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 Post subject: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:09 am 
Elven Warrior
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Im going to have my first WOTR game in over a year next week :D Having said that, it is a 1000pt game, and while pondering over my old lists I could not find one that is very good for 1000pts. I will be playing a game against a themed Isenguard army, that my opponent intends to use in an upcoming tournament.
I came up with these lists but I can't decide which one is the best. What are your guys thoughts?

List 1
-4 companies of galadhrim warriors with shields
-4 companies of galadhrim warriors with shields
-2 companies of galadhrim archers
-2 companies of galadhrim archers
-3 companies of wood elves with bows
1005 pts
5 formations, 15 companies, 8 might, 4 heroes

Weaker heroes, nice amount of companies/formations

List 2
-4 companies of galadhrim warriors with shields
-4 companies of galadhrim warriors with shields
-2 companies of galadhrim archers
-2 companies of galadhrim archers
-fortune (wisdom of the firstborn, or counter spell)
4 formations, 12 companies, 9 might, 3 heroes

Lots of magic, good heroes, smaller amount of companies, decent overall

List 3
-Battle Host: Haldirs Archers
-3 companies of galadhrim archers
-3 companies of galadhrim archers
-3 companies of galadhrim archers
-3 companies of galadhrim shields,cpt
4 formations, 12 companies, 8 might, 3 heroes

Cool special rules, but only useful against uruks. I'm still doubtful on this one though, because of the low D and amount of companies.

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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:56 pm 
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OK, this is a topic I like.
I think your first list is actually very good - possibly the best. This would probably be what I would use, and what I'll talk about.
You've managed to get in a lot of companies (for elves) and they work nicely.
What benefit are the twins giving you? I know that they are two heroes that reflect nicely off one another, but in a game against uruks I'm not sure that they have much to offer. I would replace them with Arwen. For five more points you get a point of might and nature spells. If you want to be thematic,rename her tauriel but use Arwens stats. ;)
With such expensive troops it's ideal to have heroes that work well together. This is where Arwen and Thranduil come in. Both have nature spells and three might each and the traditional high fight and courage of all elves. What they can do together is devastating. Since both have wilderness magic, you can focus on really keeping the enemy at bay and hammering them from afar. wind spells will drive the Uruk horde back and entangle will slow them down, preventing your enemy from hitting your elves for at least a turn or two. Finally, you can land two natures wraths from Thranduil and Arwen to whittle down the enemy.
Your other example of heroes working together is Thranduil and Haldir. I would try to reserve their might for epic shots - with an average of three hits per epic shot you might get lucky and kill a company and thus driving the enemy back.
You have to try to work to keep the enemy at bay for as long as possible to get in as many hits as you can. I would consider combining your two formations of galadhrim archers- two formations of two companies is rather squishy.

While you're doing all this fun magic action, I would recommend trying to outmanoeuvre your enemy with the ridiculous movement of the elves. You won't outrun them forever and you won't shoot them to death, but you might be able to soften them up enough that when they do hit, youll be able to deal with them easier. You might even be able to wheel right round him- if you can get on the flank, get close to refuse his movement and entangle him to further frustrate him. Those are the times to charge
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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:21 pm 
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I should ask really - what's your plan in this game, fun or domination?
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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:52 pm 
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ohh. Elves vs Isengard. You'll have your work cut out.

I saw what Ellorindar says, and one thing the twins give over Arwen is mobility, as they are cheaper than captains. But in this particular list at 1000 points where there are only 2 close combat formations Arwen would be handier indeed.

But as an Isengard player I would *cough* suggest the elves' best chance with Galadhrim is to take Haldir's Battlehost, which gives a much needed 'Uruk-Bane' ability (I believe the only way to get it in the game as it stands).
The extra kill chance will be needed. I faced this once.. but luckily (pure chance) I had taken Isengard orc archers and lots of warg riders (orcs) and so wasn't having the pesky pointy-eared ones slicing through the uruk-hai from the trees... what cowards those elvies are!

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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 7:09 pm 
Elven Warrior
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For arwen it's 55 points more than the twins, plus I don't have the model, which is kind of funny because I have every other elven epic hero....So that's why they are there, they are cheaper than captains and allow me at the doubles. Plus they can have nice synergy together but it would be better if Galadriel was with them.

I actually have a decent amount of experience playing against the uruks, the guy I'm playing used to be my regular opponent and he used uruks then too.

