The One Ring |
Allies lists for WOTR |
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Author: | Killerkatanas [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:03 am ] |
Post subject: | Allies lists for WOTR |
Updated 9/12/12 Hello all, In an attempt to create a more "historical" game of WOTR, my group has adopted the Legions of Middle Earth allies lists for our games. With this directive, I have made the following list of armies for WOTR and the units that can be used by them. Each army states the ages in which it can be used, the units and characters that make up the army, and the page number where you will find the unit/character's statistics in the WOTR book. With regards to ages, all armies are listed with dates, so one that is 2nd age cannot be used against a 3rd age, and vice versa. Along with this, some units/character are listed with their appropriate dates. In most cases the dates provided for the army list will suffuce for all types, but a few can only be used in certain ages and these have been labelled E (early), M (Middle), L (Late) and 2 (2nd Age) or 3 (3rd Age). Please also note, that there are a few units that have no dates and are given ??? In addition a few units have no ratings, such as elf chariots. Maybe someone can direct me to the issues of WD where these appeared. I added two new factions: Mount Gundabad, Mount Gram - I'd like imput on these and their allies I would also like to get opinions on the Corsairs, as they can ally with many nations that are nowhere near the sea (like Angmar and Moria) I think this is wrong. I hope this is helpful to you in your games. I welcome feedback. Brian NATIONALITIES/ARMIES GOOD 1. The Fellowship 2. North Kingdom a. Arnor b. Grey Company c. Shire 3. Elven Havens a. Rivendell b. Grey Havens c. Eregion 4. Woodland Realms a. Lothlorien b. Thranduil's halls c. Fangorn 5. Rohan a. Riders of Eorl b. Host of Hammerhand c. Theoden's Host 6. Gondor a. Tower of Ecthelion b. Minas Tirith c. The Fiefdoms d. Army of the High King e. Rangers of Ithilien f. Dead Men of Dunharrow 7. Dwarf Holds a. Durin's Folk b. Khazad Dum c. Erebor 8. Eagles 9. Wizards 10. Guardians of the Carrock 11. Wild Men of Druadon 12. Wanderers in the Wild EVIL 1. Misty Mountains a. Moria b. Mount Gundabad c. Mount Gram d. Angmar e. Dwellers Below 2. Isengard a. Isengard Raiders b. Legions of the White hand c. Dunland d. Sharkey's Rogues 3. Bastions of the Dark Lord a. Cirith Ungol b. Black Gate c. Dol Guldur d. Minas Morgul e. Barad Dur 4. Eastern Realms a. Easterlings b. Variags of Khand c. Khandish Mercenaries 5. Southlands a. Serpent Horde b. Harad c. Far Harad d. Corsair Fleets e. Umbar 6. Monsters 7. Nazgul GOOD The Fellowship The Fellowship - late 3rd Age Fellowship of the Ring - p.146 The Three Hunters - p.144 allies - Grey Company, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, Minas Tirith, The Fiefdoms, Rangers of Ithilien, Dead Men of Dunharrow, Durin's folk, Erebor, Wild Men of Druadan, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles, Guardians of the Carrock North Kingdom Arnor - early to middle 3rd Age Warriors of Arnor - p.96 Rangers of Arnor - p.96 Dunedain of Arnor - p.101 Royal Guard of Arnor - p.102 Hobbit Militia - p.142 Hobbit Archers - p.142 allies - Rivendell, Grey Havens, Minas Tirith, Khazad Dum Grey Company - middle to late 3rd Age Grey Company - p.102 Rangers of Arnor - p.96 Dunedain of Arnor - p.101 Aragorn - p.104 Elladan - p.128 Elrohir - p.128 allies - The Fellowship, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, The Fiefdoms, Rangers of Ithilien, Dead Men of Dunharrow, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles, Guardians of the Carrock The Shire - middle to late 3rd Age Hobbit Militia (M3 or L3) - p.142 Hobbit Archers (M3 or L3) - p.142 Bandobras Took (M3) - (no stats) Peregin Took (L3) - p.104 Meriadoc (L3) - p.114 Samwise (L3) - (no stats) Frodo (L3) - (no stats) Farmer Maggot (L3) - (no stats) Paladin Took (L3) - (no stats) Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (L3) - (no stats) Fredegar Bolger (L3) - (no stats) Aragorn (L3) - p.104 Dunedain of Arnor (M3 or L3) - p.101 Gandalf the Grey/White (M3 or L3)- p.150 allies - May not ally Elven Havens Rivendell - 3rd Age Elrond - p.126 Glorfingdale - p.124 Elladan - p.128 Elrohir - p.128 Arwen - p.127 Rivendell Guard - p.123 High Elf Cohort - p.122 High Elf Regiment - p.121 High Elf Archer - p.121 allies - The Fellowship, Arnor, Grey Company, Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Minas Tirith, Durin's Folk, Erebor, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles, Guardians of the Carrock Grey Havens - 2nd and 3rd Ages Cirdan - p.127 High Elf Cohort - p.122 High Elf Regiment - p.121 High Elf Archer - p.121 High Elf Knight - (no stats) High Elf Ranger - (no stats) High Elf Guardians - (no stats) allies - The Fellowship, Arnor, Grey Company, Rivendell, Eregion, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Minas Tirith, Army of the High