The only thing I was certain of while making this was having a troll being over powered, crushed and dragged into the earth by the roots of an ent or tree. I placed the troll bitz down and went from there. It nearly turned into a unrecognizable blob attacking the troll but the raised arm of the ent opened the sculpt a little and gave it the height i thought it needed.
I dont know what way to do the head atm, something like the last one trowing the stone or more character like the other three.
painted him much like i did the Angmar orcs but used a little more layers.
-Chaos Black, Scorched Brown, Dark Flesh, Bestial Brown, Tallarn Flesh, Blazing Orange, Bleached Bone Skull White.
-Boltgun Metal, Mithril Silver, Burnished Gold.
-Delvan Mud, Badab Black, Brown Ink.
Mixed Scorched brown with tallarn flesh and progressively mixed more tallarn in the mid tones and small amount of white going into the highlights. Scorched brown and chaos black for shading.
Scorched brown as the base for everything, chaos black for shade and dark flesh into bleached bone for highlights.
Different sections of the armor received varying amounts of Dark Flesh and Bestial Brown glazes. Small amounts of delvan mud and badab black where used on some parts but not all.
Beard was painted using scorched brown gradually working a little
bestial brown into it, two or three light glazes of Blazing Orange where also used.
All Metal areas;
Botlgun and Chaos black base. Botlgun to the mid tones, delvan mud washed all over in two or three layers, boltgun on the edges again. Badab Black in all the shaded areas and mithril silver on the blades, with light dry brushing on the edges.
Gold area;
After doing the above Burnished gold was painted on the areas and given two washes of slightly watered down Brown Ink. I dont think you can get this anymore, an alternative might be black with a little bit of scorched brown.
I painted from base color (brown) up to high lights (skull white, mixed about 50/50 with base color) and then shade using varied mixes of Scorched Brown mixed with Chaos black. Used dark flesh and bestial brown on some but not all pieces of leather or cloth. straps and belts can be washed with badab or delvan to give them a leathery appearance.
There was about 4 or 5 layers from mid tone to highlights. the dry real fast because usually i paint on my thumb before the mini just to see what its like. then usually dont paint the mini until i can barely see the paint on my hand. Testing is handy before doing something like highlights or fine detail, it gets you used to knowing what type of consistency you require from the paint.
Used the same palette as Gimli with the obvious differences, Camo Green, Red Gore and Codex/Fortress Gray.
I did his gold armor color the same as Gimli with the exception of slightly dry brushing with mithril silver and using more black to shade and separate each little piece.
I also used slightly more black for shading than I did on Gimli.