The One Ring

Treegoatee's WIP *On to the Haradrim now*
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Author:  Treegoatee'94 [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Treegoatee's WIP *On to the Haradrim now*

Hi, I am new here, so I'll start with an introduction of myself.
I am Siebe, a sixteen-year-old from Delft, Holland. I have done some miniature painting before, three years or so ago, but that was nothing really. Now I have the idea of a diorama involving a lot of figures including a Mûmak, so I thought I'd pick up the brush again and start practising my skills. For my birthday I got the Saruman and Grima blister, and I have two already basecoated giant spiders, as well as the WoH boxed set, with 24 figures. Also, the Kings of Men blister is on it's way from the States.

I have started off with Grima, who is nearly done. I am also working on a base, but I want to keep that a surprise.


I see on the pictures some retouching needs to be done around the left eye. The cloak was painted in black, and for highlights I used a mix of about 70/30 Regal Blue/Chaos Black. Maybe this is a bit hard to see on the pictures, these were taken this evening from under the whitest light source I could find in my house, tomorrow I'll try and post pictures made in real, actual daylight. The face is also a little bit less goblin colored, I made the color with Elf Flesh, with just a minimal amount of Regal Blue added.

Saruman his face has been basecoated in white, and the cloak in a 50/50 mix of Dheneb Stone/Skull White, and in the shadow I have used pure Dheneb Stone:


Obviously what I am now going to do is keep adding more Skull White to the Dheneb Stone for highlighting.
I will also practise some more with miniature photography, but for now I just wanted to show some of my work.
So yeah, I hope you like it and won't ban me from the site for making it look bad :-D

grtz Siebe

P.S.: One more question, am I supposed to make a new thread for every model I'm working on or do I have to post all the pictures and progress on other minis in this one to prevent pollution?

Author:  Warlord777 [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Treegoatee's WIP *Saruman and Grima*

Welcome to OR! I really like Grima's face I have the hardest time doing eyes and you seem to do quite well,about making different post's if I were you i'd just post them in this thread and edit the subject line. Well welcome again and i cant wait to see the rest of your work.

Author:  Treegoatee'94 [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Treegoatee's WIP *Saruman and Grima*

Daylight pics...



grtz Siebe

Author:  Treegoatee'94 [ Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Treegoatee's WIP *Saruman and Grima*

Here is a little more progress on Saruman, the outer robes and his face+hands are now done.

I did the robes with a basecoat of Dheneb Stone, and added more Skull White to do the highlights.
The hands and face where basecoated with Dwarf Flesh, then it was painted with Elf Flesh, leaving the deepest areas Dwarf coloured, and highlights were done with a mix of Elf Flesh/Skull White.
Also: :-D His face looks chubby here..


I hope to finish Gríma tomorrow, his base is drying now, and Saruman later this week.

grtz Siebe

Author:  Treegoatee'94 [ Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Treegoatee's WIP *Saruman and Grima*

I have achieved the first goal, by getting a pot of yellow paint in order to finish Gríma, which I did.

:shock: Such a bright yellow! In real life it looks less bright, I'll try to take another picture to make it look good...


Here you can see that there actually is blue in his cloak (I don't know how this picture happened but I like it :) )


grtz Siebe

Author:  garmenhord [ Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Treegoatee's WIP *Gríma is now done!*

:) Nice work so far.

Author:  Treegoatee'94 [ Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Treegoatee's WIP *Gríma is now done!*

Saruman is pretty much done now:


And here they are together, I gave Gríma's arms a black wash to weaken the yellow colour (also note the bit of blue in the orb on Saruman's staff):

On to my Haradrim then...

grtz Siebe

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