Just wanted to make a thread about the numerous adventures I'm having in my game of Dnd at school once a week for 1 and a half hours.The party consists of 5 sometimes 6 people.
Me:Half elf Paladin,Elithien Halfguard, who wields a scimitar and has had a rough past. Strong morals.
Friend A:Human rogue ,name that eludes me, who's not very sure about his character and constantly odes stupid things
Friend B:Human warrior ,Wulfgar, who's motto is "me want smash". Basically he enjoys chopping people in half with a great axe.
Friend C: Gnome monk ,name that eludes me, who skulks in the shadows and hits people with his quarter staff.
year 11 girl: Halfling sorcerer, Becky, who's nice I guess and always summons a magical dog.
Dm's character:elven ranger, Aspin, elfey type shoots people with a long bow and hangs around in forests.
3Rd of December:
Wanted to start of this thread with the best sessions I've had as of yet.Basically where in the middle of nowhere, all our stuff stolen by bandits. Everyone was there apart form Rouge who had ran to the capital by himself and got captured,more on that later.We are being looked by the capital as we've been accused of kidnapping the princess. I missed a session, but the reason was that the bandits took the royal summons we had and took her from the castle and stuff.
Any way wondering where to go next, Aspin told us there was a oracle on top of the dragon tooth mountains. As we needed supplies we asked where the nearest town was. He told us that there were 2 near by. One was a small hamlet, where the people where really friendly, and the slightly larger town where supplies would be more available. After a short debate we decided to go to the hamlet. Once we set out Aspin dissipated into the forest and bade us farewell.
After a while, we arrived at the small hamlet, where we where greeted by a very nice woman, who offered by beads for night and food. We asked her if there where any tales of particularly dangerous things happening on the mountains and she replied no. The sorcerer in our group suddenly detected a strange magical essence, after which I instantly tried to detect evil. I could no sense any evil in the area. We asked her if she had a back room and she replied yes. we asked if she lived with anyone else and she replied "well there's a fellah in the back who colasped at our doorstep". It turned out that it was our plucky rouge. After explaining our situation we went to sleep that night nothing eventful happening.
The next day, we woke and here's the point where I started to get annoyed. Everyone seemed to be snooping around the village, looking at out houses ect. Anyway Wulfgar interrogated the woman about if there was anything in there barn and she said no. After that she got rather angry at us. I apologised and said that we would be leaving right away.
At this point Wulfgar explains to us, that him and the monk, saw a bright light coming from the barn and they wanted to check it out. After insisting we leave, they start trying to break down the barn door. At that point, 6 angry villagers came at us, holding numerous weapons and told us to leave. Everyone ,apart from wulgar and me, sneaked round the back of the barn. I stayed far away from the situation, screaming at my comrades to leave.
To cut a long story short, rougey put down caltrops round the barn. One of the men stepped on it then he shot him with his crossbow, killing him. Out of character he did provide the rather hilarious line "I thought the safety was on
" but I digress. Anyway he starts stabbing villagers with his rapier left right and centre. After I witness him get his first rapier kill I am enraged and charge forward froward, telling the villagers that "I have no quarell with you.
Anyway I get too him ,lift my scimitar above my head and I start chanting the words of my deity. It bring my sword down upon him and roll a 1 on the d20. my sword sticks into the ground, then rougey proceeds to kill the farmer next to me with a brutal stab through the heart. As he does so "there is a joyous glint in his eye".After that I turn round at him ,shout "you [word deleted]!", then punch him right in the face with the hilt of my sword knocking him out. My character looks around. A tear falls from my characters face, realising me had been part of a blood bath.
I believe Wulgar had killed two villagers with his axe and the other two just stood back and watched it happen. Through out the Dm kept telling us things like "they sound very fishy" and stuff. A couple days later we thanked him for such a great session and hen told us out of game that they where all just really nice people an that it was rather funny how we gad killed them all. Anyway Tuesday can't come round soon enough as Mr villager killer will have some serious trouble from my pally. We also level up to level 3, which I couldn't help fell guilty about.
Any way thanks for reading and I'll be updating this every week hopefully. Comments Appreciated!