The One Ring

[P] November Challenge "Cavalry"
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Author:  Red Corsairs [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

November Painting Challenge: Cavalry!


Hello everyone! Welcome to the thread for the November Painting Challenge!


1. This month the challenge is to paint ANY single cavalry miniature. This could be a Warg Rider, a Knight of Dol-Amroth, a Morgul Knight or even, as the rules state, a giant spider.

If you are unsure as to whether something will be elligible for entry, just post asking or PM me and I will let you know whether or not you may use it, as this months challenge could be open to many different alternative figures.

2. To enter the painting challenge, the miniature you are painting must not be painted before starting and picture proof must be shown of the miniature 'pre-painted' (unprimed, undercoated or if you are repainting and old miniature - in its' original paint scheme) otherwise your entry will not be eligible.

3. You may join the painting challenge in progress at any time, but must submit photographs of the completed miniature by midnight GMT of November 30th, 2014. WIP images are welcomed and encouraged. A maximum of 4 photos please, this allows you to show your miniature off from front, back and each side which is more than enough. If you would like to compile more than one pictures into one file it is okay to do that. Please do not submit your entries as an attachment, use an image hosting website such as Photobucket or Imageshack. If you need assistance in doing this please feel free to PM me or another member or staff.

4. Miniatures that are completed in time will be eligible to win the challenge. The challenge winner will be decided by the vote of the OR community. The community will choose one winner and one runner-up from the completed miniatures. Votes should be cast not simply on painting skill, but on merit, including creativity, application of painting techniques, artist improvement, etc. There is no prize available for the winners of this challenge, the challenge is solely for community participation and as an incentive for people to reduce their backlog and improve their painting skills.

5. Winners from the previous month are able to participate in the next months painting challenge, but they are not eligible to win in consecutive months.

Good luck to all!

Author:  J.R. [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Nice , still deciding...

regarding the 'rules' I miss the one that says submitted photos must be via html (photobucket and such) and not as an attachment.

is that rule gone, or just missing in the OP ?

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Fixed. I've not run the painting challenge for almost 2 years now and so missed it out originally.


Author:  YOrcShire [ Thu Nov 06, 2014 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Will have to give this one a miss unless I give into temptation and purchase some more miniatures.

Author:  Quendil [ Fri Nov 07, 2014 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Well I shall another go as it will keep me motivated to paint LOTR miniatures. I shall go with Mithril Miniatures Shelob


Still got to finish putting her together

Author:  LordElrond [ Sat Nov 08, 2014 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

I'll be doing Elladan mounted:

Author:  J.R. [ Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

LordElrond wrote:
I'll be doing Elladan mounted:

Ha that is a coincidence ! Today I made my first attemt of using green stuff, I am still waiting on proper tools from ebob, but for now a knife whas good enough. I used the model of Elladan to make armoured Glorfindel mounted. For this I used the head and sword arm of the original mounted Glorfindel. and must say I am quiete proud of him !

A bit of detail on the face got lost, but I hope I can do him justice within my standards ! :)

proof pic :


Author:  valpas [ Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

I'll paint Eomer:


I already have one painted but since it's from 2002 or something and I don't like it, I decided to paint another one. I'll probably strip the old one and use it for conversions.

-- Pasi

Author:  nic0 [ Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

I'll be painting up a mounted ringwraith for a tournament army later this month


Author:  Smeagol [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

I shall be painting up my converted Forlong the Fat on horse this time around. First time doing any sort of major green stuffing, a little self-conscious about it. :o



Author:  Harfoot [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Nice conversion, i wouldn't want to be old fatty furlongs horse!

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

An excellent conversion Smeagol. I look forward to seeing the finished product.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

No steed mightier, no cavalry warrior more imposing and powerful than those on a.. pony!*
Aye, that's another Hobbit from me. Keep having useful contest themes and I might actually finish the army some day!


*Aside from fellbeasts, wargs, horses and any other steed really; even so only remotely true if ridden by a mighty Dwarf hero, rather than a Hobbit. Even if it is a pony, and ridden by a Hobbit, it's only ever so slightly scary if that Hobbit is called Meriadoc/Peregrin, Captain of the Shire. Seriously, this is Sam. Sure, he has Sting, but that's about it really.

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Last to enter, first to finish!
Pics taken in the last of the daylight, but just about turned out alright.

"Samwise the Brave!"


Author:  nic0 [ Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Here's my entry:


Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Here's my entry, I hope I can finish him in time!

Author:  Eaothen-the-brave [ Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Here's my finished model. Too bad the highlights on the cloak aren't that clear but oh well.

Author:  J.R. [ Sun Nov 30, 2014 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Well I realy strugled with this one, Very hard to do him justice, and the first time a painted a white / greyish horse...

This early morning added the scenic photo :





Author:  cal585 [ Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

Late entry due to the horse's leg snapping. Please excuse the bluetack holding him up.






Author:  LordElrond [ Mon Dec 01, 2014 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [P] November Challenge "Cavalry"

I couldn't finish my entry as I was ill yesterday. It's a shame, but I'll finish him soon anyway.

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