The One Ring

Grandad and Grandchildren's Half Troll Conversions
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Author:  dadlamassu [ Thu Nov 18, 2021 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Grandad and Grandchildren's Half Troll Conversions

It is quite a while since I have posted here. It is also quite a while since the grandsons and I have played a game of LOTR. Then with the ending of most restrictions the boys came for a sleep over a game and some building painting.
We have quite large armies for our games and, in a box, were quite a few surplus plastic figures - Elves, Uruk Hai, goblins, orcs and some Combat Hex figures.
Our armies do not include any half-trolls as we did not like the ape like figures much but the boys wanted to include them. So we sorted out some Combat Hex Uruk Hai and Orcs after looking for inspiration on the internet - this illustration by Angus McBride seemed to fit the purpose.

So a few head and shield swops and re-painting yielded (Perry Mahdist for size comparison) we decided on the "White eyes and red tongues" were easier to paint as warpaint!


Author:  Mapper [ Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grandad and Grandchildren's Half Troll Conversions

Nice use of other miniatures! I'm hoping when my grandkids get of age I can involve them in my hobby.

Author:  dadlamassu [ Sun Dec 12, 2021 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grandad and Grandchildren's Half Troll Conversions

Thanks. I started playing games with them about age 5 using a Hornby Thomas the Tank Engine train set, army men, a pirate ship, a dinosaur, an elephant and other toys with made up rules to make sure the "baddies" lost.

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