some of the riders.

With half the riders locked in combat with the pikes, what was left of the other riders moved to strike at lurtz and the berserker's, who ran straight into rohan arrows, slaying 3 of the berserker's. The riders chasing lurtz and co. where shot down by the crossbows again :shock: but one warrior survived the fall, ran into combat just to get killed. Rohan arrows killed a few of the Uruk crossbows then.

The riders broke from the combat with the pikes. 3 of the pikes chased the riders while the remaining pikes moved against the warriors and legolas with lurtz and co.

On their way the riders took a few shots at the crossbow uruks.

Lutz and the one berserker charged my warriors while my Riders who where fighting the pikes got out of there to try and do what the other riders failed too while legolas and the other warriors jioned the fight with lurtz and co. who where then backed up by half the pikes, while the other half of pikes chased after the Riders.

Those riders made it to the rear of the pikes fighting my warriors but where killed, we resolved the combat at this round and called it a day at that.

We stopped around turn 5 I think, after nearly 2 hours of play. We decided who ever had the most figures standing won the game....she had one more than me...ah well. Rohan on the run and victory for the Uruks. I'll have to get sneaky in the next game

The highlight for me was when Legolas was charged by a berserker backed up by 2 pikes. I was planing on using my might and fate to get him out of this but didn't expel one of gf rolled 4 ones and I got a 3 on one dice even though I was suppose to roll more :D

Its a cool game, we cant wait to play some more, so until the next one :)

Last edited by BizzareWarstar on Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:43 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:29 am
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very good and well done for your first battle report rohan is hard to play with especially against uruks
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:14 am 
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mitch_rohan wrote:
rohan is hard to play with especially against uruks
I'm finding it out the hard way
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 Post subject: Battle 2
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:59 am 
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Same two forces as the previous battle. 500pts each. 1 hero per side.

This is more of a photographic documentation of the battle than it is a battle report. I had great intentions to log all movements and specific kills etc but once I began playing I just wanted to get into the game instead of breaking the flow with each event. I stopped detailing on turn 2 and took photographs at turn 4.

Battle Overview

The over all tactics where straight forward for each force, shot as much as possible then get stuck in. Things where looking good for rohan as the closed in on the uruks, lashing them out of it with spears and arrows. Rohan dominated the priority phase for the first half of the game while the evil mostly got it in the latter turns.

We played for at least 7 or 8 turns, didn't use courage tests and only used M\W\F to add to dice scores and dodge wounds, still just getting use to the rules.

I forgot about the knock down rule for riders and the two-handed weapons rule for the berserkers also forgetting pikes cannot back up berserkers which lead to fatal mistakes later in the game...

pictures aren't all that great either, anyway...


Force Break Down

These where the basic moves between turn 1 and 3, could be 4. The Rohan force did well in the shooting by taking out a Berserker and a few Uruks with shields. The Uruk Crossbows took out 2 warriors and a few Riders.

This is the Riders group that split up to tackle the pikes and uruk crossbows on the right side of the field. In the back ground one Rider lost his steed. While 5 Riders trapped 2 berserkers. The group of warriors with spears and shields to the left of the riders at deployment engaged the same unit of pikes that where attempting to aid the trapped berserkers.

This is the warriors of rohan (whats left of them anyway) that charged the 4 corssbow uruks and Lurtz, they had previously killed the berserker with arrow fire along with a few shield wielding uruks. In turn they where charged by the uruks with shields and pikes, the made short work of the warriors while the rest of the shield and pike uruks made way for legolas and the archers. You'll notice one lonely warrior trapped by 4 crossbow uruks in the background...

...poor git.

2 riders died by the pikes while the remaining 3 riders won over the berserker but failed to wound..

Panning back a bit to take a look at the uruks that charged Legolas and the archers. A good few uruks got put down by the hail of arrows and spears which meant less in combat :)

After the 4 corssbow uruks mangelated that one warrior they turned to face the combat ahead. Lutz and the uruks battled the last few warriors with shields.

