The One Ring

'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP
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Author:  Joansean [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

A Red sun rises: Paint has been spilt this month

Like James (corsair) has started in his post, there is an idea for a community project to have us all painting just a wee bit more, so Here goes:
Please read this post fully, before you even attempt to think of posting in this thread. :)

N.B. For a legitimate entry, you need to put in a minimum of 1 picture a week from the starting date. So, you are allowed to post pictures of your miniatures (only new and/or primed miniatures are allowed) from the 1st until the 7th of each month.

1. For the SBG paintalong, you need to enter with miniatures with a point value of minimally 80 points. There is no maximum. The miniatures can be of any army you choose, they can be in any combination you wish. They do need to be WYSIWYG, so every wargear we can see is taken into account in the point breakdown, no more, no less.

the miniatures need to be accompanied by a picture (as stated above) and a list, which is used as a point breakdown, and from which can be seen that you are painting either the minimum of over that.

2. For the WOTR paintalong, the monthly minimum is either 1 company of infantry OR 1 company of monsters/siege engines OR 2 companies of cavalry. (Epic heroes (foot and mounted) count as 1 company of cavalry.) Again, there is no maximum. Upgrades can be accounted into the infantry bases. (e.g. they replace regular warriors). Epic heroes can however not be incorporated in the infantry bases, so if you want to include an epic hero in it, you still need to paint the miniature it replaces.

The starting date will be the 1st of September, as stated before. If you have any further questions, or wish to confirm your participation, please send either Corsair or me a PM. We will not enter you if you only post in the topic, and we'd like to keep this topic solely for the hobbying side of this painting marathon, so if you'd be so kind to ask your questions per PM as well. :)

We also feel that it would be better to show some sort of progress in the form of 3 or so updates through the period of a month, as opposed to turning up on the 1st day, post a list and photo, then disappear for the month, posting a photo on the last day...Seems a bit uninvolved and half-hearted. It isn’t as fun for the community to view, and, I suppose, that it would as well not truly serve you as a WIP.

The “Paint me an Army” Points System

The system we propose is a balanced one. Which rather than focusing on just one aspect, focuses on many, that way we can award different members for different traits and feats.

The outline of The Points System is as follows:

We will award points throughout your participation in the “Paint me an Army” Community WIP for different acts (as explained later on). Every 6 months (Beginning day of September and March), the member with the most points will be awarded a Gold Coin for your contributions and commitment to the thread, to finishing your army and of course, the OR Community. However, that also means that every 6 months, your “score” will be reset, for the purpose of people just joining.

For example, if you do some painting in November then find you have nothing to paint until the February of the Following year. The points of those 2 months will indeed be added since they are within the same 6 month period.

If however, you join in February, then that month’s work will be credited at the end of that month and then reset almost instantly (Everything has a plot hole in somewhere!)

Some exceptions may arise and James and I will fairly assess that situation. Equally, James and I can, in a variety, deny the winner his coin should we feel that it is the only reason for his “contribution”.

Awarding Points
    1 infantry model (WoTR Command included) – 1 Point
    1 Cavalry model (WoTR Command included) – 2 Points
    1 Named Character on Foot – 2 Points
    1 Named Character Mounted – 3 Points
    1 Medium sized model (Troll/Ent sized) – 3 Points
    1 Siege Engine (Including all crew) – 5 Points
    1 Large sized model (Balrog, Dragon, Fellbeast) – 5 points
    1 Massive sized model (Mumak including commander) – 10 Points

Bonus points

    It’s only fair that reward your work. So here we have bonuses for the different things people are good at; Quantity, Speed, Quality and Imagination.

    Best painted group of miniatures* (Monthly) – 10 points
    Contributed for 6 months continuously (Awarded at the end of 6 months) – 10 points
    First person to finish each month – 5 points
    Best Authentic, Original and Imaginative Conversion – 2 Points

*This will be decided by James and me. However, our decision will be based on your feedback in the thread, not just our opinions – Your opinions and feedback is still valued!!!

