The One Ring

Congrats to everyone who entered
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Author:  BrentS [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Congrats to everyone who entered

Its been awfully quiet around here in regards to the OR Awards. However, I just wanted to shout out and say congrats to everyone who entered this year. There are some amazing entries for this session!

For the Competition Committee? How long are we going to have to vote this session? (still a month?)

Author:  Dorthonion [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had a quick look - it appears voting is not ready just yet but you can browse and compare what is in there and make some decisions. Good luck everyone (and shame on those who did not take part! :P

Author:  Haldir_pl [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's just like Olympics Everyone's a winner. Shame though we didn't keep up to last time entries level.

Author:  BrentS [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:56 pm ]
Post subject: wrote:
It's just like Olympics Everyone's a winner. Shame though we didn't keep up to last time entries level.

I was thinking about that. For some reason, the awards seemed a lot less publicized this season. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not.

Author:  Azog [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

The second time around is always a bit of an anti-climax after the big build-up to the new award rules being launched. It looks like we have got a good haul, but it's a shame we haven't got more beginners entries ..ah well at least they do look beginners which is really the point.

There seems to be a nice set of entries in the Open categories and also the Master Craftsman category.

As regard voting, it is still 1 month unless Alan decides to change it for some reason. I think 1 month is good in that it builds up tension and allows people who might be on holiday / away / busy to vote.

The Committee will be starting to cast their eye over the entries for the Committee Choice award soon.

Author:  Captain Ingold [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just a question.. When are the results up? I want to know who won! By the way, I didn't enter, unfortunately.

Author:  Viruk [ Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Captain Ingold wrote:
Just a question.. When are the results up? I want to know who won! By the way, I didn't enter, unfortunately.

Just as Azog wrote, the voting is one month and after it the results will be known.

Author:  Haldir_Strikes [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:09 am ]
Post subject: wrote:
It's just like Olympics Everyone's a winner. Shame though we didn't keep up to last time entries level.

I was going to enter, however Uni thwarted my entry plans by landing smack-bang in the last week of the deadline. I'm sure there are probably a lot of people who had similar sets of circumstances and unfortunately were just unable to participate. Nice work to all who managed to get something in!

Author:  Dagorlad [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Congratulations to everyone who put in the time and effort and entered the competition. The choice this time around is going to be hard!

The OR Awards weren't really well publicised this time - that was mainly due to my real life workload distracting me from the important things in life. We'll try and do better next time.

There are some wonderful prizes up for grabs this time around, so good luck to all who entered - in amongst the prize pool we have a Tree Giant and a Giant Bear from Majestic Bear, some bases and gift vouchers from Back2Base-IX, a Master Class Basing Kit from Spectre Hobbies, plus some useful tools, minis from Ebob Miniatures and much more.

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Real life can be a pain. I had a real good idea for the Master Craftsman, but I just ran out of time due to other commitments.
Ah well. There's always next time.

Author:  Joansean [ Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

ukfreddybear wrote:
Real life can be a pain. I had a real good idea for the Master Craftsman, but I just ran out of time due to other commitments.
Ah well. There's always next time.

Ditto! Shame ....

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Congrats to everyone who entered into the awards, some real nice entries all round!

EDIT - I really should change my avatar :lol:

Author:  Dagorlad [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I love your avatar - makes me laugh whenever I see it!

Author:  Azog [ Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Aye we've had some good entries but perhaps not the numbers we hoped. I hope that all those who said they couldn't make it this time manage to next time. I think it is amazing how fast the time comes around and it does catch you by surprise. Old Azog will hopefully be doing his bit to start cranking up the advertising earlier next time, you will be pleased to know we are already thinking of the next Master Craftsman theme. I think the staff (Mods and Admin) should ALL try and enter something into the awards. I will certainly try for next time.

Author:  Dagorlad [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Brian and I deliberately keep out of the Awards since we run the place and feel it's not appropriate to enter our own competitions. The staff are free (and encouraged) to enter however.

And this time around, I've been so busy making gaming tables that I've not had a moment to spare to do anything on LOTR since January.

Author:  Red Corsairs [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybe you could make a different section for staff and admins, that way all the competition commitee get to enter and compete against themselves.

Although I understand it must be quite odd if you win and have to send the prizes you bought to yourselves :P .

(ps. perhaps i'll keep this avatar just to keep you happy Alan :wink: )

Author:  Radagast the white [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Congratulations everyone! I really enjoyed looking at all the entrys :)

Author:  Dagorlad [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh, and voting will continue until the end of the month, as per normal. While a number of people have asked that it be shortened to two weeks (and I kind of agree with them), the Competition Committee hasn't actually discussed it yet. And so until there's an agreement to shorten it by the Commitee, the original length of time will stand.

Author:  BrentS [ Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dagorlad (Alan) wrote:
Oh, and voting will continue until the end of the month, as per normal. While a number of people have asked that it be shortened to two weeks (and I kind of agree with them), the Competition Committee hasn't actually discussed it yet. And so until there's an agreement to shorten it by the Commitee, the original length of time will stand.

For what its worth, I still vote for 2 weeks :wink:

Author:  Haldir_pl [ Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:15 am ]
Post subject: 

Yep, Too bad they haven't dediced enything yet. Is it still possible for Commiitee to vote that motion ?

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