The One Ring

X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 10th, FINISHED
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Author:  Xintao [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 10th, FINISHED

I'm running an X-Wing game at a convention coming up and I decided to build an Asteroid Base/ Battle board.

Gluing down the first layer.

Using paint to mark the edge of the crater walls for the next layer.

The 2nd layer is down

Carving out the base in the crater wall

More gluing, 3rd layer

The 4th and final layer, now to start on the details

Adding details to base


The basic crater is done, steps left:
Carve / add detail to walls
Fill in joints to hide the layers
Texture the floor
Get some play test sessions in
And if I have enough time, add LED lighting to the Base hangers

Cheers, Xin

Author:  Thingol of Doriath [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

Awesome I love that game!

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

You have not told us what you are planning to do with the bottle of Hennessey:)

So this would be like the big asteroid in TESB? You need a mega-spaceworm thingy. Eats ships for breakfast.

Author:  Morbag_the_Orc [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

I have always called it space-snail :roll: :rofl: but looks awesome! Keep it going! :yay:

Author:  JamesR [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

Actually it's Meg from family guy. But your two guesses were close lol

Author:  chiefhugh [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

Such a great game!!!
Nice table.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

Very Cool!

Author:  Ukfreddybear [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

Woah that is gonna be awesome. It would be funny if you had a hole underneath for someone to put their arm up through with a space-slug hand puppet. :lol:

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

You mean like this: ... _Slug_Oven

Dorth Vader...

Author:  Xintao [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

Small update. Not a ton of work done last night. I got a lot of test work done. Worked out my paint scheme. I also figured out how I will do the LED lighting for the Hangers(assuming my order arrives). Still lots to do.



Cheers, and running out of time, Xin

Author:  Xintao [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP

Dorthonion wrote:
You have not told us what you are planning to do with the bottle of Hennessey:)

That's for me as a reward for all the work.

So this would be like the big asteroid in TESB? You need a mega-spaceworm thingy. Eats ships for breakfast.

I like this Space Slug:

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated

The Robot Chicken stuff is hilarious :)

Author:  Xintao [ Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated

Another day gone and not as far as along as I had hoped. On the plus side I am making progress.

While at work today it occurred to me I am a better improvisor than planer. I have been wasting time, thinking about how I'm gonna to this or that and nothing gets done. But if I just start trying to do something like, install the LED Lighting, I get something done. Sure I might have to take a step back here and there and start again. But again, the project is moving forward.

Ok on to the updates. Last night I got most of the Crater Floor texturized (spell check doesn't seem to think that is a word, what do they know, pfft). What I have been doing is taking a piece of coral that I found in the garden(from the previous home owners I assume.) anyway, taking this round-ish piece of coral and rolling it around the insulation foam and pressing down. It dents/ cuts/ scores / and scuffs up the foam in a very non-regular pattern. That is the key, random pattern. Nature doesn't do regular patterns and the human eye looks for that.

Here is my coral, oh and USE a glove. It can be a little hard on the hand.

Here is a piece of foam that has been texturized. It can be hard to see all the damage done to the foam in a photo.

Here is the same piece next to another piece that has not been texturized. If I keep using that word will it make it into the dictionary?

This is a test piece of foam that I was using to see how it would look. Again hard to see all the dings and dents. It will look better in person.

I also got more work done on the crater walls. I'm using a light weight spackle to cover up and or fill in the seams and joints of the foam. Unfortunately it takes a long time to dry. So I do it last before going to bed. I will go back over it with some steel wool or sand paper to scrap off the big blobs that can be left behind.

Just another shot. I have 2 more seams to cover up. I supposed if I had spent more time when cutting the foam I might have less seams to cover up. Actually it goes fast, it's just waiting for it to dry is the problem.

Author:  Thingol of Doriath [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 1st

Your board is looking awesome! I can't wait to see the finished product. I am in the US and play X-wing with a few other guys and I was wondering what convention this board is going to?

Author:  Xintao [ Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 1st

Thingol of Doriath wrote:
Your board is looking awesome! I can't wait to see the finished product. I am in the US and play X-wing with a few other guys and I was wondering what convention this board is going to?

Going to Cold Wars in 4 days.

You going?

Author:  Thingol of Doriath [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 1st

I have not heard of it before, where in the states is it at and do they have a website or facebook page?

Author:  Xintao [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 1st

Cold Wars 2014
Lancaster PA

March 7th-9th

It is mostly Historical Games, but there is a large number of Fantasy and Sci-Fi games as well. It is one of the biggest game conventions on the East Coast. And it has a huge dealer area. It's worth the trip just for the Dealer Hall. Not to mention the large Flea Market.

I'm running the X-Wing game, but am also running a ACW game, Antietam.

HMGS runs a summer convention and a fall convention as well. At the fall convention I ran 2 large SBG Games.

I ran The 1st Battle of the Fords of Isen, here's the write up on my blog:

The 2nd battle, I ran The Burning of the Westfold, another write up:

If you make it, join my game, or at least swing by and say Hi.

Author:  Thingol of Doriath [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 1st

Cool, I am only 2 hours form Lancaster and go up there occasionally. Will you be running and lord of the ring games also or will anyone else be? How many players do you think you will have for x-wing?
It looks like registration is closed, perhaps I'll make to the summer and or fall ones.

Author:  Xintao [ Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 1st

Time for another update, 4 days to go and making progress. I got the first coat of paint on the board. Waiting on the LED lighting kit to finish the base.





Now if I don't get called into work for an emergency, I'll be good,


Author:  Xintao [ Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: X-Wing Asteroid base, WIP - Updated March 1st

Big update

Adding rubble around the crater rim. It was too clean. I can't add to much as X-Wing needs a flat surface.

Cut out 2 entrances to the crater, had to repaint

Going back over the rubble with base color. Waiting for everything to dry is killing me. Will dry brush tonight

Rubble and entrance shot

LED lighting kit arrived in the mail today!

LED kit is incredibly easy to use. Just twist the wires together and your off and running. 5 LED lights in a parallel circuit with switch and battery.

Painting the base interior

My friend Lou added details to the base that most people won't see. Small touches that might be visible from the entrance

We have power!

Red 5 ready for launch!

I've got 2 building days left. I feel good about getting this done. But there are some things I'd like to add that would really set me back time wise. Hmmmm what to do...

Anyway, Cheers, Xin

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