The One Ring

Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog
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Author:  Hexaleus [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog


I've been a lurker of the forum for sometime and wanted to get more involved in the community so I thought I'd make a WiP thread

I've been on and off the hobby since the release of the first issue of the Battle Games in Middle Earth, which as caused me to build quite a bit of back log, as I've only just felt confident enough in my painting skills to start painting.

So here's the backlog that needs to die

The Hobbit
Click to: Show
- Azog Ft & Mtd
- 12 Hunter Orcs on foot

Kingdom of Men
Click to: Show
-Minas Tirith
- Aragorn, King Elessar ft & mtd
- Gandalf the White on Shadowfax
- Peregrin, Guard of the Citadel
- Boromir, Captain of the White Tower
- 27 Warriors of Minas Tirith
- 11 Knights of Minas Tirith
- 17 Rangers of Gondor
- Battlecry Trebuchet
- Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth
- The King of the Dead
- Eowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan ft & mtd
- Meriadoc, Knight of the Mark
- Isildur
- Rohan Weapon Pile

The Free People
Click to: Show
-Durin's Folk
- Balin, son of Fundin
- Dain Ironfoot, King of Erebor
- Floi Stonehand
- Murin and Drar
- Dwarf Captain
- 2 Dwarf Kings
- Shieldbearer
- 30 Dwarf Warriors
- 23 Dwarf Rangers
- 4 Vault Warden Teams
- Khazad Guard
- 2 Dwarf Ballistics
-The Fellowship
- 2 Gandalf the Greys
- 2 Aragorns - Strider
- 2 Boromirs of Gondor
- 3 Legolas
- 2 Frodo
- 2 Gimili son of Gloin
- 2 Samwise Gamgee
- 2 Meriadoc Brandybuck
- 2 Peregrin Took
- Legolas and Gimili on horseback
- Moria Display Base
- Others
- Glorfindel
- Radagast the Brown
- Farmer Maggot and 3 dogs

The Fallen Realms
Click to: Show
- Isengard
- Uruk-hai Captain
- Sharkey
- 18 Uruk-hai Scouts
- 41 Uruk-hai Warriors
- 6 Uruk-hai Berserkers
- 6 Warg Riders
- Harad and Umber
- The Betrayer mtd
- The Knight of Umber mtd
- Suladan the Serpent Lord
- Hasharin
- Haradrim King ft and mtd
- Haradrim Captain
- War Mumak of Harad
- 63 Haradrim Warriors
- 5 Haradrim Raiders
- The Eastern Kingdom
- Khamul the Easterling mtd
- Amdur, Lord of Blades mtd
- Easterling Captain
- 13 Easterling warriors
- 6 Easterling Kataphrakt

Click to: Show
- The Witch-king of Angmar
- The Shadow Lord ft & mtd
- Gothmod, Lieutenant of Morgul ft & mtd
- Death of Gothmog diorama
- Grishnahk, Orc Captain
- Orc Captain
- Mordor Orc Shaman
- Mordor Troll Chieftain
- 36 Orc Warriors
- Mordor Troll

Moria and Angmar
Click to: Show
- The Balrog

As you can see other the past 12 years I have quite a lot of models to pain, by my counting around 400 :( So hopefully the GBHL team will be making the 'Speak Friend and Question' videos twice a week haha

My aim is to try and resist the urge to buy more miniatures before a good percentage of the backlog is painted, which is going to be very hard if they release any more models this year :P

Here's my Bard the Bowman That I couldn't resist buying, great model!! :P

Author:  Erunion [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Greetings, and welcome into the light, friend!

That's quite the project you have going. You could always join our 2014 Backlog Reduction Oath. It'll whittle down your backlog and get you more involved in our community.

By the way, Bard is looking good. I can't decide if I want to pick up this version of him, or wait for the one that is in the Desolation of Smaug book.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Backlogs forever!

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Welcome and that backlog will last forever I'm sure. It will be a case of painting a few and then find you want to buy more, then you buy more than you paint and so on and so on.
That is nearly ever member of The One Ring !!!

Author:  Hexaleus [ Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

So I finally get to update this post, with Azog on foot and mount :D, the painting order I'm probably going to go with is just working down the list. So next is Hunter Orcs to help Azog against those Dwarf scum and them Aragorn. Unless I need to paint up an army for the GBHL tournament ( I still need to decide on an army, I'm split between Haradrim and Dwarves) and hopefully other tournaments this year.


Author:  Hexaleus [ Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Thank you Erunion, I'm tempted to get that other pose as well, just because I love the character so much, very fun to paint. I have made my oath to the 2014 Backlog Reduction!! Looking to hit 5 points each month, I'm at 4 models painted and brought if cavalry count as two. :)

Death to the Backlog!!

Author:  Erunion [ Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Azog looks great! You've done a very good job on the pallid skin tone. I just wish PJ hadn't given him that stupid metal claw. It just looks goofy to me (and painful).

4 bought/4 painted. 16 more to paint if you want to hit 5 points (and don't buy any more this month!)

"Death to the Backlog!!" has a nice ring to it. I like it!

Author:  Hexaleus [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Thank you, painting white is is pretty hard to get right I find, dreading the hours of trying spent to get the right tone of white on Gandalf.Totally agree with you on the metal claw on the foot model, make him look really off balance, but on the mounted model I think it looks quite good.

So here's my next update of 12 hunter orcs to help kill those dwarf scum.


Author:  Harfoot [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Welcome, great painting. I find having a backlog somewhat reassuring and comforting

Author:  mertaal [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

Harfoot wrote:
Welcome, great painting. I find having a backlog somewhat reassuring and comforting

lol: I'd never thought of it that way!

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hexaleus' WIP - Death to the Backlog

mertaal wrote:
Harfoot wrote:
Welcome, great painting. I find having a backlog somewhat reassuring and comforting

lol: I'd never thought of it that way!

I totally agree with this view. Knowing that you always have a few varieties of figures to work on makes it much easier to go with your mood. The advantage being, you will put more effort in and produce a better result.

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