The One Ring

How big buildings are made
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Author:  Noobpainter [ Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  How big buildings are made

Hi guys,
I want to start some buildings (house, watchtowers,...)
How big must these be in comparison to the 28mm figures?
Should Just double or triple that size / floor do the trick?

Author:  Mapper [ Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How big buildings are made

When I did my buildings, I used several factors. I felt that the watchtower and buildings that GW did for Rohan were outsized, mainly in the size of the materials. I felt that it would be hard for a person to handle or built with the size rocks or planks that they depicted, which is why I went with matchsticks and toothpicks. I could have got the same look/feeling with scored Popsicle or coffee stirrer sticks. Depending on what material you plan to use, use a whole size of the stick vs having to split it - saves a lot of time and material and that little difference won't matter.

It also depends on what base you are using, GW vs a washer will change the dimensions of what you are building.

My biggest mistake was trying to build something big first, I should have done something smaller first to get the hang of using the materials and how it looks first.

Take a figure you have and try build different size doors/walls against it, if it looks good to you, you have the right size. For a house the walls/doors would be smaller than if you were building Meduseld.

Good luck and looking forward to seeing what you are building!

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How big buildings are made

I usually use the size of a base to make my buildings. Remember they need to be functional, so a door needs to be 1" wide for a man. Using this formula, I generally measure by inches. I also have a model train scale ruler. We are very close to O scale, it's just a touch bigger, so that helps me too.

Start by building smaller buildings. The sizes for a nice Rohan house are listed in the Two Towers Sourcebook. They serve as a nice prototype for some of the larger buildings. Also, if you try something new on the little guys and hate it, you'll have wasted less time and money.

Go to the office supply store and buy some 1/4" foamcore and play around a bit.

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