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 Post subject: One Campaign to Rule Them All
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:22 pm 
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Welcome all ye Baggins and Boffins, Took, Chubbs, Bracegirdles and Proudfoots...or Proudfeet!

This is my first post but I've been played the SBG since Two Towers.
This will be a long post, and hopefully one of many. I would appreciate all comments and I'm certain if this interests anyone there will be lots of questions-as I have not yet answered all of my own!
I have begun the quest to create a 4-player capmaign called, not so originally, "The War of the Ring", beginning with the Fellowship in Rivendell.

You win the game by either a) Destroying or Capturing the Ring (depending on whether you are Good or Evil) or b) by conquering 2 of the opposing sides' Strongholds.

The game will use a combination of the LotR: Risk Trilogy Edition for the large overall campaign map and the Strategy Battle Game to resolve battles onthe strategic board (rather than just rolling dice like in Risk). One battalion in Risk will be equal to 50 pts. in the Battle game.

There are four teams:
1. The Realms of the Dark Lord: Made up of Mordor, Dol Guldur, the Easterlings, Umbar and Harad. By far the most powerful in the game, at least in terms of strategic economic comparisons. Their Strongholds are The Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Dol Guldur, and the City of the Corsairs of Umbar.

2. Isengard & Moria: Made up, obviously, of Isengard and Moria but also encompassing other various Orc settlements not directly under the sway of Sauron such as Mt. Gundabad, Angmar, and some of Rhun. They will be Evil's first wave of attack and should harass the Ring early on. Isengard and Moria are their Strongholds.

3. The Elves and Elf-Friends Made up of Rivendell, the Havens, most of Eriador, the Shire, Lothlorien, Thranduils Halls in Mirkwood, the Dwarves of Erebor and the Men of Dale, and the Rangers of the Lost Realm of Arnor. While defending a wide area against both enemies, the Elf-Friends must also protect the Ring from Rivendell until it leaves Lothlorien. The Grey Havens and Rivendell are their Strongholds.

4. The Race of Men This encompasses only Rohan and Gondor. Their Strongholds are Helm's Deep and Minas Tirith. Most of the Enemy's might will be sent to capture Men' s two vulnerable strongholds, as losing both of these ensures an Evil victory. Men also control the Fellowship from Rauros until reaches the Mountain of Fire.

Lastly, each Player will have a 52-card deck, playable by their Heroes/Villains, which I have written up but not yet made. These cards are meant to ensure every major event in the Lord of the Rings (either the books or movies) are possible, and to give each sides strategic advantages they really had in Middle Earth.

For example, Sauruman has 30 of I/M's 52 card deck and 20 of these are called "A New Power is Arising- gain 2 battalions/100pts. in Isengard."

Sauron has 30 of his side's cards as well, divided into 15 for the Ring of Power (cards meant to hinder the Ringbearer's Quest and corrupt him into seizing the Ring for himself) and the Great Eye (cards such as "There Can Be No Victory" or "The Gathering of All Evil" which grant extra armies on the strategic map.

Good Heroes are more numerous and thus their deck is divided amongst more of them. Elrond and Galadriel lead the Elves' deck with 12 each. Most Elvish cards are based upon making their lands more defendible and giving the Ring nudges along the way (or in Elrond's case, helping Aragorn in his struggles).

Gandalf the White leads Men's deck with 14 cards, and Aragorn close behind with 12. The Race of Men have far more militaristic cards meant for bonuses within battles using the SBG, such as Theoden's "Forth Eorlingas!- all Rohan models within 9" of Theoden receive +1 to their Strength for the next 5 turns.", Gimli's "Khazad-ai menu!- for every 5 models Gimli kills in the current battle he receives an extra pt. of Might.", or Aragorn's ability to summon the Army of the Dead for one battle.

Again, I know I will need to explain more, just curious on the amount of interest this post will generate and if anyone even understands where I'm hoping to take this concept. Any ideas are more than welcome and I would show anyone my designed decks for criticism as well.

May the Stars Shine Upon the Day of Our Meeting! (an old Elvsih good-bye)
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:00 pm 

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i think the evil side is a little overpowered. well the realms of the dark lord are definitely. if the city of the corsairs of umbar is counted as a stronghold, so should for example edoras and dol amroth for men. other than that it sounds like good fun and very well thought out!!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:40 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Thats very interesting - I have never seen this sort of thing in action although from time to time, I think about things like this.

great to see it in practice - Have you played with this system yet?

