The One Ring

Green Dragon's Game Day
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Author:  greendragon [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Green Dragon's Game Day

Looking to hold a big gaming day somewhere near Exmouth, anybody in the area on this forum willing to play?

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day

Like to but it'd be a £60 train journey for me, sorry :(

Author:  Drumstick [ Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day

ha! Funnily enough I could. .. depending on when it is exactly. I'm moving down to university in Bournemouth which isn't far away and means I could attend. I'm not sure if I'll have an army since I'll probably not take any miniatures down there as I live at the other end of the country atm.. .. so it might not work anyway.


Author:  greendragon [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day

Plans underway already, venue selected - terrain building underway. Should be a BBQ involved as well so armies not essential. Will be playing 40K, Fantasy, LOTR, Flames of War and a couple of board games (ankhmorpork and gears of war from FFG) on the day as well. Music and pool table being considered also.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day

sounds great .. shame it so far away :-X

Author:  greendragon [ Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day


Green Dragon Games will be holding a GAMING DAY on Sunday October 28th 2012 at Lympstone Youth Building, Lympstone, Devon, EX8 5JY, follow the postcode to the carpark and then walk past the tennis courts toward the field and you'll see the building.

There will be introductory painting sessions and demo games for LOTR: SBG (ahead of the Hobbit), 40K, Fantasy and Flames of War throughout the day. We'll also have open gaming tables, themed music and all of our products on sale.

We hope to see many of you there and hope you all have a good time! :)

The Green Dragon Games Team.

Author:  greendragon [ Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day

And here is the poster for those interested =D

Author:  greendragon [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day

JUST ADDED (14th October) - We will have a WWII display from Veteran Mr. Stan Parker! Featuring genuine equipment such as bullets, gas mask etc as well as photographs from the thick of the action. Bringing WWII war-gaming to life with a display that looks back over the ages. He'll also be there to answer any questions you may have about the equipment, come along and take a look for Free!

Author:  Constantine [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Green Dragon's Game Day

Wow, all these and BBQ!!! I'd love so much to be there and it would very interesting chatting with a veteran. Ah it's a shame I live in another country. Tell us how it turns out if you can. :dmf:

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