King, Durin's Folk, Khazad Dum, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Eregion - middle to late 2nd Age Elrond - p.126 Gil-Galad - p.127 Rivendell Guard - p.123 High Elf Cohort - p.122 High Elf Regiment - p.121 High Elf Archer - p.121 High Elf Chariot - (no stats) High Elf Knight - (no stats) High Elf Ranger - (no stats) High Elf Catapult - (no stats) allies - Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Army of the High King, Durin's Folk Woodland Realms Lothlorien - 2nd and 3rd Ages Galadriel - p.125 Galadriel (Protectress) - p.125 Celeborn - p.125 Haldir - p.128 Galadhrim Regiment - p.120 Galadhrim Archers - p.120 Wood Elf Warband - p.121 Galadrhim Knight - p.122 Guards of the Galadhrim Court - p.123 Guardians of Caras Galdahon - p.124 Haldir's Elves - p.124 Galadhrim Pathwalker - (possibly a Stormcaller?) Galadhrim Siege catapult - (no stats) allies - Khazad Dum, Eregion, The Fellowship, Fangorn, Grey Company, Grey Havens, Rivendell, Thranduil's Halls, Host of Hammerhand, Theoden's Host, Minas Tirith, Army of the High King, Durin's Folk, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Thranduil's Halls - 2nd and 3rd Ages Thranduil - p.126 Legolas (E3 to L3) - p.126 Wood Elf Warband - p.121 Wod Elf Sentinel - p.122 allies - Grey Company, The Fellowship, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Eregion, Lothlorien, Fangorn, Riders of Eorl, Rangers of Ithilien, Army of the High King, Erebor, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles, Guardians of the Carrock Fangorn - 2nd and 3rd Ages Treebeard - p.143 Quickbeam - p.144 Beechbone - p.144 Ent - p.133 Hourn - (no stats) allies - Grey Company, Grey havens, Eregion, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Theoden's Host, Minas Tirith, Army of the High King, Khazad Dum, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Rohan Riders of Eorl - middle 3rd Age Eorl the Young - p.115 Rider of Rohan - p.110 Rohan Royal Guard (mounted) - Use Royal Guard p.111, change to 10" move. Still 35 points per company Rohan Outrider - p.111 allies - Thranduil's Halls, Minas Tirith Host of Hammerhand - middle to late 3rd Age Helm Hammerhand - (no stats) Rohan Outrider - p.111 Son of Eorl - p.112 Rider of Rohan - p.110 Helm's Guard (mounted) - Use Royal Guard p.111, change to 10" move. Still 35 points per company Oathsworn Militia - p.110 Oathsword Bowmen - p.111 allies - Lothlorien, Minas Tirith, Durin's Folk Theoden's Host - late 3rd Age Theoden - p.114 Eomer - p.115 Eowyn - p.115 Erkenbrand - p.116 Theodred - p.116 Meriadoc - p.114 Deorwine - p.116 Rider of Rohan - p.110 Royal Knights - p.110 Oathsworn Militia - p.110 Oathsword Bowmen - p.111 Rohan Outrider - p.111 Rohan Royal Guard - p. 111 Son of Eorl - p.112 King's Guard (mounted or foot) - p.112 Erkenbrand's Riders - p.113 Theodred's Knights - p. 113 Grimbold Hemlingas - p.113 Elfhelm's Riders - p.114 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Lothlorien, Fangorn, Tower of Ecthelion, The Fiefdoms, Rangers of Ithilien, Dead Men of Dunharrow, Durin's Folk, Wild Men of Druadan, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Gondor Tower of Ecthelion - late 3rd Age Aragron - p.104 Boromir - p.103 Faramir - p.104 Peregrin, Guard of the Citadel - p.104 Minas Tirith Warriors - p.94 Minas Tirith Knights - p.94 Citadel Guards - p. 96 Guard of the Fountain Court - p.98 Avenger Bolt Thrower - p.98 Battlecry Trebuchet - p.98 Denethors Guard - p.100 Wardens of the Keys - p.103 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Theoden's Host, The Fiefdoms, Rangers of Ithilien, Dead Men of Dunharrow, Durin's Folk, Erebor, Wild Men of Druadan, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Minas Tirith - middle to late 3rd Age King of Men - (no stats) Minas Tirith Warriors - p.94 Minas Tirith Knights - p.94 Citadel Guards - p. 96 Guard of the Fountain Court - p.98 Battlecry Trebuchet - p.98 Ranger of Gondor - p.95 allies - The Fellowship, Arnor, Grey Havens, Fangorn, Rivendell, Lothlorien, Riders of Eorl, Host of Hammerhand, Erebor, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles The Fiefdoms - late 3rd Age Prince Imrahil - p.105 Knight of Dol Amroth - p.97 Men-at-arms of Dol Amroth - p.97 Foot Knights of Dol Amroth - p.97 Axemen of Lossarnach - p.99 Clansmen of Lamedon - p. 100 Blackroot Vale Archers - p.103 Ranger of Gondor - p.95 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, Rangers of Ithilien, Dead Men of Dunharrow, Durin's Folk, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Army of the High King - middle to late 2nd Age Elendil (L2) - p.105 Isildor (L2) - p.105 Numenorean Warriors - p.95 Numenorean Archers - p.95 allies - Grey Havens, Eregion, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Durin's Folk Rangers of Ithilien - late 3rd Age Faramir - p.104 Osgiliath Veterans - p.101 Rangers of Ithilien - p.100 Minas Tirith Warriors - p.94 Minas Tirith Knights - p.94 Citadel Guards - p. 96 Rangers of Gondor - p.95 