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:03 am 
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Sounds like fun, now I have to buy LOTR risk! :)
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:10 am 
Elven Warrior
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This sounds like a good idea but I'm curious as to how 4 people would play it. Is this an online War of the Ring campaign or do you play it at home with 4 local friends? Have you designed a rules manual for this as well? :shock:

Btw I would love to see those cards :D

Looking forward to hearing more

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:37 pm 
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I am hoping to make Evil over-powered, as all Good has to do is simply hold on long enough for the Ring to be destroyed. I want to capture the utter hopelessness of Good's war against the might of Sauron.

I forgot two Victory Condition for Evil; they can win the game by killing Good Heroes. Good Heroes will be worth what amounts to a ransom, with 1-star, 2-star, and 3-star Heroes.
Also, they may 'corrupt' the Ringbearer and other Good Heroes. Some cards will give certain Villains the ability to add Corruption points to their profile, and once a Hero's corruption exceeds their Couage, they are lost (if this happens to the Ringbearer the game is over).

Yes, a complete rules manual is on the way! (I am sooooo single...)
In short, the Fellowship moves from Rivendell, each side begins with 6 cards of their choosing and of the 4 'nations' only Elves and Sauron start the game in a state of war. I/M will be the next to ready themselves for war, and Wormtongue will aid them with his cards in keeping Men out of it for as long as possible. The Good players decide when to Break the Fellowship and send Frodo and any other members they choose into Mordor and to send the rest to join in the War of the Ring. Evil may make attacks against the Fellowship just as against a territory held by Good.

I suppose this could be an online game, but so far I've been designing it for 4 of my friends here in Ohio. By the way we all have extensive collections of models, at least for our needs, and I don't plan on having this entirely set up until Christmas. We have play tested ALOT with the Risk game which I have altered significantly to make it more complex and it works well. Now all we have to do is incoorporate GW into it! If anyone has played LotR Risk Trilogy Edition I'll go into the changes I've made there as well.

Anyway, I'll show you the Elven cards I've come up with so far! I'll post the other 4 in seperate posts. If anyone knows a way to actually create these with Photoshop or any software and print them out, let me know! The number next to the Hero's name is how many cards they have and the *** is how many Victory points they are worth dead. When Evil accumulates 16*'s they win.

(This will also be a long post)

The Elves & Elf-Friends
Galadriel*** 9
The Mirror of Galadriel: choose any Good hero to recover all lost Fate points.
The Ring of Adamant: This ring maintains the world as it once was and stays the effects of time. As such, no one can attack until the Elves’ next turn.
The Power of the Land: All Elves that suffer a wound during any battle in Lothloríen may roll 1D6. With a roll of a 6 the wound is recovered. (x4 of this card)
Gifts of Galadríel: All members of the Fellowship can include Elven Cloaks for free in any scenario for the duration of the game.
Rest From Much Toil: The Ring stays in Lothloríen until the Elves‘ next turn.
The Lady of the Golden Wood: Within the Realm of Loríen and Lothloríen Galadriel and Celeborn both pass all Fate rolls with 2+ (rather than 4) for the duration of the game.

Celeborn*** 2
Elven Boats: The Fellowship moves directly to the Falls of Rauros once it leaves Lothloríen.
The Lord of the Golden Wood: Gain 1 battalion in Loríen and Lothloríen.

Elrond*** 8
The Gift of Foresight: Look at the next 3 cards of your draw pile and reorder them as you see fit. (x4)
The Power of the Land: If any Evil force invading Rivendell is reduced to less than 350 points it is instantly destroyed.
Reforge the Sword: For the price of 1 battalion Elrond receives the sword Andúril.
Become Who You Were Born To Be: Search the Race of Men's draw pile for Aragorn’s “The Paths of the Dead” and add it to their hand. Then reshuffle the draw pile.
The Council of Elrond: The Fellowship stays in Rivendell until Elves' next turn and both Good Players may look into one another’s starting hands.

Círdan*** 2
The Shipwright: Ships are built at 80% cost in the port of the Grey Havens.
Master of the Havens: Gain 1 battalion each in the Grey Havens, Mithlond, and the adjacent naval port.

Arwen Evenstar** 2
The Grace of the Valar: Aragorn recovers all wounds, and lost M/W/F from the previous battle.
The Passing of the Grey Company: 9 Rangers of the North led by Halbarad (carrying Arwen’s banner) are instantly brought to the territory Aragorn is in.

