This is mostly about terrain, so I thought I'd put this post on this board. It's not a WIP, 'cause it's done. It could have been a battle report, but the board was so big, with so many interruptions (including the wandering hands of small children), we never finished, and besides, the main purpose was to demo the terrain. Maybe someone will be inspired.
Every Feb in our city there is a small convention for gamers. My friend David always ups the bar for terrain making, and this year was no exception. He created a walled town/dockside scene complete with fishing boats and nets. However, he doesn't enjoy painting as much, so my friend Blair did most of the building painting. Another friend, Glen, took most of the pictures. Meanwhile, I supplied most of the figures (except townsfolk, peasants and the like), making use of my newly painted Corsairs and wraith on fell beast; and also acted as game referee. So naturally it was SBG...
Denethor and the forces of Gondor are defending the walled town. We start mid-siege, with figures already on the ladders and battering ram at the gates. Goblins have been digging a mining shaft which will collapse part of the wall at some point in the near future.
The view from outside the city (Denethor is in the conical tower):
The trees are made from dowels and furnace filter cut irregularly, with a lighter flock spinkled from the top, and a darker flock sprinkled from beneath.
The view from the docks:
David made all the buildings you see from scratch (balsa, foamboard, cardboard). Also the terrain base and ramp to the lower docks is pink foam painstakingly etched by hand. The boats, barrels, etc were purchased, but the fishing nets, ropes, etc were made out of string and cheesecloth.
Here, the goblin horde digging under the wall has collapsed it:
Meanwhile, the uruk-hai battering ram has done its work:
The townsfolk scramble to get their belongings out of town:
Faramir races to protect the boats so Daddy Denethor can escape (note we're at low tide...):
But unfortunately the Corsairs arrive, with Peter Jackson pointing the way:
And three Corsairs take a rowboat to try and set fire to one of the remaining ships:
And lastly, the evil Referee (me) looks down on the pathetic people of Gondor