The reason I have the archers in formations of 2 companies is because formations that are 4 wide are hard to manoeuvre and get frontage with all of the companies. While the 2 company ones are easier to kill they will be able to move around more and (hopefully) get better angles on the uruks.

I have used the battle host before and found it to be quite successful. But I have never tried it at this points level. Do you guys think it could work? Or will I be slaughtered because of all the D4.
Also, do you guys think cavalry could be useful at this points cost?

Fight! Fight to the last man!

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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:20 pm 
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Ah. I've just looked at the Arwen profile as well. I have no idea why I thought she would be 75 points, my apologies my good WhoelsebutHaldir.

I guess the only worry I might have is if he brings heavy artillery to the table. Since not all your units have elven cloaks, you can't hide.

I think the battlehost can work, especially with Uruk heavy armies. Daersalon has proven that elves can win in even the most dire of scenarios (look to his report on the siege of lothlorien for more info), and even though it might seem difficult, there are always 'tricksy elvish ways' to do things.

As I and Daer outlined above, make the most of your advantages. Speed, shooting, cheap heroes, high fight value. A good fortune to take by the way if you're stuck for one is inner glory.

Scenario: You've got priority and have charged/have called a heroic charge against the odds. You have a full three company formation of galadhrim lead by Legolas pressed against the oncoming formation of uruk-hai.

Your opponent tests for courage because your elves are causing terror - but wait!

You pull out the inner glory fortune.
Suddenly your elves have base 8 attacks, plus an extra 5 dice for the extra battle skill(since the uruks are terrified), plus an extra dice for the charge. Legolas's company have an extra 6 dice because of his fight skill.
They are also striking first thanks to legolas, reducing the total attacks your opponent will be able to dish out.

But anyway. You can see I like thinking about WOTR.

Cavalry. A nice idea in practice. What will they contribute to your army? Aside from the ten attacks on the charge, of course ;)
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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:40 am 
Elven Elder
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If your playing Elves, never go without Thranduil and the Twins, so List 1.

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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:55 am 
Elven Warrior
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Ok, thanks guys! I'll go with list one, if we end up having more than one game I'll try one of the others or tweek the above if needed. I'll let you guys know how it goes down.
Anyway, thanks again!

Fight! Fight to the last man!

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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:01 am 
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Don't forget a battle-rep!
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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:45 pm 
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If you have Galadriel.. she's totaly worth her pionts! I guess a 1k is to few amount of pionts but still. She rocks!

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 Post subject: Re: 1000pt elf lists
PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:33 am 
Elven Warrior
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I'm not going to do a full battle report, but I'll give you guys a rundown of what happened.

I took the above list 1. My opponent had something like:
-3 companies of warg riders
-3 companies of warg riders
-4 companies of pikes, with shaman
-6 companies of Urucks, with a banner
-3 companies of cross bows

The scenario was completely randomized and ended up being seize the prize with maelstorm of battle deployment.

Early on in the game, I managed to destroy his ballista and 1 formation of warg riders and capture 2 objectives to his 2. Right after that, I managed to destroy his pikes and 2 formation of wargs. However I only had 1 objective to his 4, but the left side of the field was held by only my 2 galadhrim shield formations, while the right was a battle between the rest of my men and his giant shield block and crossbows. The shield block had the 4 objectives. By the last turn the field was pretty much the same, however his shield men were down to 1.5 companies and his crossbows only had 6 men left. Compared to my 4 formations who were all about 2 companies (accept the wood elve who were at full strength). I managed to epic shot his crossbows and destroy them with thranduils last might. All that was left was his shield formation. It was entangled, and could not move, and I had a formation of archers to its rear and the wood elves on its flank. The charge for the wood elves went off but the archers flondered and had no hero to boost their charge roll. The fight dice were cased and alas! I had scored 4 hits to his 1, but the formation still had 7 men left. With only one might to boost my rolls. I had won the fight but unless he failed his disorder roll he would win. Which he promtly passed much to my disappointment.
Basically, by turn 5/8 I had destroyed most of his army accept the shields and crossbows. Then it became a game of chasing the shields and shooting a lot. I'm the end I only lost the game because I failed to kill 3 models.

In any case, the army preformed very well and I almost tabled/won the game in the end. In reality I probably lost the game due to poor generalship. Anyway it's been a year since my last game so I'm happy with the performance, and I only now realized how much I missed the shananagans and fun that is had.
Hopefully well get another game in next week! :)

Fight! Fight to the last man!

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