Treebeard** 3
The Entmoot: Treebeard, Quickbeam and 3 Entish Warriors are activated in Fangorn Forest and will instantly do battle with any Evil force there. However, they may never venture out of Fangorn and/or Isengard.
The Last March of the Ents: When Ents are attacking a stronghold it loses all its stronghold advantages.
Don’t Be Hasty: Play after Evil plays a card. The Evil Player must keep that card in their hand until their next turn on the Risk board.

Thranduíl** 1
King of the Woodland Realm: Gain 1 battalion each in the Elven Halls and North Mirkwood.

Gandalf the Grey** 4
Fly You Fools!: If any Villain is within 6” of Gandalf he may inflict 2 wounds upon it for every 1 he takes upon himself.
Encouraging Thoughts: All members of the Fellowship are rid of all Corruption points.
Servant of the Secret Fire: Gandalf receives +1 Might, +1 Will and +1 Fate for the current battle.
Swords Are No More Use Here: Gandalf brings the Balrog to single combat in the scenario “The Bridge of Khazâd-dûm”.

Haldír* 1
Friend of All Free Folk: Instantly move Haldír and 4 battalions of Elves to any Good territory.

Gwahir* 1
The Eagles Are Coming!: If Sauron includes any Ringwraiths on Fell Beasts in the current battle they are instantly removed from play. Note that this does not effect the Witch-King.

King Daín Ironfoot* 1
King Under the Mountain: Gain 1 battalion each in Erebor and Esgaroth.

Radagast the Brown* 1
Protector of Animals: Radagast is activated in any territory in Mirkwood or Arnor, but can never leave these Realms.

Strider* 2
The Argonath, My Kin: Aragorn receives +2 Might and +1 Fate during any one battle fought at the Falls of Rauros.
Lead Them On Aragorn: Because of his Ranger ability, this card allows Strider and the Fellowship to escape one attempt by Evil to “Hunt the Ring”.

Samwise Gamgee 3
Samwise the Brave: Sam may take any failed Courage test for Frodo. If he passes it is as if Frodo had passed it himself. (x2)
Don’t You Leave Him: Sam may remove 2 points of Corruption from Frodo.

Frodo Baggins: 8
Incredible Resistance to Its Evil: Frodo is rid of one Corruption point. (x6)
A Light When All Others Go Out: Frodo may include the Phial of Eärendíl for free in the curremt battle. This will make Frodo a Terrifying Enemy for all Evil Creatures and also has the effects of casting a Blinding Light.
The Taming of Smeagol: This card can only be played once the Fellowship has broken. The Ring automatically moves from the current territory.

The Valar: 4
The Will of the West: Search either Good draw pile for any card and reshuffle. (x2)
Other Forces Beside the Will of Evil: Look at the top 4 cards in either Evil draw pile. Place one at the bottom of their deck and re-order the other 3 as you see fit. (x2)
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:37 pm 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 6:07 pm
Posts: 112
looks fun but why arn't samwise and frodo worth stars and why is aragrorn only worth one star?

live good and you will be rewarded
live bad and you will have fun
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:53 pm 

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aragorn is only one star, in my opinion, because he is still only strider. i think in the men list of heroes he will be worth 3, because that is his true realm. he isn't one of the MAJOR elven heroes, but he is a major hero of men... am i correct, tFotW??

i see your point about overpowering evil. maybe though make it a LITTLE easier for the good side, as all odds are against them and that could put people off...
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:55 am 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 6:07 pm
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as stridder he was the leader of the dunedean, I would make him 2 stars.

live good and you will be rewarded
live bad and you will have fun
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:16 pm 

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joris267 wrote:
as stridder he was the leader of the dunedean, I would make him 2 stars.

yeah but the dunedain were of the kingdom of men, not elves. i think all of those stats are spot on, except perhaps frodo, who should have 1 star, unless there are further rules regarding the fellowship on the way...
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:07 pm 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 6:07 pm
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if frodo is killed evil wins

live good and you will be rewarded
live bad and you will have fun
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:46 pm 
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Correct Jorus, Frodo is worth no stars for that reason. Sam is worth none because he is basically Frodo's bodyguard and the fact that Good loses him is enough I think.

By the way, I think Good's cards are a lot better than Evil's and that should go a long way towards balancing the game. I plan on playing as the World of Men in the first game, which will defiinitely have the hardest time, and we'll see how it goes. I think you'll go into SBG battles where Evil has, say, a 1500 to 750 pt advantage but with well-timed card play a Hero could easily make himself worth double his point cost.

