I agree, you should redo the face. It would be quite a pity to spend such an amount of time to a model when your not satisfied in the end just because of one detail (the rest of the model looks just fine). I wouldn't do that much, just try to get rid of the face coulour as much as possible, then paint in one face colour (quite bright one), then wash the face with devlan mud, then redo the eyes (you may try to paint the black part first and then paint the white parts; right now the black dots are far too big). I would not mess with the eyebrows.
Edit: Looked at your other models now. I think you should really go one step further and tackle the eyes. This part seems to be (imo) the limiting part at your current skill level. If you master this part better, this would get you to the next level in my opinion. Btw im far from being an expert, so take this with a grain of salt