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Thranduil's Halls, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, The Fiefdoms, Erebor, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Dead men of Dunharrow - late 3rd Age Court of the Dead King - p.101 Warriors of the Dead - p.99 Riders of the Dead - p.99 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, The Fiefdoms, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards The Dwarf Holds Durin's Folk - 2nd and 3rd Ages Dwarf King - (no stats) Dwarf Warrior Kinbad - p.132 Dwarf Archer Kinbad - p.132 Khazad Guard - p.133 Ballista - p.134 Ered Luin Rangers - p.135 King's Champion - p.135 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Eregion, Lothlorien, Host of Hammerhand, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, The Fiefdoms, Army of the High King, Wanderers of the Wild, Wizards, Eagles, Guardians of the Carrock Khazad-Dum - 2nd to middle 3rd Age Durin's Guard - p.136 Dwarf Warrior Kinbad - p.132 Dwarf Archer Kinbad - p.132 Khazad Guard - p.133 Iron Guard - p.133 Iron Guard Ancients - p.135 Dwarf Ranger - p.133 Vault Warden - p.134 Ballista - p.134 King's Champion - p.135 allies - Arnor, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Fangorn Erebor - late 3rd Age Dain - p.138 Gimli - p.138 Balin - p.137 Floi Stonehand - p.137 Moria Expeditionaries - p.134 Dwarf Warrior Kinbad - p.132 Dwarf Archer Kinbad - p.132 Khazad Guard - p.133 Iron Guard - p.133 Iron Guard Ancients - p.135 Vault Warden - p.134 Dwarf Ranger - p.133 Ballista - p.134 King's Champion - p.135 allies - The Fellowship, Rivendell, Thranduil's Halls, Tower of Ecthelion, Minas Tirith, Rangers of Ecthelion, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles, Guardians of the Carrock Eagles Eagles - middle to late 3rd Age Gwaihir - p.145 Great Eagle - p.143 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, Minas Tirith, Rangers of Ithilien, The Fiefdoms, Durin's Folk, Erebor, Wizards, Guardians of the Carrock Wizards Wizards - middle to late 3rd Age Saruman the White - p.149 Gandalf the Grey - p.150 Radagast the Brown - p.150 The White Council - p.147 Council of Wizardry - p.148 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, Minas Tirith, Rangers of Ithilien, The Fiefdoms, Dead men of Dunharrow, Wild men of Druadan, Durin's Folk, Erebor, Wizards, Wanderers in the Wild, Guardians of the Carrock Guardians of the Carrock Beorings - middle to late 3rd Age Wardens of the Carrock - p.148 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Rivendell, Thranduil's Halls, Durin's Folk, Erebor, Wanderers in the Wild, Wizards, Eagles Wild Men of Druadon Wild men - late 3rd Age Woses Warband - p.149 allies - The Fellowship, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, Wizards Wanderers in the Wild Wanderers - see description Gildor's Household (M3 or L3) - p.123 Glorfingdale (2nd and 3rd Ages) - p.124 Murin's Guard (L3) - p.136 Drar's Hunters (L3) - p.136 Bilbo (L3) - (no stats) Tom Bombadil (only available in Old Forest) - p.145 allies - The Fellowship, Grey Company, Rivendell, Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Thranduil's Halls, Fangorn, Theoden's Host, Tower of Ecthelion, Minas Tirith, Rangers of Ithilien, The Fiefdoms, Dead men of Dunharrow, Durin's Folk, Erebor, Wizards, Guardians of the Carrock EVIL The Misty Mountains Moria - middle to late 3rd Age Durburz (L3) - p.188 Moria Goblin Warband - p.182 Moria Prowler Warband - p.183 Cave Troll - pg.184 Cloud of Bats - p.183 allies - Angmar, Mount Gundabad, Mount Gram, Dunland, Isengard Raiders, Dol Guldur, Barad-dur, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Monsters, Nazgul Mount Gundabad - middle to late 3rd Age Bolg (L3) - (no stats) Bolg's Bodyguard (L3) - (no stats) Moria Goblin Warband - p.182 Gundabad Blackshields - p.185 Cave Troll - pg.184 Cloud of Bats - p.183 allies - Angmar, Moria, Mount Gram, Dunland, Isengard Raiders, Dol Guldur, Barad-dur, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Monsters, Nazgul Mount Gram - middle to late 3rd Age Golfimbul (M3) - (no stats) Angmar Orcs - p.209 Warg Rider Warband - p.155 allies - Angmar, Moria, Mount Gundabad, Dunland, Isengard Raiders, Dol Guldur, Barad-dur, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Monsters, Nazgul Angmar - early to middle 3rd Age Witch King - p.162 or p.163 Dwimmerlaik - p.162 or p.163 The Tainted - p.162 or p.163 Rogash (E3) - use Buhrdur p.210 Buhrdur (M3) - p.210 Gulavhar - p.211 Shade - p.210 Werewolf pack - p.210 Court of Fallen Kings - p.209 Spectral Host - p.208 Ghost Legions - p.208 Ghostly Riders - p.208 Angmar Orcs - p.209 Cave Troll - p.184 Carn Dum Warband - p.209 allies - Moria, Mount Gundabad, Mount Gram, Dwellers Below, Dunland, Barad-dur, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Monsters, Nazgul The Dwelers Below - late 2nd through 3rd Age Durzhag (L3) - p.188 Moria Goblin Warband - p.182 Warg Pack - p.182 Giant Spider - p.183 Spider Queen - p.184 Cave Troll - p.184 Spider Swarm - p.185 allies - Angmar, Dunland, The Black Gate, Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Serpent Horde, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Variags of Khand, Monsters, Nazgul Isengard Isengard Raiders - late 3rd Age Lurtz - p.178 Ugluk's Raiders - p.176 Vrashku's Talons - p.176 Sharku's Hunters - p.177 Mahur's Marauders - p.177 War Rider Warband - p.172 Feral Uruk Hai - p.171 Uruk Hai Scouts - p.170 allies - Moria, Legions of the White Hand, Dunland, Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Nazgul Legions of the White Hand - late 3rd Age Saruman - p.178 Grima - p.178 Uruk Hai Phalanx - p.170 Uruk Hai Warband - p.170 Isengard Orc Warband - p.171 Uruk Hai Scouts - p.170 Uruk Hai Sappers - p.171 Uruk Hai Bezerker Warband - p.173 Isengard Troll - p.173 Isengard Troll Captain - p.174 Isengard Battering Ram - p.174 Isengard Ballista - p.175 allies - Isengard Raiders, Dunland, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Nazgul Dunland - middle to late 3rd Age Thryden Wolfsbane (L3) - p.177 Wildmen of Dunland - p.172 Dunlending Huscarl - p.172 Dunlend Bezerker - (no stats) Dunlend Horsemen - p.175 allies - Angmar, The Dwellers Below, Isengard Raiders, Legions of the White Hand, Khandish Mercenaries, Corsair Fleets, Nazgul Sharkey's Rogues - late 3rd Age Sharkey - (no stats) Worm - (no stats) Bill Ferny - (no stats) Wildmen of Dunland - p.172 Ruffian - p.173 Isengard Orc Warband - p.171 Warg Pack - p.182 allies - may not ally Bastions of the Dark Lord Cirith Ungol - middle to late 3rd Age Shagrat's Tower Guard (L3) - p.158 Gorbag's Morgul Rats (L3) - p.159 Shelob - p.159 Mordor Orc Warband - p.154 Mordor Uruk Hai Warband - p.155 Orc Tracker Warband - p.154 Warg Rider Warband - p.155 Mordor Troll - p.156 Mordor Troll Drummer - p.156 Mordor Troll Chieftain - p.156 War Catapult - p.157 Siege Bow - p.158 Mordor Battering Ram - p.158 allies - The Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Harad, Monsters, Nazgul The Black Gate - middle to late 3rd Age Mouth of Sauron - p.164 Morannon Orc Warband - p.154 Mordor Uruk Hai Warband - p.155 Orc Tracker Warband - p.154 Mordor Troll - p.156 Mordor Troll Drummer - p.156 Mordor Troll Chieftain - p.156 War Catapult - p.157 Mordor Battering Ram - p.158 allies - The Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Monsters, Nazgul Dol Guldur - 3rd Age The Necromancer - p.160 Mordor Orc Warband - p.154 Castellan of Dol Guldur - p.159 Warg Pack - p.182 Giant Spider - p.183 Spider Queen - p.184 Spider Swarm - p.185 Mordor Troll - p.156 Mordor Troll Drummer - p.156 Mordor Troll Chieftain - p.156 Cloud of Bats - p.183 Werewolf pack - p.210 War Catapult - p.157 Mordor Battering Ram - p.158 Black Hearted Tree - (no stats) allies - Moria, Mount Gundabad, Mount Gram, The Dwellers Below, Isengard Raiders, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Monsters, Nazgul Minas Morgul - middle to late 3rd Age Witch King - p.162 or p.163 Gothmog (L3) - p.164 Grishnakh's Trackers (L3) - p.160 Mordor Orc Warband - p.154 Spectral Host - p.208 Morgul Stalker - p.155 Black Numenorean Regiment - p.197 Morgul Knight Regiment - p.197 Orc Tracker Warband - p.154 War Catapult - p.157 Mordor Battering Ram - p.158 allies - The Dwellers Below, Isengard Raiders, Cirith Ungol, The Black Gate, Dol Guldur, Barad-dur, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Corsair Fleets, Umbar, Monsters, Nazgul Barad-Dur - middle 2nd to late 3rd Age Sauron - (M2 or L2) p.165 Mouth of Sauron - p.164 Kardush - p.164 Black Guard of Barad-dur - p.157 Mordor Orc Warband - p.154 Morannon Orc Warband - p.154 Orc Tracker Warband - p.154 Warg Rider Warband - p.155 War Catapult - p.157 Siege Bow - p.158 Mordor Battering Ram - p.158 Gollum - p.165 allies - Angmar, Moria, Mount Gundabad, Mount Gram, The Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, The Black Gate, Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Corsair Fleets, Umbar, Monsters, Nazgul Eastern Realms The Easterlings - middle to late 3rd Age Khamul the Easterling - p.162 or p.163 Amdur (L3) - p.201 Easterling Cohort - p.194 Easterling Archer Cohort - p.195 Easterling Kataphrakt Cohort - p.195 Dragon Guard - (no stats) Siege Bow - use Mordor Siege Bow p.158 allies - Cirith Ungol, Dol Guldur, Barad-dur, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Minas Morgul, The Black Gate, The Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Corsair Fleets, Monsters, Nazgul Variags of Khand - 2nd and 3rd Ages Keiseimu, Ravager of Ithilien (???) - (no stats) Khandish King - (no stats) Khandish Mercenary Warband - p.194 Khandish Mercenary Raiders - p.194 Khandish Charioteer - p.198 allies - Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, The Black Gate, Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Easterlings, Khandish Mercenaries, The Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Corsair Fleets, Umbar, Monsters, Nazgul Khandish Mercenaries - 2nd and 3rd Ages Khandish Mercenary Warband - p.194 Khandish Mercenary Raiders - p.194 allies - Khandish Mercenaries can ally with all evil armies Southlands The Serpent Horde - late 3rd Age Suludan (L3) - p.200 Haradrim Warband - p.192 Haradrim Raider Warband - p.192 Watcher of Karna - p.195 Serpent Guard - p.193 Serpent Rider Warband - p.193 War Mumak of Harad - p.198 allies - Dwellers Below, The Black Gate, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Harad, Far Harad, Corsair Fleets, Umbar, Monsters, Nazgul Harad - late 2nd through 3rd Ages The Betrayer - p.162 or p.163 King of Harad - (no stats) Abrakhan Guard - p.200 Haradrim Warband - p.192 Haradrim Raider Warband - p.192 Watcher of Karna - p.195 allies - Cirith Ungol, The Black Gate, Barad-dur, Minas Morgul, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Far Harad, Corsair Fleets, Umbar, Monsters, Nazgul Far Harad - late 2nd through 3rd Ages Mahud King - (no stats) Mahud Warband - p.196 Mahud Raider Warband - p.196 Half Troll Warband - p.196 War Mumak of Harad - p.198 allies - The Black Gate, Barad-dur, Minas Morgul, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Harad, Corsair Fleets, Umbar, Monsters, Nazgul The Corsair Fleets - late 2nd through 3rd Ages Dalamyr (L3) - p.200 Corsair Raiding Party - p.193 Corsair Arbalesters - p.197 Corsair Reaver - (no stats) Corsair Ballista - use Mordor Siege Bow p.158 allies - Moria, Mount Gundabad, Mount Gram, Dwellers Below, Angmar, Barad-dur, Minas Morgul, Legions of the White Hand, Isengard Raiders, Dunland, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Umbar, Monsters, Nazgul Umbar - late 2nd through 3rd Ages Queen Beruthiel (E3) - p.201 Knight of Umbar - p.162 or p.163 Haradrim Warband - p.192 Corsair Raiding Party - p.193 allies - Barad-dur, Minas Morgul, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Monsters, Nazgul Monsters Monsters of Middle Earth - see description Balrog of Morgoth (1st Age, but one surviving in late 3rd Age: Balrog of Moria) - p.187 Dragon of Ancient Times (1st age, but one surviving in late 3rd Age: Smaug) - p.186 Cave Drake (???) - p.185 Stone Giant (???) - p.184 allies - Angmar, Moria, Mount Gundabad, Mount Gram, The Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, The Black Gate, Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Easterlings, Variags of Khand, Khandish Mercenaries, Serpent Horde, Harad, Far Harad, Corsair Fleets, Umbar, Nazgul Nazgul Nazgul - late 2nd through 3rd Age Witch King - p.162 or p.163 Khamul - p.162 or p.163 Tainted - p.162 or p.163 Undying - p.162 or p.163 Dark Marshal - p.162 or p.163 Shadow Lord - p.162 or p.163 Dwimmerlaik - p.162 or p.163 Betrayer - p.162 or p.163 Knight of Umbar - p.162 or p.163 The Nine - p.161 Twilight Ringwraiths - p.161 allies - may ally with all evil armies except Sharkey's Rogues |
Author: | Telchar [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:49 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Wow, what a work! Looks very good, but I think Nazgul shouldn't ally with Isengard, as Saruman and Sauron are rivals in the hunt for the Ring, and Saruman actively hinders the Nazgul. |
Author: | Draugluin [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Sauron sent a Nazgul to Isengard when he saw Pippin in the Palantir, it's not that unrealistic for a Nazgul to ally with Saruman. Saruman thought he was a rival, but he was just a puppet since the time he first looked in his Palantir. |
Author: | Slythar [ Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:02 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Thanks for this! It should be a good guide to making themed armies in the least. |
Author: | Killerkatanas [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:29 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
I modified the list to reflect specific dates when units and characters can be used. Brian |
Author: | perry_pug [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:42 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Great stuff Brian! My gaming group will love this and we'll be sure to get on board. |
Author: | Telchar [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:21 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Draugluin wrote: Sauron sent a Nazgul to Isengard when he saw Pippin in the Palantir, it's not that unrealistic for a Nazgul to ally with Saruman. Saruman thought he was a rival, but he was just a puppet since the time he first looked in his Palantir. Because he thought Saruman had betrayed him. And even if Saruman only really was a puppet, he thinks he's a rival, and as such tries his best to hinder the Nine. Also, I don't think everyone should be able to have OP Nazgul to cherrypick. But on the other hand, one can always just not use the option. Hm, maybe you should keep them... |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