Here you go you tricksy little Hobbitses, I shall post the Race of Men's cards:

The Race of Men

Gandalf the White*** 14
I, Am Gandalf the White: if Gandalf the Grey has been killed, you may bring Gandalf the White into any territory you wish (but not a Site of Power). Evil loses any Victory Points obtained for killing Gandalf the Grey.
Help Unlooked For: Gandalf may leave a besieged stronghold before the battle begins to gather all forces within 3 spaces into a relief force.
The New White Wizard: If Gandalf breaks Sauruman’s staff then this card causes him to lose the ability to play cards for the duration of the game.
The Defences Have to Hold: Search your draw pile and bring one card of any Hero located in the same stronghold as Gandalf into your hand. Reshuffle the draw deck afterwards.
Go Back to the Abyss!: Any one Villain within 6” of Gandalf loses all Might and Fate points.
The White Rider: If Gandalf is in a Good Site of Power, the Good Player controlling that territory may draw 2 cards. (x2)
Encouraging Thoughts: Any Good Hero (other than Denethor) within 6” of Gandalf is cleansed of all Corruption. (x3)
The Deep Breath Before the Plunge: Mordor may not attack on their next turn.
Death is Just Another Path: Play if Gandalf the White has died. Evil receives no Victory Points for killing Gandalf.

Aragorn*** 10
The Heir of Elendil: Aragorn gains the magical ability "Will of Iron" at the strength of 2+.
The Return of the King: if Aragorn arrives in the stronghold of Minas Tirith, Men receive 5 battalions/250 pts. there.
The Paths of the Dead: if Aragorn is adjacent to the White Mountains he moves to Erech, where he summons the Army of the Dead. They will fight in any one battle for Isildur’s Heir.
The Flame of the West: if Aragorn is in the same territory as Elrond or Halbarad and Elrond has "Reforged the Sword", give Aragorn Andúril. He is equipped with this sword in any scenario for the remainder of the game for no extra points cost.
King Elessar: If Aragorn is included in an army as King Elessar, all Good Warriors and Heroes gain +1 to their Courage for the duration of the battle.
Show Them No Mercy!: any Good models within 9” of Aragorn receive +1 to their Strength for the next 2 turns.
Every Hour’s Lost Haste is Gondor’s Defeat: Aragorn and any forces moving with him move 4 spaces this turn, rather than the normal 3.
There is Always Hope: Draw 3 cards at the beginning of any battle in which Aragorn will fight and Men are outnumbered.
Open War is Upon You: Men are brought into Open War.
The Palantír of Orthanc: Use this card only once Isengard has been conquered. If Aragorn passes a Courage test, Sauron must reveal his hand and play every card that he can currently play.

Denethor*** 5
The Eyes of the White Tower: look into the hand of any other Player. (x3)
I Wish Your Places Exchanged: Boromir and Faramir’s locations on the board are instantly switched. Note that this cannot bring one dead son back at the expense of the living one, or alter the Fellowship once it has left Rivendell.
Light the Beacons: May be played anytime after Sauron’s “The Old Alliances are Dead” card and allows battalions to cross over the Gondor/Rohan border.

Theóden*** 5
Forth Eórlingas!: all Rohan models within 9” of Theóden receive +1 to all Strength rolls for the next 5 turns. (x2)
The Muster of Rohan: Rohan gains 1 battalion/50pts. each in Helm’s Deep, West Rohan, Edoras, the Gap of Rohan, and the Wold.
For Death and Glory: Once Rohan is reduced to less than 50%, no Rohan model may retreat, but they need not take Courage tests to stay in the current battle.
The Hour We Draw Swords Together: if Theóden and Aragorn are within 3” of one another they both recover all spent M/W/F.

Boromir** 4
The Pride of Gondor: Boromir may include the Banner of Minas Tirith for free in any battle that Gondor fields at least 10 battalions/500pts.
Master of War: Gothmog may not use his ‘Master of Battle’ ability against Boromir in the current battle.
Called Home By Silver Trumpets: If Boromir returns to Minas Tirith from the Fellowship he becomes ‘Boromir, Captain of the White Tower’ and Gondor receives 3 battalions/150pts there.
Greatest Champion of Gondor: Boromir receives +1 Might and +1 Fate for the current battle.

