So I bit the resin, so to speak, and purchased two Citadel Finecast kits. I purchased the Rohan command boxed set (4 figures) and the Great Beast.
When GW announced the switch to resin, a little part of me died. My fears were that the castings would be full of bubbles, seam lines, mismatched mold lines. All the things that can go wrong with resin.
Upon opening the boxes, another part of me died, as all of my fears had now become a reality.
Yes the detail is very crisp, but that does not take away from the fact that the castings are just Devlan Mud. I mean for $40 and $70 respectively, you would except sharp, clean castings. I know. I work with resin all the time. I know what a good, clean casting is. With my two purchases as proof, GW does not.
That being said, I was still excited to get going on these kits.
The Beast
I cleaned it up. Washed it several times to get any mold residue off to ensure a good bond between resin and paint. There were several weak points (holes in the body) that I cleaned up, and did a little putty work to clean up air bubbles. I sanded all the rough areas, and cleaned up the many, many mold lines.
She went together terribly. Horrible matchup. I am going to have to do a lot of putty work on this one.
That is where it stands right now. I am going to go over all the areas I can clean up before I start with the putty.