Crunch! The 3 riders went straight for the berserker while his pikey friends attacked the riders back. The Crossbows in the background killed a rider and a warrior.
3 rohan warriors left from that unit of 10.

Legolas and the archers are quick to surround the few uruks that made it through the spears and arrows ("fighting in the shade..haha")

Lurtz and his machines of hate are also quick to surround the remaining warriors of rohan.

The evil general's berserker wins the combat against 3 riders and opts to split the dice between the 2 and rolls double 6's! slaying them both and sending to that great "thatched barn" in the sky.

The 3 warriors hold out and stand their ground against the uruks. I see a Rider there, he must have charged the back line of the pikes attacking those 3 warriors while the 5 Riders where attacking the 2 berserkers.

Arrows in their eyes, spears in their knee caps, surrounded by archers with Legolas and their still going.

Lutrz and co. pound the warriors into the ground, a lone warrior prepares to go down fighting...

Back to the Berserker and after killing 2 riders with one swoop of his rusted weapon he goes mental and charges the remaining rider, pikes attack the rider also while the 3 corssbow uruks make their way toward the combat.

At the same time uruks turn around to face the charging rider...

...while the 3 warriors continue to hold the line.

Legolas and the archers swarm in again on the few (hardy out) uruks.

Lutrz changed his mind and with the corssbows turned his attention towards Legolas while he let the boys finish the one warrior off.

The rider that attacked the pikes from behind fled that battle by jumping clear over the side of the tree mound, opposite him the rider facing the berserker lost the combat and made towards legolas...

...who still has to take care of one last uruk while preparing the warriors for a last stand. As he does the Uruks draw closer as the pursue the fleeing riders.

The boyz go to catch up with lurtz after they'd finished with the rohan warrior...

A lot of shots exchanged here as Lurtz moves in.

Both riders are locked in combat with the uruks who where chasing them while Lutrz and his force crash into legolas and the last few warriors...

...who courageously charge Lutrz in a last ditch effort to at least kill him.

One of the riders falls to the pikes and crossbows

More uruks smash into the warriors as the continue the fall under a crushing forest of iron.

The last rider looks to see Legolas fading into darkness before a uruk hacks the horses leg off sending the rider towards the tip of a pike, his body sliding down slowly as the uruk roars in victory....

"Hail the victorious dead..." "Hail!"

Man of the match
Took on 5 horses, killed 2, ran the another and manged to make it across to have a go at legolas's last stand...

...In saying that an honorable mention has to be given to this single archer for beating the berserker back who destroyed those two riders with one chop and also for standing back to back with legolas before all turned to silver glass...
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:54 pm 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 6:07 pm
Posts: 112
Nice report but I'm gettign the idea that you somhow don't get you're points out of those riders. are you giving them +1 attack on the charge and double it to wound (4 attacks) and remeber that you're riders also can have bows.
wel done nevertheless 8)

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:55 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I too doi like such kind of reports as the pic sometimes say more than words :rofl:

nice on nice one :rofl:

I am the Mouth of Sauron, here him speak'
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:45 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:36 am
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Really nice reports :)
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:51 pm 
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joris267 wrote:
I'm gettign the idea that you somhow don't get you're points out of those riders. are you giving them +1 attack on the charge and double it to wound (4 attacks) and remeber that you're riders also can have bows.

Yeah I was using the +1 attack and the bows plus throwing spears, but I forgot at times about the spears. i didn't know the riders had double attacks to wound though, thats welcome news.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:35 pm 
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BizzareWarstar wrote:
joris267 wrote:
I'm gettign the idea that you somhow don't get you're points out of those riders. are you giving them +1 attack on the charge and double it to wound (4 attacks) and remeber that you're riders also can have bows.

Yeah I was using the +1 attack and the bows plus throwing spears, but I forgot at times about the spears. i didn't know the riders had double attacks to wound though, thats welcome news.

You get +1 for charging, If you win a combat which you charged, they get knocked over. Meaning you get double attacks (4!), thats what makes riders so great on the charge.

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 Post subject: Battle 3 500pts uruk vs rohan
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:39 am 
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Same forces as the last two battles 500pts each with one hero,. I forgot to mention I was playing against my brother in the last battle. For this one however my gf is controlling the Uruks.