Faramir** 4
A Chance to Show His Quality: Completely rids Faramir of all Corruption, or Faramir receives 3 Might pts. for the duration of the current battle.
A Charmed Life: Faramir recovers his lost Fate points if he has none.
Ambush in Ithilien: If any battle occurs for the remainder of the game in Ithilien and Faramir is there, the battle is fought using the “Ambush in Ithilien” scenario from the Pelennor Fields Sourcebook.
Called Home By Silver Trumpets: If Faramir returns to Minas Tirith from the Fellowship, he recieves +1 to his Defence and Courage; Gondor also receives 3 battalions/150pts there.

Theodred** 0
(Theodred has no cards, but is worth 2 Victory pts for the Evil Side)

Eómer** 4
The Ride of the Rohirrim: A Rohan army with Eómer in it may pass through an occupied territory to attack one behind it.
Death!: Once Rohan is reduced to less than 50%, no Rohan model may retreat, but they need not take Courage tests to stay in the fight.
The Wrath of Rohan: If Eómer intercepts the Sauruman's “Fighting Uruk-Hai“, resolve the battle using the “Wrath of Rohan” scenario from the Two Towers Sourcebook.
Eómer’s Rage: Eómer gains +3 Might during the current battle.

Legolas* 1
Legolas gains +1 Might for every 5 enemy models he kills. These points must be used in the current battle.

Gimli* 1
Khazâd-aî-menû!: Gimli gains +1 Might for every 5 enemy models he kills. These points must be used in the current battle.

Merry* 1
Esquire of Rohan: Play anytime after Merry has killed an enemy model while being used in a Rohan army. Merry gains +1 Fight, Strength, and Courage permanently.

Pippin* 1
Guard of the Citadel Indeed: Play anytime after Pippin has killed an enemy model while being used in a Gondor army. Pippin gains +1 Fight, Strength, and Courage permanently.

Eówyn* 2
I am No Man!: the Witch-King may not cast spells against Eówyn.
Your Words Are Poison: Completely negates the effect of any Grima Wormtongue card.

Prince Imrahil (no Victory Points) 2
Inspiration: all Gondor models within 12” of Imrahil may re-roll any 1 during a Courage test for the duration of the current battle.
Initiative: Imrahil may make one attack during an Evil Player's turn before they make their first attack.

Comments and Question welcome! Anyone interested enough to see the cards I've devised for Evil? Any ideas how to print these out?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:49 pm 
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Correct Jorus, Frodo is worth no stars for that reason. Sam is worth none because he is basically Frodo's bodyguard and the fact that Good loses him is enough I think.

By the way, I think Good's cards are a lot better than Evil's and that should go a long way towards balancing the game. I plan on playing as the World of Men in the first game, which will defiinitely have the hardest time, and we'll see how it goes. I think you'll go into SBG battles where Evil has, say, a 1500 to 750 pt advantage but with well-timed card play a Hero could easily make himself worth double his point cost.

Here you go you tricksy little Hobbitses, I shall post the Race of Men's cards:

The Race of Men

Gandalf the White*** 14
I, Am Gandalf the White: if Gandalf the Grey has been killed, you may bring Gandalf the White into any territory you wish (but not a Site of Power). Evil loses any Victory Points obtained for killing Gandalf the Grey.
Help Unlooked For: Gandalf may leave a besieged stronghold before the battle begins to gather all forces within 3 spaces into a relief force.
The New White Wizard: If Gandalf breaks Sauruman’s staff then this card causes him to lose the ability to play cards for the duration of the game.
The Defences Have to Hold: Search your draw pile and bring one card of any Hero located in the same stronghold as Gandalf into your hand. Reshuffle the draw deck afterwards.
Go Back to the Abyss!: Any one Villain within 6” of Gandalf loses all Might and Fate points.
The White Rider: If Gandalf is in a Good Site of Power, the Good Player controlling that territory may draw 2 cards. (x2)
Encouraging Thoughts: Any Good Hero (other than Denethor) within 6” of Gandalf is cleansed of all Corruption. (x3)
The Deep Breath Before the Plunge: Mordor may not attack on their next turn.
Death is Just Another Path: Play if Gandalf the White has died. Evil receives no Victory Points for killing Gandalf.

