Well, going way back tot he roots of my miniature gaming. The Dark Elves. This was the very first army I ever played and the very first minis I ever bought. They have a certain love in my heart, but have been lost to me for numbers of years as I lost intrest as a 12 or 13 year old. Not knowing at the time of their absence of learning curve, I went to 40k and did that for years. Now though with the 25th anniversary and the coming of the Dark Elf redux in August, I decided to go back to my roots. I trashed all the trash models from before, with the layers of glue and backward glued arms and have been starting fresh, researching new fighting methods and ideas.
So far I have about 1500-2000 points, 1500 effective, Cult of Khaine/Shade list.
Basicly many many shades, witch elves and assassins. So far, it is starting to come alive, the first few wins with it the last couple of days, so heres some picks of the army as they are painted.
Dark Elf Noble on Dark Pegassus...cause he is bad ass....when the opportuniy arises.
Witch Elf Hag and Shadowblade, Master of Assassins, now known as Riddick in the shop.
More too come later.