The One Ring

Play time
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Author:  RammasEchor [ Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Play time

Dear all,

I'm not really a regular on tournaments with the MESBG and mostly playing with my locals live or via steam. So I'm not really having a good experience here. However I strongly feel that our matches tend to take a relatively long time for the points we are having on the table. And this sometimes seems to bother people and maybe would be inadequate at tournaments. I know that the matched play guide states different time frames for different point levels, but we never ever finish in the time stated :D

So I was wondering what you guys think is the 'acceptable' ...

a) time for a match of popular point sizes like 600/750/800 pts?

b) amount of turns of popular point sizes like 600/750/800 pts?

I know it depends a lot on the scenario, but I'm just trying to get the idea here.

Many thanks for your answers!


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