Aragorn*** 10
The Heir of Elendil: Aragorn gains the magical ability "Will of Iron" at the strength of 2+.
The Return of the King: if Aragorn arrives in the stronghold of Minas Tirith, Men receive 5 battalions/250 pts. there.
The Paths of the Dead: if Aragorn is adjacent to the White Mountains he moves to Erech, where he summons the Army of the Dead. They will fight in any one battle for Isildur’s Heir.
The Flame of the West: if Aragorn is in the same territory as Elrond or Halbarad and Elrond has "Reforged the Sword", give Aragorn Andúril. He is equipped with this sword in any scenario for the remainder of the game for no extra points cost.
King Elessar: If Aragorn is included in an army as King Elessar, all Good Warriors and Heroes gain +1 to their Courage for the duration of the battle.
Show Them No Mercy!: any Good models within 9” of Aragorn receive +1 to their Strength for the next 2 turns.
Every Hour’s Lost Haste is Gondor’s Defeat: Aragorn and any forces moving with him move 4 spaces this turn, rather than the normal 3.
There is Always Hope: Draw 3 cards at the beginning of any battle in which Aragorn will fight and Men are outnumbered.
Open War is Upon You: Men are brought into Open War.
The Palantír of Orthanc: Use this card only once Isengard has been conquered. If Aragorn passes a Courage test, Sauron must reveal his hand and play every card that he can currently play.

Denethor*** 5
The Eyes of the White Tower: look into the hand of any other Player. (x3)
I Wish Your Places Exchanged: Boromir and Faramir’s locations on the board are instantly switched. Note that this cannot bring one dead son back at the expense of the living one, or alter the Fellowship once it has left Rivendell.
Light the Beacons: May be played anytime after Sauron’s “The Old Alliances are Dead” card and allows battalions to cross over the Gondor/Rohan border.

Theóden*** 5
Forth Eórlingas!: all Rohan models within 9” of Theóden receive +1 to all Strength rolls for the next 5 turns. (x2)
The Muster of Rohan: Rohan gains 1 battalion/50pts. each in Helm’s Deep, West Rohan, Edoras, the Gap of Rohan, and the Wold.
For Death and Glory: Once Rohan is reduced to less than 50%, no Rohan model may retreat, but they need not take Courage tests to stay in the current battle.
The Hour We Draw Swords Together: if Theóden and Aragorn are within 3” of one another they both recover all spent M/W/F.

Boromir** 4
The Pride of Gondor: Boromir may include the Banner of Minas Tirith for free in any battle that Gondor fields at least 10 battalions/500pts.
Master of War: Gothmog may not use his ‘Master of Battle’ ability against Boromir in the current battle.
Called Home By Silver Trumpets: If Boromir returns to Minas Tirith from the Fellowship he becomes ‘Boromir, Captain of the White Tower’ and Gondor receives 3 battalions/150pts there.
Greatest Champion of Gondor: Boromir receives +1 Might and +1 Fate for the current battle.

Faramir** 4
A Chance to Show His Quality: Completely rids Faramir of all Corruption, or Faramir receives 3 Might pts. for the duration of the current battle.
A Charmed Life: Faramir recovers his lost Fate points if he has none.
Ambush in Ithilien: If any battle occurs for the remainder of the game in Ithilien and Faramir is there, the battle is fought using the “Ambush in Ithilien” scenario from the Pelennor Fields Sourcebook.
Called Home By Silver Trumpets: If Faramir returns to Minas Tirith from the Fellowship, he recieves +1 to his Defence and Courage; Gondor also receives 3 battalions/150pts there.

Theodred** 0
(Theodred has no cards, but is worth 2 Victory pts for the Evil Side)

Eómer** 4
The Ride of the Rohirrim: A Rohan army with Eómer in it may pass through an occupied territory to attack one behind it.
Death!: Once Rohan is reduced to less than 50%, no Rohan model may retreat, but they need not take Courage tests to stay in the fight.
The Wrath of Rohan: If Eómer intercepts the Sauruman's “Fighting Uruk-Hai“, resolve the battle using the “Wrath of Rohan” scenario from the Two Towers Sourcebook.
Eómer’s Rage: Eómer gains +3 Might during the current battle.

Legolas* 1
Prince of the Woodland Realm: Legolas gains +1 Might for every 5 enemy models he kills. These points must be used in the current battle.

Gimli* 1
Khazâd-aî-menû!: Gimli gains +1 Might for every 5 enemy models he kills. These points must be used in the current battle.

Merry* 1
Esquire of Rohan: Play anytime after Merry has killed an enemy model while being used in a Rohan army. Merry gains +1 Fight, Defence, and Courage permanently.

Pippin* 1
Guard of the Citadel Indeed: Play anytime after Pippin has killed an enemy model while being used in a Gondor army. Pippin gains +1 Fight, Defence, and Courage permanently.

