The One Ring

Alternative of the Rings, starting pg.18
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Author:  MOTN [ Sun May 26, 2013 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Alternative of the Rings, starting pg.18

It's been about 5-6 years since I last posted here, I couldn't even remember my username so had to register again!

I'm here to show off some LOTR stuff I bought recently. I suspect it was the Hobbit that brought the inspiration back on again. I sculpt my own stuff these days, but bought the Escape from Goblin town box set from GW (the last time I actually bought a miniature was 2008...) then sourced a few other bits and pieces on ebay.

I'll start off with my Mist Mountain Goblin project!

Actually love the goblin miniatures, hate most GW plastics. I painted these guys with no conversion work at all.

A note on the bases – any 'horde' type miniature I base on larger cavalry bases in two's, with the proviso that I have an equal amount on the infantry sized base. If it's a massive horde, I'll also use a large troll/chariot size base and stick 4 or 5 minis on it. Never mind what the rules say, I play home brew, small scale skirmish.

Cork pebbles from a model train shop are used for rocks.

These were easy and fast, hopefully I'll do a tutorial.







The main horde is 24 goblins strong, two groups of 12, so I have some left from Escape from Goblin town to play around with! Enter the Guard of the Goblin King.

Shields and weapons are white plastic/styrene sheets (plasticard). I simply score the sheet with wood lines and knots then rough up the edges and make some holes and notches. The arms holding the spears were sculpted in procreate, very poorly I might add, this is just fun for me (I don't need to worry about perfection or production, mold making, etc.).



Here's my Goblin Town Captain – Razorback. I saw a small scene in the Hobbit where a goblin had what looked like a turtle shell thing strapped to his back, and so I was inspired. Usually I hate 'scenic bases' like this but to make this guy stand out as a special character I've gone with it.




I wasn't a fan of this Goblin King miniatures, love the concept, but he limitations of plastic injection molding bug me. I did some minor conversion work on the belt and staff, adding lots more parchment/rags, and added some hair to make the head stand out as the focal point. Look forward to painting this guy.

Re: the base – the cavalry size one was simply too small on my opinion. I'm not constricted by rules so I went bigger, and used the small goblin captain to add flavour to the base.






So what's next – paint all this up! After that then use the remaining goblins to make some archer conversions, a troll, then a spider rider or two.

Author:  Rognarr [ Sun May 26, 2013 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town


These are literally breathtaking and for sure some of the best gobbos I've ever seen!
I love the conversions and colours and... I can't name a thing I don't like here!
Your horde bases also are a nice idea!

Author:  ElfLover [ Sun May 26, 2013 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

:shock: WOW amazing painting, converting, basing and the awesome idea of putting multiple goblins on a single base :yay: Truly amazing :)

Author:  JamesR [ Sun May 26, 2013 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

I really like the multiple goblins on a base idea, it just fits. The two goblins in the first picture that are on the same base (the one on the right) andtge captain are my personal favorites

Author:  RangerofTheNorth [ Sun May 26, 2013 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Wow, great job on all of these! Certainly gave me some ideas

Author:  turwaitheon [ Sun May 26, 2013 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

So inspiring! Great Goblins.

Author:  karavatis [ Sun May 26, 2013 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Very good job man.

Author:  Denizen [ Mon May 27, 2013 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

I like your attitude! "Let's not give a damn about what GW says, it are my models and I do with them whatever I want".

Nice work there man! Love the larger bases! I'm curious how a base with 4-5 looks like. It's a pity that you don't like scenetic bases otherwise these big bases could each be a diorama :-D

Author:  Raspberrygoop [ Mon May 27, 2013 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Top notch!

The 40mm bases with multiple models is a very refreshing concept. I'm also very eager to see the painted up Goblin Captain.

Keep it up!

Author:  .:Gunslinger:. [ Mon May 27, 2013 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Wow very cool and great ideas! I love the multy-bases. But my favourites are the goblins with shields and spears, those look really good. The painting is top notch too!

BTW: I had a little stroll on your blog! Amazing stuff...your sculpting is breathtaking :yay:

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon May 27, 2013 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Very cool!

