Thanks King Elessar, the dread is painted now i just happen got around to get pictures for it.
So here is some of my other stuff.
My mono warriors of chaos army.
Vorang the bloated my chaos lord/exaulted champion
Some nurgle chosen i was working on but still doing the working part.
More developed chosen
2nd hero Foulghoul the Rancid
The army is quite done now since i was running up the walls to get done way back in may so here few finshed armyshots.
Marauder Horsemen
Semi-plastic dragon ogres which cost me pretty much nothing.
Chaos knights
Marauders with great weapons
Marauders with handweapons and shields
14 Warriors of chaos led by vorang
5 warhounds
Nurgle sorcerer 1
Nurgle sorcerer 2