Eówyn* 2
I am No Man!: the Witch-King may not cast spells against Eówyn.
Your Words Are Poison: Completely negates the effect of any Grima Wormtongue card.

Prince Imrahil (no Victory Points) 2
Inspiration: all Gondor models within 12” of Imrahil may re-roll any 1 during a Courage test for the duration of the current battle.
Initiative: Imrahil may make one attack during an Evil Player's turn before they make their first attack.

Comments and Question welcome! Anyone interested enough to see the cards I've devised for Evil? Any ideas how to print these out?
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:30 pm 
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Sorry about the extra post.

To clarify, when I say "next turn" it always means on the Risk board in the Strategic element of the game, not in one turn of the Battle Game/Tactical element.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:15 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:37 pm
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How big is a battalion?

Elves, the first?
No way, we Dwarves were there long before!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:42 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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From what I could make out a battalion is 50pts of models

Those special rules seem great. Perhaps Legolas and Gimli should be ** because they are tough to kill, one is a prince and the other of important Dwarf blood and also they shouldn't be en-par with the hobbits :wink:

Something I'm struggling with is the gameplay. How many cards do you get each turn? Do you get to use any cards in an SBG as well as on the map?

Have you written the rules for the campaign sequence? Does everyone move their counters and then fight the SBG or is it one at a time? Sorry for all the questions, hope they're answerable :)

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:18 pm 

Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:11 am
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these cards are all great. i, like lord erkenbrand, would like just a little more explanation of the way the game is played, but all in good time. :D:P

keep it up!! i'm living it all!!
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 4:32 pm 

Joined: Sun May 25, 2008 6:07 pm
Posts: 112
I have 2 questions:

(1) does aragorns rule: 'show them no mercy' lasts for 2 risk or 2 warhammer turns?

(2) you need extended risk bord right?

live good and you will be rewarded
live bad and you will have fun
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:56 pm 
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Alright, here for the Cards and how their played.

There is no maximum number of cards you may have in your hand at any time (52 in actuality). Cards can be played at any time, unless otherwise specified. And a battalion is worth 50pts. I have done the math and given an average game Elves and Men can hope to accumlate 100-110 battalions each, Isengard/Moria around 90-100 battalions, and the Dark Lord can expect somewhere around 150-200 battalions.

Some Heroes are free, and start the game in defined places (Imrahil in Dol Amroth, Eowyn in Edoras, The Fellowship, Sauruman in Isengard) and others you must buy as they came into play later, or possibly not at all (the Balrog, Theoden, the Nazgul).

There are acouple cards I need to clarify, for example "Forth Eorlingas" and "Show Them No Mercy" last only their number of turns in the SBG/Tactical mode, while "Council of Elrond", "Deep Breath Before the Plunge", and "Rest From Much Toil" are meant to effect turns in the Risk/Strategic game.

Another special rule is that once per turn you may place any one card in your hand at the bottom of your draw pile in order to draw the one on top. This is essentially a gamble that you cannot use the card now, and will not need the card for any time soon. However, you never know and unless you have another card that allows you to bring it back into your hand it is stuck!

Players will have action allowances every turn. They have a total of three actions, and certain decisions may take up more actions than others.

In the Risk part of the game, it is essentially turn-based like Civilization or something like that. The Order of play is:
1. Elves
2. Isengard/Moria
3. Men
4. The Shadow

On anyone's turn they can do the following:
1. Draw a card (1 action)
2. Claim an unclaimed territory (1 action)
3. Attack an enemy territory (1 action)
4. Fortify/Move Battalions (1 action per every 10 battalions moved)
5a. Move the Ring forward (Good) (2 actions)
5b. Hunt the Ring (Evil) (3 actions)
6. Move up the Diplomacy Track towards Open War (3 actions)

On another note, I like Legolas and Gimli being only 1 VP. It gives Evil less of a reason to target them and I don't think the World of Men should be overly dependant on keeping an Elf and Dwarf alive. I think it would be a big enough loss as it is.

And yes, you would need the Risk board or another board to represent Middle Earth. However, buying Trilogy Edition Risk is definitely much cheaper and quicker than any other solution I can think of.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:01 pm 
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*Villains are worth no Victory Points, as it matters not to the Dark Lord Sauron how many of his slaves are slain. Another rule in the Risk game I have created is Supply...