In the case of the Nazgul, they should be able to ally with Isengard Scouts, but not the Legion of the White Hand. Also, the only reason they could ally with Dunland in SBG was as they were used as Carn Dum Barbarians, and Dunalnd could alos ally with Angmar and Dwellers. Black Guards should be in more lists. In LoME they were alos in Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate and Dol Guldor. Druzhag also aught to be in Dwellers as well, as he suits that list better than Moria, and as with the above, was allowed in LoME. The Mahud and Khandish kings do have rules. The Mahud one is battlehost-only hero, and the Khand one is an upgrade for Khandish Charioteers. Umbar also need the Betrayer (he and the KoU are a duo), Haradrim Raiders and Black Numenoreans. Sharky and Worm also have stats - Saruman and Grima! Blackshields ought to be in Dwellers Below too, as they're from Gundabad not Moria. Tom Bombadil should not be in the Wizards list. In case you haven't notice (in which case read the description) Dwarf Tunnel Fighting Team and Vault Wardens are the same thing. A Galadhrim Pathwalker is not a Stormcaller. Also, GW fluff concerning Burhdur includes that he killed arathorn and was killed by Aragorn, so he needs to be in the 3rd Age. Very good work however, well done killerkatanas |
Author: | Killerkatanas [ Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:09 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Quote: Black Guards should be in more lists. In LoME they were alos in Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate and Dol Guldor. Druzhag also aught to be in Dwellers as well, as he suits that list better than Moria, and as with the above, was allowed in LoME. The Mahud and Khandish kings do have rules. The Mahud one is battlehost-only hero, and the Khand one is an upgrade for Khandish Charioteers. Umbar also need the Betrayer (he and the KoU are a duo), Haradrim Raiders and Black Numenoreans. Sharky and Worm also have stats - Saruman and Grima! Blackshields ought to be in Dwellers Below too, as they're from Gundabad not Moria. Tom Bombadil should not be in the Wizards list. In case you haven't notice (in which case read the description) Dwarf Tunnel Fighting Team and Vault Wardens are the same thing. A Galadhrim Pathwalker is not a Stormcaller. Also, GW fluff concerning Burhdur includes that he killed arathorn and was killed by Aragorn, so he needs to be in the 3rd Age. Hello, Thanks for the comments. Let me give you my thoughts. I took the information from LOME, and it did not have any Black Guards listed in the book. I would think that the Guard of Barad-Dur, being that it is a special named unit for War of the Ring, should only be in the Barad-Dur list. I agree on Druzhag. The betrayer and the Knight of Umbar are used as a combo in the SBG? I don't play the SBG so I don't know. It makes sense that the Betrayer is Harad-based. Blackshields - If the Dwellers list represents Gundabad, then I totally agree. However, I put these with Moria since I thought that the list represented all the Misty Mountain dwellings (Gundabag, Moria, Mount Gram), while the Dwellers list represented other places. Do you think this is the right interpretation? Tom - I put him there because he is not in the LOME book (or did I miss him?). It would make sense for him to be in a Shire list, but I don't think it is appropriate to have the Hobbits using him as an ally. My next choice would be as a Wanderer in the Wild, but then I think that list allows him to ally with far too many types. It seemed to me that the Wizards list would be a good compromise. Vault Warden Is a Tunnel fighting team? - ok, that makes sense. Then what is a Pathwalker? Burdur, I have him only available for the Middle third age, the time of the War between Angmar and Arnor. Brian |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:48 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Killerkatanas wrote: Quote: Black Guards should be in more lists. In LoME they were alos in Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate and Dol Guldor. Druzhag also aught to be in Dwellers as well, as he suits that list better than Moria, and as with the above, was allowed in LoME. The Mahud and Khandish kings do have rules. The Mahud one is battlehost-only hero, and the Khand one is an upgrade for Khandish Charioteers. Umbar also need the Betrayer (he and the KoU are a duo), Haradrim Raiders and Black Numenoreans. Sharky and Worm also have stats - Saruman and Grima! Blackshields ought to be in Dwellers Below too, as they're from Gundabad not Moria. Tom Bombadil should not be in the Wizards list. In case you haven't notice (in which case read the description) Dwarf Tunnel Fighting Team and Vault Wardens are the same thing. A Galadhrim Pathwalker is not a Stormcaller. Also, GW fluff concerning Burhdur includes that he killed arathorn and was killed by Aragorn, so he needs to be in the 3rd Age. Hello, Thanks for the comments. Let me give you my thoughts. I took the information from LOME, and it did not have any Black Guards listed in the book. I would think that the Guard of Barad-Dur, being