The One Ring

Perfect model
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Author:  doop dude [ Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Perfect model

Hey everybody!

ok, so, i'm calling in here to try and find the perfect model/model site for my home strategy battle game that i am starting (tonight) :lol: . so, the miniatures im looking for is your general everyday guy who goes off adventuring... i need a big heroic guy with a shield, a good sword (preferably straight!) and some armour. i am looking for my perfect model at the moment.

thanks in advance

doopy 8)

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have no idea what you are on about, but how about Boromir, big hero and has a shield and sword...he is also straight. :P

Author:  doop dude [ Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:36 am ]
Post subject: 

:lol: well, i guess what i'm trying to say is i need a leader whos heroic and "fearless)

bilbo, i'm afraid to say, it can't be boromir, because everyone's seen him in the movies and stuff. thanks for the input though! if no other results come in though, i will defiantly use him

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok, so he needs to have a sword, shield and armor, but not recognizable as a LotR character. Is additional war gear acceptable? How about dwarves and elves?

How about Imrahil? Maybe Eorl (if the spear doesn't really matter).
How about conversions? Maybe Halbarad (with a shield attached to his left arm) or the new Glorfindel with a shield added.

Hope this was somewhat useful. :D

Author:  TheElvenLord [ Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

What about tidoco`s Richard the Lionheart or what ever it is, it was in suppliers forums a few weeks ago , it fits exactly what you need, unless it has to be LotR lol


Author:  doop dude [ Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:34 am ]
Post subject: 

@ bilbo - yeah, all the wargear you said, and he can also have like a bow or something if thats the only thing you can find... conversions are okay, it just depends if they're fitting in with my imagination or not :lol:

@ elven lord - i didn't see tidoco's post, so i'll have to restrain comments :lol: if you could give us a pic, that would be sweet

thanks you two, and if anyone else has a cool model site or just a cool model, give us a shout!

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ahhh...I see now. I'm sorry that I wasn't completely understanding...definitely try Ebob. I totally recommend all his models...the new stuff looks amazing and I cannot wait to get a few pieces! :D

Author:  The_Rhinosaurous [ Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here are some possibilities:

I think the first guy would be good but the fourth looks very good to me.

Author:  doop dude [ Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

woooooooooooooooooowee, rhino! those guys are like... wow! the fourth one's great, thinking about using him for a grizzled old veteran. i needed a young man for this model i was looking for, and that first one is just great! i also have a woman part so i'll keep looking through the site.

bilbo, there is some great stuff i've found on ebob's site. does he still come on here. i want to tell him how great his models are!

thanks all for helping (keep looking out for the odd site for me!)

doopy 8)

p.s are LOTR miniatures 25mm or 28mm high?

Author:  Gothmog Rulez! [ Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe LoTR is based on 28, although that could be warhammer, though dwarves and hobbits are a bit shorter than that. ;)

Nice sight rhinosaur!

*site even, what was I thinking?

Author:  Guest [ Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you are not bothered too much about going up in scale Manorhouse Workshop do some great 40mm scale Heroic type figures. Other than that Darksword are probably about the best of the bunch out there but they are small and difficult to paint (at least that is my experience of them). I don't remember posting about Richard the Lionheart either must have been a while ago.

Author:  BeAfraid [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK.. I am still not to sure about how to get the Link to a URL to work, but I will give it a try...

Try looking at Thunderbolt Mountain Miniatures' site.

Thunderbolt Mountain Miniatures is owned by who is possibly the greatest sculptor to have lived since Michaelangelo or Raphael...

That would be one Tom Meier.

He makes some Orcs who I am going to be using as First Age Morgoth Orcs, along with some Elves that will be the Elves of Doriath and possibly Gondolin or Nargothrond...

His Elves and Orcs are spot-on scale with the LotR minis. THe Aurthurians may be a touch smaller, as they were begun when he still worked for Ral Partha. I will have to ask him about it.

He does not produce quite the extent of poses that GW does for their lines, but there do exist other miniatures with which to complement his lines. Many were produced by Ral Partha back in the 1980s. Tom did a line of Orcs back then that are a slight bit smaller than the Orcs of TBM, but they still could be used as smaller Orcs of Morgoth (They are not significantly smaller than the TBM Orcs. At Ral Partha he also produced a large line of Goblins, which are just a slight bit smaller than the GW Golbins. These Goblins also come in many more poses than do the Orcs. The only problem: Iron Wind Metals (The successor to Ral Partha) no longer makes most of these minis. I am sure that they would see to their production again if they had enough people asking for them. All of them would mix excellently with Tom's TBM Orcs to produce a 1st Age Morgoth army. He even had produced miniatures of Balrog Warriors (Smaller than the Balrog of Moria, but they were armored in various armors, and carried a variety of weapons from spears, swords, maces and hammers) and Balrog Commanders (anatomically correct too.. Same with the Orcs/Goblins).

Among the Orc/Goblins that Tom has done were some that I am still looking for to this day. The Goblin Imps. The make perfect Wolf Riders for the armies of Moria...

But, back to the Heroic figure:

HIs current best-bet for the figure that you are looking for is his recently completed "Human Knight". At one point he also produced a semi-Byzantine Warrior who would have been a good figure for what you are looking for, but I am not sure what happened with this figure.

Sorry for going on so long here. I have been after him to produce more figures that will be useful to those of us who want more minis to use with LotR. I am sure that the lure of the dollars to be made on such a goal will lure him to do something.


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