Confirmed Paricipants:
    Queen Berúthiel
    Dwarf Lord of Ered Luin
    Cyndra the Grey

So, guys, on behalf of us both, I think we're all quite ready for another adventure!

Author:  Corsair [ Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes, thank you Sean for the introduction, rules and the points system, as said already, we accept questions via PM if you are still unsure - We want as many people to join as possible too (Your backlog probably wants you to join too!).

So chaps who are in, please take a look back through your backlog or have a glance at your new miniatures which need a lick of paint (maybe something a bit more technical) and think through your armies and decipher what you will plan to do each month. You can of course, skip through different armies like many people have stated.

Thanks all


Author:  Ranger of Gondor [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

This is exciting! :-D

Good luck all 8)

Author:  aqan [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

count me in. :D
This is a good excuse for me to finish my dwarf army and repaint my elves.(strippig and painting not just an extra highlight or so)

Author:  garmenhord [ Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds like a great idea. I look forward to see this. But i myself will remain painting on my own pace. So many things to do lol...

Author:  agincourt777 [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

has this been delayed because of the hack thingy or has it started? nobody seems to have posted anything yet.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

Just to check, is this a case of we post pictures for that month, then the next month we post pictures for that month , so we post two cavalry companies on the 1st, undercoated, then a few updates on the progress and by the end of th emonth we show the compelted companies, then the next month, we start by posting an undercoated infantry formation, during the month, a few updates and lastly the completed models? We can also chop and change which army each month?

Just want to make sure so that I can enter, lol :D

Author:  karavatis [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

This is my first aportation to 'Paint me an Army'. It's a company of Uruk-hais. There is one conversion, simple but maybe is the first time in your life that you can see a left-handed Uruk-hai.


I hope more people shows theirs companys or their units soon.
See you later at bars!

Author:  agincourt777 [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

ah good so it has started after all.
here is my army as of now which i will paint over the next few months:

my aim for month 1 is to complete a whole box of knights including a banner bearer, coming to 147 points.

Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

you know me agincourt 777, love your stuff, and am anxiously waiting!!!

let's See some ARMIES!!

Author:  Raggbur [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

Just one question, I've got a Mordor-Gondor Army and... I would to ask of I may switch between those two factions in the same month ? It will be regular numbers than, not 3 WoMT, 1 GoFC and 13 mordor orks by example... More like: 8 easterlings, 6 warg riders and 12 Osgiliath Veterans.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

Hoping to get some replies soon so that I don't forget about this and not take piccies. Sooner I'm told, sooner I'll take piccies of unpainted models, then I can start work ont hem, lol :D My biggest problem, probably, is actually that I tend to try and finish them in one sitting, lol :D

Author:  Dannis [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

Ah yes. Will post pics up of my first WE company this weekend! ;)

Author:  Cyndra the Grey [ Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

Here is my pledge: 4 elven swordsmen, 3 elven archers and 1 elven spearman = 88pts

Looking forward to seeing some great stuff. Sorry for the cr*p pic but im using a library computer so i cant downsize it. when i get my own back ill fix it.

Cyndra the Grey

EDIT: ive uploaded a better pic now

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

Here is the goblins i´m gonna paint this month
8 Goblin archers 40 pts
8 Goblin spearmen 40 pts

80 pts

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

Well, you can check the mettags if need be, but here's my entry:

That is a list made up of:
5 Khazad Guard - 55pts
1 Vault Warden Team - 25pts
Totalling 80pts.

Then, here's the progress thus far:

Still got to add more paint to the bases and do beards as well as a few touch ups to tidy them up. Put simply, I almost finished them the same night as starting them, lol :D

Author:  agincourt777 [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP


heres the first update on my galadhrim horses. almost done now apart from the bases, small details, and general touching up.

Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP


the skin on those horses are simply stunning!

I have nothing else to say, simply awesssommee!

Author:  theavenger001 [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

:o Those horses look great. Is that a paint station I see lurking in the back? :wink:

Author:  Queen Berúthiel [ Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 'Paint me an Army' - A Community WIP

This looks great guys :yay: I have painted the armour on all my 16 goblins and will try to post some pictures in the weekend :)

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