I'm back again and have achieved a little more. Rangers are still troubling me, so I've put them to one side for now until I find motivation. The Dwarves are almost done, so I'll wait until the finished shots (minus bases) before I post them. I do have 2 things to show in this post however.
Firstly a quick Mordor Uruk conversion:
This was inspired by another thread here and I had a quick go at seeing if I could pull it off. I posted there but didn't get any responses, so figured I might repost here for some feedback. Personally I'm not sure. I know it was a fairly quick job, but I doubt my skill to make it look
that much better even if I do spend more time on it. Although it's not terrible either and I have more use for Mordor Uruks instead of Isengard (even though Saruman was one of my favourite characters). My other thought was that Scouts would make better Mordor Uruks and the armoured Isengard Uruks could be turned into Black Guard. Seeing as I don't have any scouts, this was just conjecture. Anyway, I'd love to hear some outside opinions.
Secondly, my first KoDA:
And just because I'm proud of the eyes:
I like the blue and white scheme but wanted to have a go at making my Knights a bit more heraldic. After all, my standard WoMT have a quartered scheme. At the moment his shield is just blue-tacked on (I realised the back could be seen and thought that maybe I should paint a wood pattern on or something).
Oddly enough, I find that the rumours of warbands have inspired my painting. Not in the sense that the game is getting a shot in the arm and my enthusiasm is encouraging me. Rather, I'm starting to think that a hero and up to 12 warriors is a good size project to be working on at a time. So I'm going to be trying my next projects in warband stages.