that it is a special named unit for War of the Ring, should only be in the Barad-Dur list. I agree on Druzhag. The betrayer and the Knight of Umbar are used as a combo in the SBG? I don't play the SBG so I don't know. It makes sense that the Betrayer is Harad-based. Blackshields - If the Dwellers list represents Gundabad, then I totally agree. However, I put these with Moria since I thought that the list represented all the Misty Mountain dwellings (Gundabag, Moria, Mount Gram), while the Dwellers list represented other places. Do you think this is the right interpretation? Tom - I put him there because he is not in the LOME book (or did I miss him?). It would make sense for him to be in a Shire list, but I don't think it is appropriate to have the Hobbits using him as an ally. My next choice would be as a Wanderer in the Wild, but then I think that list allows him to ally with far too many types. It seemed to me that the Wizards list would be a good compromise. Vault Warden Is a Tunnel fighting team? - ok, that makes sense. Then what is a Pathwalker? Burdur, I have him only available for the Middle third age, the time of the War between Angmar and Arnor. Brian Black Guards are;nt aspecial name unit. There are Mordor roll in Dol Guldor, Morannon Orcs in Barad-dur. Clcak Guard shoul be in Dol Guldor and at least 1 of the other Mordor lists. Their online SBG rules list them in all my aforementioned armies. Unless you feel strongly that they should be different. The Betrayer and the Knight of Umbar are both Harad/Umbar Lords, to rule Harad one must rule from Umbar. They don't always get used as a duo. The Dwellers list represennt the Wilds, the less civilsed places, in general Moria refer to Moria and only Moria, though Blackshields should still be in both lists, because they match the Moria Uruks description (Moria), and Bolg's Guard (Dwellers). Bombadil should be in Wanderers. Though should have a special rule like the old SBG one that he cannot be userd on battles outside of the Old Forrest regardless. Pathwalkers were a scrapped idea for a Warrior tipe, like an elite Ranger, but were dropped beforte they went into production, Stormcallers are basic magicians. Buhrdur needs to be in late 3rd Age. Trolls do have long lifespans though, so he could be earlier as well. |
Author: | Killerkatanas [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:13 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Quote: Black Guards are;nt aspecial name unit. There are Mordor roll in Dol Guldor, Morannon Orcs in Barad-dur. Clcak Guard shoul be in Dol Guldor and at least 1 of the other Mordor lists. Their online SBG rules list them in all my aforementioned armies. Unless you feel strongly that they should be different. The Betrayer and the Knight of Umbar are both Harad/Umbar Lords, to rule Harad one must rule from Umbar. They don't always get used as a duo. The Dwellers list represennt the Wilds, the less civilsed places, in general Moria refer to Moria and only Moria, though Blackshields should still be in both lists, because they match the Moria Uruks description (Moria), and Bolg's Guard (Dwellers). Bombadil should be in Wanderers. Though should have a special rule like the old SBG one that he cannot be userd on battles outside of the Old Forrest regardless. Pathwalkers were a scrapped idea for a Warrior tipe, like an elite Ranger, but were dropped beforte they went into production, Stormcallers are basic magicians. Buhrdur needs to be in late 3rd Age. Trolls do have long lifespans though, so he could be earlier as well. Thanks for the reply. Let me give you my further thoughts: I really think that the Black Guard is a special named unit that should only be available in Barad-Dur. I think that its rareness means that it is not available in many places. Therefore, for my lists, I am going to leave it, but I invite people to change it to suit what they think is correct. I really think the Moria list represenst the formal settlements of the goblins, which is quite different that the wilds. I plan to keep the list as it is and add wo more misty mountain dwellings: Mounts Gundabad and Gram. Mount Gram was home of the Orc raider Golfimbul, who attacked the Shire, while Gundabad was home of Bolg, who initiated the Battle of Five Armies. Of course, no stats for these, but it would be nice to see some eventaually. Again, feel free to chan ge it if you do not agree. I agree on bombadil Buhrdur, according to the books that I have, was killed after the defeat of the Witch King's forces at the Battle of the Hills of Evidim in Third Age 1975, so I will also leave that to the decision of the players to increase his availability into the late Third Age. Brian |
Author: | Draugluin [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
What books do you have that mention Buhrdur? |
Author: | Telchar [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:51 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
That puzzles me as well - I thought he was a GW make-up? |