Rohan had the priority in the first 3 turns. From then on the Uruks dominated the priority. unbelievable.
We also used the fog of war set up, placing large partitions in the middle of the battle field so we couldn't see each others deployment.

So were well into phase 3 here. The uruk force has been broken down into small units and have almost a line going across the field. Rohan, riders to the left, warriors down the middle accompanied by legolas and the archers to the right. A lot of the uruks suffered greatly during the shooting phase, pikes, shields and crossbows where taken out.

I only moved my riders half so they could shoot the incoming uruks, I was planning on shooting them right up until I had to go into combat, done the same with the bowmen.

I thought I was being clever moving my horses back so I could get in a few shoots in the next phase before engaging in combat, winning the priority 3 times in a row made me get carried away with movement assumptions.
I knew the Uruks would just keep coming forward but not enough the charge my riders so I made sure though that my riders could charge them in the next phase.
I thought I had my warriors at a safe distance from the Uruks with pikes'n'shields supported by Berserkers, I didn't though...I was planning on doing the same here, just let them fall outside charge so I can charge them and get the chance to take a few out with throwing spears before we got locked in combat.

The riders and archers done better in the shooting phase than the uruk crossbows.

Evil gets movement priority! And it just dawned on riders are going to get charged now and I wont be able to try out my new shiny knock down bonus... A wall of black metal rushed towards the riders another supported by lurtz and berserkers against my warriors. 3 of my archers faced 3 pike Uruks while 4 broke away to shot.






Combat resolution. Evil priority.

Riders got piked to death...

warriors got beaten back ...

3 archers got tore apart...

Next Turn....
...evil gets priority again and charges everything. What can men do against such reckless hate?” I just charged with what I had left to support who ever was in combat.







combat resolution

I used legolas to take out the uruk crossbows on the top left of the feld, expelling might points to do so. We weren't playing heroic actions so I said I might as well.

Riders got beat back, lost a lot of combat to horrible dice rolls and draws. (some of the minis are not correctly facing there respective combatant)




Move. Evil priority again.




Combat resolution




Move....evil priority






Move and combat evil priority.




Sorry for no comments but nothing eventful really happened to go into detail,, both forces where just expanding and contracting between combat's for the last few rounds.

Anyway, dead

In the end...
That's three solid losses for me in a row. Lost every combat and everyone died in that last combat phase to evil rolls of 5's and 6's. It was the worse game for me when it came to rolling dice....randomness is a curious thing. However I thought then that how I deploy my troops is going to be very important esp when their fight value is lower than the Uruks. Also it has made me aware of how important heroic actions are going to be, so with Eomer and Aragon in there it should make a difference. In saying that though the uruk force will have 3 captains and a banner, with an optional 48 goblins and 1 troll. The captains are cheap compared to my heroes in respect to their might and such, but they wont have as much to use as I do, then again the will have swarming numbers....I'm going to paint my Elf Havens army. Expensive elves with heavy armour, elf blades and archers lead by Elrond and optional Legolas.....and possible an Ent for luck. anyway thanks for checking this out 'n take care.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:23 am 

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are you doing the points correctly he seems to have way to many uruk-hai all the time. also never openly charge your measly warriorsd of rohan split them up into decent groups and make him split his men upo that way hell/shell have less chance of slaughtering your men as openly charging then with warriors of rohan is MADNESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:33 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Well You might as well keep your riders behind the Rohirrim so that when Y engage, Y can cut his support off by sending in a lot of RoR.

Also heroic actions are one of the main things in the came and I woukld advice You to have a hero to lead your Riders cause then he can make a heroic move to keep either them form gettign slaughtered or Y can charge with them and thus get a good amount of bonuses on the charge...

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:38 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:11 pm
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Your models are very nicely painted. 8)
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:44 pm 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 6:07 pm
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I think you're main problem is that you have given all youre wariors of rohan throwing spears. throwing spears are good but if you have so much of them you can't field a lot of numbers.

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