Hey everybody!
I need your opinion in terrain making.
In the past I have made buildings for lots of different factions in the middle earth world, Harad houses, Osgiliath ruins, Rohan dwellings, Easterling watch towers. This is great for the odd building here and there, the problem is I can't make a township with all of these mismatched buildings.
I want to make a full town for gaming in, which could include buildings like a stable, a temple/church, palace, tavern, blacksmith, barracks and lots of houses. Potentially building palisades or city walls too.
I think making a Rhunish style town would be really amazing; since I can really stretch my imagination on this idea as Tolkien doesn't say much about this land. I have done a little research into architecture and decided a eastern Russian and eastern Asian or Tibetan mixed architecture could fit them well. (I like the city of Irkutsk in Russia)

The problem with having so much freedom in a design like this is that it is not distinctly "Lord of the rings" you can't look at these buildings and say that is from the movies, like you can if I built Osgiliath or Edoras for example. Plus you don't have scenarios that involve a Rhun town.
So I put to you guys should I go with my gut or something more normal and obvious?