In order to simulate the costs of moving armies in the field and the inherent difficulty of operating in hostile territory (often in Middle Earth the territory is LITERALLY hostile) every army must pay portion of their battalions to go on the attack. Assume this is what would be spent on food, guards along the way, non-combatant casualties, etc.
0-9 Supply Cost
10-19 Battalions...remove 1 battalion
20-29 Battalions...remove 2 battalions
30-39 Battalions... so on by incrememnts of 10:1

*It does not cost supplies to fortify from one place to another, only to go on the attack.
Normally an army can only move 2 spaces on the risk board to attack or in fortification but if they are led by one of a few Heroes- which will be discussed later- they can move 3. Some cards also alter this rule ("Every Hour's Lost Haste" for Aragorn)

Here are the Cards for Isengard and Moria:

Sauruman 30
A New Power is Arising: Gain 2 battalions/100pts in Isengard. (x20)
The Union of the Two Towers: Both Evil Players may look into each other’s hands, each gain 2 battalions in Isengard or Barad-dur, and each draws a card after getting back their deck.
No Dawn For Men: No reinforcements may be placed in Rohan on Men's next turn.
The Burning of Fangorn Forest: Gain 10 battalions in Isengard and bring “The Entmoot” into the Elvish Player’s hand.
The Palantir of Orthanc: Search your draw pile for any Sauruman card of your choosing and reshuffle.
Isengard is Unleashed: An army may pass from Isengard 2 spaces without paying supply cost, no matter how large.
You Fear to Go Into Those Mines: Search your draw pile for “Shadow and Flame” and reshuffle.
My Fighting Uruk-Hai: Gain a force of 10 battalions in Isengard that can only be spent on Uruk-Hai scouts to “Hunt the Ring”.
You Do Not Know Pain…: “The Fighting Uruk-Hai” never pay supply costs.
You Do Not Know Fear…: “The Fighting-Uruk-Hai” may move 3 spaces this turn.
You Will Taste Man-Flesh!: “The Fighting Uruk-Hai begin any one scenario fought against the Fellowship in a ‘Fury’ for the first 5 turns.

Grima Wormtongue 8
Covert War: Isengard/Moria may attack the World of Men once this turn even if neither are at war, and Men will not be brought forward on the Diplomatic Track because of this. (x4)
Your Malcontent: Play at the end of your turn. Men may not move up the Diplomacy Track during their next turn.
Your Warmongering: Play at the end of your turn. Men may not move up the Diplomacy Track during their next turn.
Helm’s Deep Has One Weakness: During a battle at Helm’s Deep you may re-roll any 1 on tests to determine damage from an Uruk-Hai demolition team’s attack on the culvert of the Deeping Wall.
Ill News is an Ill Guest: Until Gandalf the White comes to Edoras, Men may not activate King Theoden in any battle.

Lurtz: 3
Find the Halflings!: When a battle is fought between the Fellowship and The Fighting Uruk-Hai at the Falls of Rauros, use the “Ambush at Amon Hen” scenario.
And Now, Perfected: Lurtz receives 2 Might points this battle.
Animal Strength: Lurtz can fight for 3 turns after suffering his final wound.

Sharku: 1
Warg Attack!: If any force moves from Edoras to West Rohan, Sharku and 5 battalions of Warg Riders can move directly there from Isengard and ambush the Heroes included in that force and 1 battalion of their regular troops. Use Scenario 3 from The Two Towers Sourcebook.

The Balrog: 3
Shadow and Flame: If the Fellowship is in the Mines of Moria the Balrog may be included in your force for free. When the Balrog is brought into play, all Moria Goblins and Trolls will automatically flee.
The Flame of Udûn: So terrible is the power of the Balrog, that in any battle he participates, only Elves and Wizards may play cards.
The Bridge of Khazâd-dûm: If the Fellowship wins "The Tomb of Balin" Scenario, the Balrog may challenge Gandalf the Grey to a single combat in the Scenario "The Bridge of Khazâd-dûm".

The Goblin-King of Moria: 5
Drums in the Deep: if the Fellowship enters the Mines of Moria, you may Hunt the Ring for free by using "The Tomb of Balin" scenario.
We Cannot Get Out: Any Good force in a battle in Moria is unable to retreat once this card has been played. (x2)
The Orcs Have Multiplied: Gain 1 battalion each in Moria and in the Mines of Moria. (x2)

The Goblin-King of Mt. Gundabad 2
The Orcs Have Multiplied: Gain 1 battalion each in Mt. Gundabad and Carn Dum.
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