Author:  theavenger001 [ Tue May 28, 2013 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Wow, these guys are awesome. The conversiona are breathtaking, and the horde bases are a superb idea. I look forward to seeing more of them painted. Are you the guy who sculpted the fallen dwarves? (Same name as your blog)

Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Tue May 28, 2013 4:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Fantastic painting, you really make them look diseased. I also cant wait to see the finished conversions when you paint them. How do your skirmish rules work with the different base sizes I am wondering?

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Tue May 28, 2013 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Very very nice work on these, in fact add another very to that :yay:

Author:  MOTN [ Tue May 28, 2013 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Hey thank you for all the nice comments.

If I've inspired or given you ideas then that's great – I get all my inspiration and ideas from trawling the web and forums looking at other peoples work so that's my whole reason for posting these.

Fallen Dwarves – yes those are my creation! I'll hopefully showcase them at a later date.

Horde bases – there are two options for gaming with these.
    First is to simply put them at the back of the skirmish unit and swap them for single minis as they die.
    Second, and my personal favourite, is to make the bigger base a 2 wound mini, BUT it's not a cumulative wound, so you need to inflict two wounds in one round of combat to kill it, two single wounds isn't enough (over a few rounds of combat). That makes it a true horde and difficult to wipe out – you can push it back by winning combat but they just keep on coming. Try it out, 20 pts per base.

I've been taking step by step shots tonight so I'll have a tutorial for painting these goblins in a week or so.

Author:  Crucium Giger [ Wed May 29, 2013 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Ah the Fallen Dwarves. Mine are all assembled, undercoated and awaiting a paint job which they should receive some time this year.

Author:  MOTN [ Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Well I'm without camera at the moment after loaning it so no new pics to show!

What I do have though is a test page I was mocking up for creating tutorials.

Right now I'm unsure what format I'll go for, PDF, forum based or website (I might pull the trigger and make my own LOTR fansite).

I think the pictures are perhaps a little small on this page? I've saved a lot of space for text and commentary. There will be one for the King, a normal Goblin and one of the Goblin Guard.


To jump ahead though anyone wanting the technique for the goblins:

    White undercoat
    Paint the entire mini with Bleached Bone
    Wash it with Devlin Mud
    Dry brush with Skull White
    For the boils simply use a wash of purple

Simple eh!

    Hair – Paint in dark grey, highlight with lighter grey, fine highlight with skull white.
    Leather – Snakebite Leather, wash with brown ink
    Weapons – [Metal] Bronze highlighted with chainmail [Bone] Simply highlight base coat with white

In other news I've secured a metal casting firm and will be doing a small boutique style webstore on my miniatures of the site. Hopefully that means more fantasy things in the MOTN/LOTR scale.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

The page looks good for a tutorial and is a nice alternative with the background you've selected.
The goblins look great so it's with interest I look for further pictures.

Author:  MOTN [ Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Back to LOTR painting for me! I've pretty much finished all the grunt soldiers, there are two remaining along with the Goblin King which I'm saving to do the painting tutorial with. Funny that it will soon be a year that I've had the Escape from Goblin town set and this is all I've painted/assembled from it.

Next up is a quick bit of converting and sculpting – I'll be doing a Cave Troll and also making a Goblin Shaman. I'm going to hold out and see what the Desolation of Smaug brings us – if plastic spiders appear then those will be used for spider riders.

Once this is all finished I'll be doing the terrain along with some sort of crude catapult or bolt thrower. Converting some Goblin archers is on hold for now.

I have an idea for the Shaman, which is based on my take on the Goblin King being a minor Maiar spirit which has fallen, debased or sank down into the material realm and manifested the present Goblin form. The little toilet seat that is the throne terrain, along with what appears to be a basket of poo, makes me think Maiar poo might be magical so the Shaman does err something with it to gain magical powers (inhale, brew, whatever shamans do). So there might be a little diorama built into the terrain I'm planning.

None of these paint jobs are final, they're simply basic tabletop quality – one day I'll come back and add details and do more work on the rags and loincloths (they're simply brown with an ink wash).



This guy with the whip will be used to control the Cave Troll



Army so far (better pics and set up once I'm finished everything)


Now a few more bits I've started, WIP Radagast as a treat and some Orcs.





Author:  SidTheSloth [ Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MOTN does LOTR - Goblin Town

Wow!! those are really really really awseome conversions!!
I'm sure I've seen your work elsewhere before...

very very very cool!

With the sculpting how do you get it so crispy and defined?

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