There will be WOTR offered for NATCON. As far as I know, this will be the first New Zealand Nationals WOTR event, which makes whoever wins - the first ever champion of WOTR in middle earth! Jast sayin.
Players pack and registration details are here: will be umpiring, and will be getting direct feedback on format from those who have said they are coming already, but I am always open to more comments.
The format will be:
It will be a two day, five game, event. 1000 pts, using the the army construction guidelines from the rulebook.
Games are to be played on a 6'x4' table. Games will use combinations of the missions and victory conditions in the rulebook plus possibly a new/reworked mission to mix things up a little. There will be at least two shieldwalls deployments, plus one battle for the pass and one maelstrom.
Games will be scored using the rules in the WOTR rulebook. After each game, W/L/D and total points using the GW system will be recorded. In the first instance, players will be ranked using the following formula:
3 pts per win, 1 pt per draw, 0pts per loss. If this results in ties, then the recorded GW points will be used to determine the rankings within those ties.
(only if prize support permits) There will be a separate painting prize, based on player vote.
There will be no 'Sports' points.
Lists are due one week before the event. Players have almost complete freedom in list design but the Umpire reserves the right to ask a player to rethink a list, if it will be something like a Gorgoroth Orc Horde with plenty of Nazgul!
I will be on hand to prevent byes, especially for any who have traveled, but will otherwise umpire. Games with the umpire will be 'for fun' and it will be scored as a bye. If someone would like to attend from out of town and would like to borrow an army, this could be arranged.
If you want to come along and vie for this coveted title, then get registrations in early once they open next month. Lets stake out some real space for WOTR Smile
Any enquiries about this event can be sent to: