The One Ring

Chicago Grand Tournament 2008 - Now with Army Photos
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Author:  BrentS [ Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Chicago Grand Tournament 2008 - Now with Army Photos

Just wanted to start a post regarding the next Grand Tournament in the US based Tournament Circuit.

The Chicago GT kicks off tomorrow AM in Rosemont, IL at 9am. The field is expected to be small (only 10-12 players) but should be very competitive. We have a lot of good local and national players planning on arriving.

My army is top secret ( :wink: ) but I'll post full details over the weekend.

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:34 pm ]
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Best of luck Brent!

Author:  CaptainOfTheWolfRiders [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:18 am ]
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Ooh! Secret project!! Be sure to get lots of pics Brent!! :D

Author:  General Haar [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:57 am ]
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My GW sucks at informing me about these things. I live not an hour and a half away from Chicago. Dangit.

Author:  BrentS [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:46 am ]
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General Haar wrote:
My GW sucks at informing me about these things. I live not an hour and a half away from Chicago. Dangit.

Damn, sorry, I thought you already knew. There are still plenty of good tickets available if you can pull together a painted 600pt army.

Here's the website with the details: ... Id=4400013

Author:  General Haar [ Sat Oct 04, 2008 2:07 pm ]
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Unfortunately, I can't, and I don't have any money saved up for the ticket.

Well, good luck, Brent! Looking forward to the reports. :]

Author:  BrentS [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:18 am ]
Post subject: 

The final results are in: ... rfinal.pdf

Best Overall : Frank Brown
Best General: Paul Cummings
Best Appearance: Jamie Welling
Best Sportsman: Philip Buckler
Players Choice: Brent Sinclair (that's me)
Favorite Opponent: Chris Balke

My good friend Kevin Shannon finished 3rd overall and it looks like I climbed up to 4th overall buoyed by painting scores and not battle! My Woses-Rohan Alliance looked great but was outclassed by most other armies on the battle field. I ended up with a losing record 2-3 with two Major Victories, a Major Defeat and two Minor Defeats.

More details full to come.

P.S. GW took pictures of my army so I'll hopefully get some cool photos again.

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Well done Brent, 4th overall is still higher than my highest tournament ranking and you actually sound disappointed lol. I loved you woses in your WIP however they are slightly overpriced and difficult to play, compared to armies like dwarves (stand there and be strong!)

Can't wait to read the battle reports! :D

Author:  BrentS [ Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:03 am ]
Post subject: 

lorderkenbrand wrote:
Well done Brent, 4th overall is still higher than my highest tournament ranking and you actually sound disappointed lol. I loved you woses in your WIP however they are slightly overpriced and difficult to play, compared to armies like dwarves (stand there and be strong!)

Interesting thing about this tournament - first time there weren't any Dwarves to be seen!! There actually weren't any pure elf armies either. There were two Gondorian armies, a grey company, two black numenorians, an arnorian, haradrim, easterling, Mordor orcs, and uruk-hai.

Author:  BrentS [ Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:07 am ]
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The Armies

Jamie Welling's Isengard/Dundelings

Chris Balke's Grey Company

Brent Sinclair's Rohan and Woses Warriors

Frank Brown's Minas Tirith

Phillips Buckler's Arnor

Kevin Shannon's Minas Morgul

Josh Leong's Mordor

Jeff Reske's Minas Tirith

Josh Smentek's Minas Morgul

My Photos of the Paul Cummings and William Rozman's armies didn't turn out at all (sorry guys if you come over here! Hopefully someone else got some photos).

I wish I would have gotten better pictures of everyone's armies. I should have taken time to use my tripod. Anyway, if you squint you can tell how beautiful they all are.

Author:  lorderkenbrand [ Tue Oct 07, 2008 12:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow a beautiful set of photos, loving the amount of Woses, there must be 15+ easy lol. The Arnor list is an interesting choice, I've never really rated Arvedui and Malbeth, and Cirdan is another rare pick. Do you know how he fared? I can't seem to think how those three heroes would gell, however the hobbit archers rock!

Thanks for posting Brent :)

Author:  BrentS [ Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:28 am ]
Post subject: 

lorderkenbrand wrote:
Wow a beautiful set of photos, loving the amount of Woses, there must be 15+ easy lol. The Arnor list is an interesting choice, I've never really rated Arvedui and Malbeth, and Cirdan is another rare pick. Do you know how he fared? I can't seem to think how those three heroes would gell, however the hobbit archers rock!

Thanks for posting Brent :)

I had 20 Woses and Ghan-Buri-Ghan. :D

Phillip brought the Arnor army. It actually performed very well. I think Arnor is very under-rated. He beat me in the first game (Recon). I'll just say that I've faced Malbeth twice and I absolutely hate him!!! Its uncanny how many fate saves he seems to make for his boys. Ciridan was just annoying enough with his CBL. Those guys really took me out of my game. King Arvedui provided enough might to make several key Heroic Moves and Combats. Oh yea, and the hobbit archers picked me apart. I hate hobbit archers. Phillip was a great guy to play with and while his list seemed a bit unconventional, it was really tough. I outnumbered him and had 15 cavalry and couldn't manage more than a minor loss in Reconnoitre! Enough said, huh!

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