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 Post subject: worst part of the movies
PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:30 pm 
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legolas sliding down on the shield and gimli counting his kills almost ruined the movie for me. does anyone else hate those parts and think someone should be shot over it?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:01 pm 

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The Shield slide, yes that did annoy me, it was like WTF as if!

However the counting of kills i did think was entertaining, i can imagine people doing that in real wars.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:03 pm 
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I particularly dislike the fact that the Cave Troll actually gets into Balin's tomb, rather than being stabbed in the toe and running away. Also, the fact that the third film ends about halfway through the book.

Oh, and the fairy-tale triumph of good over evil, that gets my goat too.

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 Post subject: Re: worst part of the movies
PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:11 pm 
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bigfruits wrote:
legolas sliding down on the shield and gimli counting his kills almost ruined the movie for me. does anyone else hate those parts and think someone should be shot over it?

Does that mean you didn't like that part in the book too? 'Cause they were counting kills there too. The bit that I didn't really like was how they didn't intoduce the GC. I was actually waiting for it after I had read the books and was sorely disappointed.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:54 pm 
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A few "Legolas moments" annoyed the bejeezus out of me:
The shield slide, the Mumak-kill, the "Red sky - blood has been spilled this night" quote sounding like a bad attempt at Navajo mysticism, the kung-fu fighting in Meduseld, and the list goes on.

I disliked the avalache of skulls intensely because it served no purpose and seemed like a ridiculously complex trap to lay and one that the Dead would have great trouble resetting for the next victim.

Um, what else? There was a shot of Sam looking totally gormless at the start of the first movie during Bilbo's voice-over - he picks up a flower pot and holds it up with tears in his eyes almost. He looked soooo goofy.

And then there was the end(less) scene(s) where Frodo says good-bye. "Oh just get on the ******* boat, this movie should've finished an hour ago."

Maybe I'm just too cynical in my old age.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:52 am 
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Dagorlad wrote:
I disliked the avalache of skulls intensely because it served no purpose and seemed like a ridiculously complex trap to lay and one that the Dead would have great trouble resetting for the next victim.

Yeah, but what else do the Dead have to do with their free time?
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:06 am 
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The over long scene at the end of RotK is my pet hate.

I wish some things had made it into the films - Dol Amroth, done properly with no coneheads would have saved a lot of anguish...

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:55 am 
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oh yeah. the extended farewell at the boat scene. i had to to a leak real bad and was cursing that scene. it looked like they were about to make out.

i dont remember them counting kills in the book so it must not have been as cheesy, but then again, its been over 10 yrs since i read them.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:46 pm 
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Arwen meeting up with them insted of Glorfindel. In the one from 1978 i belive it is Legolas so never right. And the one thing that irirtates me the most is that Aragon is receving Anduril from Elrond before entering the path of the dead. He should carry it from the start! And Aragorn in the films never wanna be the king. In the books it is a bit different.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:21 pm 
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01. Aragorn running to Boromir just after he killed Lurtz at Amon Hen...he looked gormless and stoopid...bad bit of acting there Mr Mortensen!
02. Numerous amounts of Frodo's eyes rolling into the back of his head each time the ring took hold.
03. Sam's gormless look at the beginning when he stares at the plant pot.
04. Sam ignoring Rosie all the time when any red blooded male would have just got stuck in there !
05. Barliman Buttebur describing Gandalf ... 'big grey beard...pointy hat', pathetic line, Barliman knew exactly who Gandalf was.
06. The torch thrown into the Ringwraiths head at weathertop...most ridiculous and annoying part of the trilogy for me, very badly filmed.
07. Council of Elrond...the 2 men either side of Boromir just sit looking gorlmlessly straight ahead when Boromir is speaking.
08. Aragorns 'bow and arrow' stance standing next to Legolas in Balins Tomb, looked like he had never used a bow before.
09. Waiting for the Orcs to arrive in Balins Tomb, killing em all and then simply running through a hole in the wall for the second attack...why didn't they just do that the first time ?
10. The animation sequence of Frodo and Aragorn on the broken steps leading down to the bridge of Khazad-Dum, where the stairs fall towards the rest of the fellowshiop and the two of them jump. It looked like backward projection from the old days.
I could go on and on, but I'll leave it there !

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:32 pm 
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DurinsBane wrote:
04. Sam ignoring Rosie all the time when any red blooded male would have just got stuck in there !

That could have something to do with Sam looking longingly at Mr. Frodo Sir every 2 seconds throughout the 3 films...

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:39 pm 
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okay, the bit in the TT, the terrible counting of uruks gimli and legolas had killed. They both claim 43 (when gimli is sitting on one).

Now, on the battlements, legolas claimed 19, then he shoots at the rope of the ladder support later on when inside the keep, the ladder falls and about 60 uruks get crushed, bad counting don't you think...

Imagine him standing and asking each and averyone of them if he crushed them :twisted:

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:43 pm 
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Corsair wrote:
Imagine him standing and asking each and averyone of them if he crushed them :twisted:

Thankfully, that didn't happen, although, if it had, we could have added it to this list.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:07 am 
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i hate how the womt kinda suck at fighting were as peter jackson made the rohan worriors so much better

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:51 am 
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i hate how the womt kinda suck at fighting were as peter jackson made the rohan worriors so much better

Yes, If you watch, only one WoMT successfully "wins" combat and "kills"; you see him pole-vault an orc after the Gates of MT are knocked open.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:58 pm 
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gaarew wrote:
Corsair wrote:
Imagine him standing and asking each and averyone of them if he crushed them :twisted:

Thankfully, that didn't happen, although, if it had, we could have added it to this list.


thats true - legolas cannot count though :P

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:15 pm 
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I didn't like that Frodo kept complaining, "oooh I can't do it Sam" and "the Ring's too heavy Sam". In the book Tolkien only mentions it a few times and on those occassions I think it reflected how strong the hobbits were in comparison to men, not a 3 hour long moan!

I also cringe every time Eowyn 'sings' that song in the Two Towers Extended Edition during Theodreds burial, urrrgh! Gives me the shivers thinking about it.

Ooh and how about the Army of the Dead arriving on the Pelennor Fields, that scene is the worst of them all. PJ should have left them at Pelargir and definitely should have had Imrahil and the other Fiefs. However none of them 'ruined' the movie for me, I still find them highly entertaining :)

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:21 pm 
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My biggest beef was with the Extended RotK, when Saruman is on top of Orthanc tower and talking down to the Company. Orthanc is 500 feet tall, and they were talking as if they were seperated by maybe three or so...their voices would never have carried all that way!!

He should've been standing on the balcony like he did in the books... :?

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 2:56 pm 

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they're wizards there words travell far.

for some reason I hate the ents atacking orthanc, just seams unrealistic to me, and the fact that the last half of the third book is missing.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:23 pm 
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the end... I want another 30 hours...

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