I agree with you Alan. There were a few really nice entries in this event but, overall, none of the categories was particularly participated. Even the painting contest, the most participated with more than twice the number of entries of the other categories, was only 11 entries. Something went wrong as I believe that, in the last contests, there were a lot more.
Here are my points of view:
1. Do we need to advertise this on the OR more?
Definetelly. Just a couple of announcements during the year and, in particular, in the last weeks before the entries start and even more often in the entry period would spice things a bit and get everyone a bit more in the mood. Something that we could consider is RSS feeds, mass emails and that sort of thing... but even just a good use of the frontpage might do the job aswell.
2. Is it too hard/confusing to enter?
I've seen a few comments about it but Is it that confusing? Its pretty much the same as uploading a picture to our galleries and the categories are very explicit. Perhaps the Beginner registration process isnt clear enough.
One thing I do think its confusing, or was for some time, its the Awards forum organization. Lots of sticky threads, and a awefull lot of information that is not particularly easy to find. It looks a bit better now, but its something that we staff need to think about, in my opinion, and try to simplify things in there.
3. Do people need to know what the prizes are beforehand?
I never entered for the prizes. The little icon in the profile is more than enough for me. That said, a contest wouldn't be a contest without some sort of prize and, without one, I don't see how there would be more entries... only less. As long as the site can afford them and with the good will of the members, I think we should keep them. Knowing beforehand sounds good to me.
Like someone said above, just to know that a place will win "two D blister packs" or "one boxed set" or "a set of OR dice" would be more than enough for me and it couldn't hurt the competition I guess. It could be publicised a couple of weeks befores the entries or so.
4. Should we hide other people's entries until the voting starts?
Good question! After some consideration, I don't think it affects much the way I enter or vote... but I can see it having that effect. If there's a few really good entries right from beginning, some members might feel that they don't have a chance and simply don't bother to enter. It shouldn't work like that but it might. Also, an early entry has a lot more exposition... it can work in both ways. It can be a favorite from the beginning and avoid other entries but it can also loose a bit of the awe effect from a late entry. I think we could try something like that, yep, maybe just showing the number of entries so far.
5. Should we advertise this on other sites?
It couldn't hurt but, as I see it, this is a competition that aims to improve the overall quality of the OR community. To participate, you need to be a member here. As long as we can avoid 'prize hunters' its fine for me but, as you say, I wouldn't like to see someone enter the awards then leave to be seen only in the next awards.
6. Should we change the categories?
We used to have different beginner categories... there wasnt much participation in most of them. Now we have only one and we still dont have much entries. I can't see how going backwards would change things...
The Mastercraftsman categorie is actually my favorite but, somehow, I never managed to enter. The new format is a lot more clear so everyone can start right away planning the next entry (the next 7 chapters or so). In the past the theme wasnt always clear until just a couple of weeks before the comp. Either we should scrap it (due to lack of entries) or we keep it as it is and see how it works next time. Being my personnal favorite and something that I think sums up what a hobbyist should be I vote to keep it and give it another try.
The Open categories are the tough ones. Best Mini is an obvious category and there's not much to discuss in there I think.
The other categories, however, mix subjects. Again, this is due to the lack of entries when they were different categories. Some might consider unffair, some might not. In the end I believe members have the ability to judge wisely and vote according. I dislike dioramas/terrain being the same category because they are simply not related. Sculpting and converting have similarities... terrain and dioramas don't. This said, they were different things in the past and, again, there were few entries. Thats why it was decided to join them together.
Should we scrap it and think of something else?
AHA! Very funny! Of course not. We need, like we did in the past, to discuss what happened, what went wrong and what went well and work from there... but you already know that.