Author: | Draugluin [ Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Maybe he was mentioned, but he was definitely a GW made up one, especially seeing as he supposedly killed Arathorn. |
Author: | Killerkatanas [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 12:37 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Quote: What books do you have that mention Buhrdur? I think Burdur is a made up personality, but not by GW, but by Electronic Arts. Burdur is a character in the "Rise of the Witch King" computer game from Electonic Arts, made several years ago. The booklet that came with the collector's edition talks about him, and the game has him in it. The synopsis of the game is the rise of Angmar and its attack on Arnor. GW added the stuff about him, and giving him a history as the assassin of Arathorn, thus the revenge of Aragorn scenario in the Arnor book. Brian |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:09 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Killerkatanas wrote: Quote: What books do you have that mention Buhrdur? I think Burdur is a made up personality, but not by GW, but by Electronic Arts. Burdur is a character in the "Rise of the Witch King" computer game from Electonic Arts, made several years ago. The booklet that came with the collector's edition talks about him, and the game has him in it. The synopsis of the game is the rise of Angmar and its attack on Arnor. GW added the stuff about him, and giving him a history as the assassin of Arathorn, thus the revenge of Aragorn scenario in the Arnor book. Brian No he is not, EA games made up Rogash who joined the Witch-king. Burdhdur is entirely different non-canon Troll, and he killed Arathorn and was killed by Aragorn: Quote from TBFME2-ROTWK: Quote: A Troll of exception cunning and cruelty, Rogash destroys the Witch-king's enmeies with unparalleled might Quotes from Ruin of Arnor: Quote: ...when the sons of Elrond Halfelven discover a shadow has fallen over the northern villages, the bring word to Arathorn, Chieftain of the Dunedain. In recent weeks the Orc brigands in the high hills of Rhudaur have grouped together into a formidable warband, a brutish horde directed by a scatrred Troll... Quote: ... alas for all their preperation, the Rangers are unaware of just what awates them... the jaws of a trap are abou to close... Next scenario: Aragorn's Revenge: Quote: Some time after, Aragorn comes upon unmisakeable signs of the foul creatures that slew his father I will acede to everythong else however. |
Author: | Killerkatanas [ Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:32 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Quote: No he is not, EA games made up Rogash who joined the Witch-king. Burdhdur is entirely different non-canon Troll, and he killed Arathorn and was killed by Aragorn I guess I had the two mixed up, but I am thinking that it is the same troll. From what I have read, Arathorn was killed by Orcs, not a troll, some two years after his son's birth. He was shot in the eye and then stabbed multiple times. Brian |
Author: | Draugluin [ Sat Sep 15, 2012 1:45 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
I think it was his father (Arador) who was killed by trolls. |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:46 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Killerkatanas wrote: Quote: No he is not, EA games made up Rogash who joined the Witch-king. Burdhdur is entirely different non-canon Troll, and he killed Arathorn and was killed by Aragorn I guess I had the two mixed up, but I am thinking that it is the same troll. From what I have read, Arathorn was killed by Orcs, not a troll, some two years after his son's birth. He was shot in the eye and then stabbed multiple times. Brian Rogash was killed a long tome before Buhrdur rose to power. Maybe they are father and son? In the books most certainly. Also, the scenario fluff wording suggests that Burdhur did not slay Arathorn himsefl, but was in command a 'pack' of warriors consisting of Orcs, Wargs and other Trolls. And it is many many years in between those scenarios, though not as much time as between some of the others. The scenarios cover great time periods. As both Rogash and Buhrdur are similar, and not-Tolkkein, it would be fair to be able to use Burdur to represent Rogash as well as himself, thus allowing the modle to be use din mid and late 3rd Age. |
Author: | Killerkatanas [ Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:39 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: Allies lists for WOTR |
Quote: As both Rogash and Buhrdur are similar, and not-Tolkkein, it would be fair to be able to use Burdur to represent Rogash as well as himself, thus allowing the modle to be use din mid and late 3rd Age. That sounds reasonable. So the Burdur model and stats would represents Rogash, during Angmar's war with Arnor, and Burdhur after. Brian |
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