Well, another wonderful paint challenge with many great entries. I feel like commenting on every entry so bear with me

Chris, your painting and conversions are out of this world.

Keep up the great work!
Blue Dragon, I really like your bases. They show great details. Also like the metal on the models.
Meatboy! The armour looks superb. I like your work very much.
Legolas, from what I can see, your models look well painted. Wish the picture was bigger though.
BOTWT, I always find your work inspirational!

The dark scheme throughout your models is very effective. The picture seems too dark though.
Lord Hurin, the blurry picture kind of eats at the models, figuratively, so details aren't there. Though, they still look great!
Gothmog, I can see great improvement, but the pictures are still a little fuzzy so details aren't very visible. You were my close 3rd runner up though.
And Wah Wing, well....... You need much improvement.

Just kidding. I thought I did well. And I have 6 votes! That's the most I've ever had!
Sacrilege, you and Sir Richard were my two contending contestants for this challenge.
With the same models minus the heroes, the entries were both well painted. Sacrilege, I don't know if it's improvement in your eyes, but it is for me and that's what put you up there. Plus great painting for excellent models. I think the tie-breaker were the bases and faces. The skin on Cirion could use another lighter highlight. If you had more time like you said for the bases, I'd have an even harder time deciding as is.
So that means I chose Sir Richard! The bases are very well themed and the painting is very well done!
For some reason though, (not your fault) I don't really like the captain standing on the orc. It doesn't seem right some how.