The One Ring

London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday
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Author:  Damian [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Hello Everyone,

My club will be running a small two-day SBG tournament over the August bank holiday weekend. Here's the link for all the details ... getnewpost

We've gone for a 20-man, 500 points of Good and Evil format as that allows us to maximise the number of players and games that we can get in our small room at the club and ensure that all participants get to play 6 completely different games of SBG over that weekend. Our large room is being used for a WHFB tournament that weekend, but if this event is a success we have the capability to run a much larger SBG event in the future.

If you live within striking distance if North London and fancy a long weekend of quality SBG gaming check us out, join our forum and sign up for the tournament. Whitewizard (known as Cypher on our forum) and myself will see you there.


Author:  BlackMist [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Posted on your forum.

Might be an idea to post this on TLA, as there's a bunch of people living in the south who could attend.

Author:  WhiteWizard [ Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Yep, Damian has posted on TLA this evening and a few people have already had a look! :)

Will be an awesome day, hope you can make it :)

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

I've already said but, that weekend is no good for me, if you're struggling to find attendants i can make ANY other weekend in summer :)

Author:  WhiteWizard [ Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

We don't have access to the hall on Saturday's unfortunately, so these are the only two consecutive days we can run this event.

But we do run the club pretty much every other Sunday afternoon between 15:30-19:30, so feel free to come along for regular games. Just post on our froum to arrange a game. SBG is getting more and more popular at the club I'm happy to say :)

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Sounds groovy, may come down next week, i'll join the forum in a minute :)

Author:  WhiteWizard [ Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Hello everyone

Just to let you all know that although The Long Bottom Carnival event is being run in a tournament format, this is just to ensure that people will get the most out of the two days by being matched against other players of a similar level of experience, while still appealing to the more competitive players amongst you.

Furthermore, there are no painting restricitions whatsoever, so even if you just throw together 500 points of whatever you have, you're more than welcome. Of course for those who have put in the effort in painting their models, there will be prizes for Best painted Army and Hero.

Hope to see some of you there!

Bet regards,

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

I'll be there (pagey89 on that forum). Got my armies ready, just to paint them now.

Author:  WhiteWizard [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Hi all,

If we could start getting everyone who's coming paid up to confirm their attendance that would be great!

On a side note, i'm going to put the event pack together in the next few days and will post when it's ready. I thouht I'd include something to track the results of the games and also some voting slips for the two painting comps and "Most Honourable" award.

There will be prizes and actually, we're currently working on some sponsored prizes from both our local hobby store and KR multicase.

Also, as is tradition at the Titan's events, I will be designing some pretty cirtificates for everyone who attends (not just the winners).

Lastly, we still have 12 places and it would be fantastic to fill them all and get some of the OR community together for a few games of SBG...

So I hope to see you there! :)

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

I've literally just sent payment. So here's my confirmation :)

Author:  Damian [ Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Just a little reminder to everyone that our SBG event is coming up this weekend. It's not too late to register. Whitewizard and I have been busy getting the terrain sorted out, so we'll have some pretty tables to play on. Come and support SBG with us.

Author:  Damian [ Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

We now have a bit of sponsorship for this weekend.

Prizes have been donated courtesy of KR Cases and Leisure Games.

We've still got spaces left if you'd like to spend the bank holiday weekend bringing war to Middle Earth........ now with prizes!

I may even get my Rohan army painted in time.

Author:  WhiteWizard [ Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Hello everyone,

The Longbottom Carnival Event Pack is now available for download here:

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for this weekend, it's going to be Epic! :-)

See you there

Author:  WhiteWizard [ Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Thank you to everyone who attended last weekend, it was a fantastic two days.

Many armies were forged and many grueling battles were fought!

Damian and I are already discussing our next event which will likely be in the New Year, once the dust has settled on the new Hobbit releases. More on that soon.

A special thanks to Gondorian for taking plenty of photos, which can be viewed on our Google album here:

Until next time...

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: London SBG Tournament. August Bank Holiday

Thanks for the great weekend. Was a lot of fun, even when I was feeling ill. I have a couple of photos on my phone which I'll upload to photobucket in due course.

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