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 Post subject: Two evil armies for thoughts
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:08 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:34 am
Posts: 16
Out of despair for my Elven hosts, I decided to have a look into Mordor and the Fallen realms. Now, I have never played as Mordor or the Fallen Realms before, so thoughts welcome :)

1500 points (both)
Gorgoroth Battle host
18 orcs companies (task master and captain)
The Undying
Knight of Umbar
2x5 warg riders
6 Morannon Orcs w/shields
4 Mordor Uruks
4 Sharkey's Ruffians
Enamoured of Evil.

Tactics: Obviously it's the blob horde, Khamul is used in synergy with Gollum to inflict crazy numbers of wounds. Undying is used to stave off casters while Gothmog is the hero protector.
Enamoured of Evil is a non-vital, but interesting piece, allowing me to tremor goblins and uruks, while crippling Elves and Gondor (etc)
The warg riders are a flanking force to capitalise on the huge 18 company formation. With the Morannons and Uruks acting as buffers and flank.
Sharkey's Ruffians are more of an annoyance than anything.
I was considering changing the fate for the +1 formation defence one, just to really ensure that the orcs keep going. Knight of Umbar makes sure when I do hit, I hit hard (Dwarves Strength, Elves fight etc)

It all revolves around the panic button such a large formation with powerful heroes in it.

Fallen Realms:
2x6 Easterlings
2x4 Arbalests
2 half trolls
4 Black Numenorians
4 Morgul Knights

Fairly similar to Mordor, except it relies more on the high defence to act as a deterrent, with less casters it relies heavily upon the damage on crossbows and the tank factor every formation here has.
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 Post subject: Re: Two evil armies for thoughts
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:19 pm 
Elven Elder
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With the Mordor list, you could probably drop Gollum amd that fate, neither will do much. I think the rest of the list is good, but knock off a company from each warg rider warband, 5 is too many, you could buy a few companies of Morgul Stalkers.

With Fallen Realms, again, drop Gollum, and change the Easterlings to 3 formations of 4 companies, and consider giving each a Dragon Knight.

A note on the Undying, he is one of the worst wraiths out their and you'd be better with eg the Betrayer. However, since your lists are quite powerful anyway, it isn't a bad idea to tone it down a little.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Two evil armies for thoughts
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:24 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:34 am
Posts: 16

The whole point of gollum was for use as a neutraliser for high power enemy formations. The people I tend to play against field plenty of casters and solid formations, I thought Gollum will help cause some extra casualties. i.e: when hit with essicate or bolt of fire the 18 strong formation will probably take a fair number of hits, Khamul will bounce roughly 1/3 of these back. Gollum drives this up, so the minimal losses I sustain will be plenty to cripple the enemy.

The Fate was a bit of dabbling, as I said, I tend to fight high magic armies.

The betrayer would be a huge boon to the army, but my reasoning:
Defence 6 and Khamul protect against physical attacks, but it leaves my huge formation and core of my army very vulnerable to magic... Undying just gives me a bit more of an edge.

Morgul Stalkers: Sounds like a good idea, it's something I'm going to try.

Easterlings: May I ask, why 3 of 4 rather than 2 of 6? I would have thought having a solid core of men would give me an anchor to hold my army together.
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 Post subject: Re: Two evil armies for thoughts
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:29 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder
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Having 3 formations of 4 is a strong core and it is much more manoeverable, 6 company formations can be very unweildy, and it is then easy for enemies to intercept the flanks. With smaller formations, not only is this easier to avoid, but if a formation is destroyed and your hero has already escapd, you can continue as if nothing had happened, but in two 6s, then that's half your core.

Does that help?

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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