The One Ring

New to WOTR
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Author:  spamalot314 [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  New to WOTR

Hey everybody.

I've been playing SBG for years with friends models, started my own collection about a year ago, and I finally wanted to start to get into WOTR. I like the rules and I like the concept and for the new game I wanted to start a completely new army. Fallen Realms appeals most to me when it comes to WOTR and I was thinking about starting with corsairs. I have about 110$ to start on the new collection and I was wondering what would be the best choice for this army. I don't have the rulebook and i dont plan on getting it for a while so i dont know how good the different models are. Are corsairs a good starting force or should i invest in some other fallen realms sets? what are some of the best heroes, elites, etc.? Any advice is appreciated.

Thank you!

Author:  edonil [ Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, since you have a collection already, might I ask what you have that you think is Fallen Realms?

The problem is that Corsairs are, unfortunately, a light infantry unit with no special benefits. Corsair crossbowmen are one of the best ranged units. Dalamyr is a really good character, but you might want to combine him with a heavier unit.

Elite (well, heavy) infantry in the Fallen Realms would be Half-Trolls, Black Numenoreans, and Easterlings. I'd recommend starting with a force of Easterlings, to be honest. They're a fairly forgiving force, with their high defense, although collecting them can be a bit of a pain because of the weird way the box is packed. Haradrim are also fun, thanks to their poisoned weapons. Ringwraiths are always a good chance for characters, but so is Amdur. Hope that helps! Welcome to the game!

Author:  Enfid [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I won't recommend Corsairs in WOTR. The unit profile seemed half-arsed thrown together in my opinion. They fight a bit better than most other troops, but seriously lack armor. They don't even have thrown weapons for crying put loud! Arbalesters, on the other hand, is probably the best ranged unit in the game. So if you really want to go corsairs themed, then it's probably shooty all the way. Arbalesters are metal though, so the cost will shoot up. $110 won't give you much in that case.

Consider investing in plastic sets, as you'll get more models for your money. You'll probably get the most points in-game if you play easterling, but you only have metal cavalry. Also, as Edonil said, the packaging is a bit weird. In a box you get 8 Swordsmen, 8 Archers, and 4 Pikemen. In most circumstances, you probably want more Pikemen than Archers, so it's a bit awkward to have to buy more boxes just to get more Pikemen.

Author:  spamalot314 [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks very much for the helpful advice. :-D

I bought some crossbows and Dalamyr, leaving enough money for two plastic box sets. I will probably get either Easterlings or Haradrim Warriors, and then go for some cavalry in a bit. I know that easterling cavalry is extremely good but much more expensive money wise so that may be a later investment.

Author:  Suladans Chosen [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would recommend that you also read up on the army lists/statistics of the models if you are into gameplay.

When I started playing warhammer I bought orcs because they sounded like fun spammey enemies but their animosity rule just killed my fun.

Make sure you know what you're taking before actually spending money and time on the minis (if the actual playing aspect is as important as the collecting/hobby part).

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