Dorthonion wrote:
I voted for an 'oldie' as it was one of those that sticks in my dreadful memory as it was such a joy to watch. And this guy could sculpt Smaug as he should be, the quintessential paragon of draconian rage and cunning.
I hope he returns, and steps back into the light.
Hey! who are you calling an 'oldie'?
Thanks to those who kindly nominated me and even voted for me too! I didn't know about this friendly competition as I've been spending more time in the real world and only visit this super site from time to time to look at people's WIP threads.
How about a purple die for coming second in a category?

Or maybe my name in green because I'm overcome with envy? Not for any other reason... Or black because I was nominated for 3 categories? Okay, I'll settle for that.
Well done to all the winners; all talented in their own ways. Keep up the good work and enthusiasm.
I'm part way through a vast battle in the loft playing SBG rules. My poor son (8) is being a bit thrashed as my army of the dead have taken out his balrog, two trolls and a goblin king while my Gondorian archers have wiped out about a hundred of his orcs and goblins... yet still the battle rages.
Hmm, beating an 8 year old may seem a bit harsh but in our last game (smaller scale) his elves, led by Gil-galad, took my uruks to pieces.
Is he obsessed with the hobby? Not like I have been, but he did READ The Lord of the Rings last month. It took him just 3 weeks. Who's a proud daddy then?