The One Ring

Misty Mountians escilation league
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Author:  Tzeentchling9 [ Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Misty Mountians escilation league

So we're going to have an escalation league of WoTR 500pts for two weeks, 750pts for two another week, and 1k for the final two weeks. Participants play as many games as they want/can and results effect scheduled events on the weekends(for example: Balrogs VS players with 500pts of an Epic Hero and a single Formation :twisted: ). We'll probably be playing on 4x4 tables for at least the 500pt and 750pt games.

A couple of rules:
-No allies :shock:
-Only one Epic Hero
-Said Epic Hero is drafted at the beginning of the league, and once drafted , can not be changed or used by anyone else. Named Legendaries(example: Gulavar/Burhdur/Sauron) must also be drafted and can't be used by others. (I'm not 100% sure on the exact implications of the part about the Legendaries).
(Possibly) -No EHtK or RHtK monsters.

I was going to take my Angmar, but the "no Allies" rule and the low point games unfortunately leaves Angmar pretty lacking in choices. That leaves me my Misty Mountains. I drafted Durburz. Leaving the other MM player Druzhag because I wanted to play with Durburz and Druzhag is pretty crazy for his points.

So far, I now that there is: one other MM player, at least 2 Fallen Realms players, 3 Isenguarders, 2 Gondors, and 2 Elves

So, for my lists, I'm thinking:

Durburz 70pts
6c Prowlers w/Captain 170pts
4c Giant Spiders 140pts
6c Gundabad Blackshields

Durburz 70pts
6c Prowlers w/Captain 170pts
5c Wargs 100pts
4c Giant Spiders 140pts
6c Gundabad Blackshields
Spider Queen 145pts

Durburz 70pts
6c Prowlers w/Captain 170pts
4c Goblin Warband w/Bows 80pts
6c Wargs 120pts
4c Giant Spiders 140pts
6c Gundabad Blackshields 120pts
Spider Queen 145pts
Cave Troll 75pts
Cave Troll 75pts
995 Points

I don't think I have to keep units from the previous points, but it kind of turned out that way. Thoughts?

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