Hey! Nice conversions and paint jobs!
Are you considering using any blood red on those Morranon orc clothes?
I love the banner. Its look fabulous. How did you make it? . Is the banner bear gonna have a shield?
I notice that you use a lot of inks. Do you do any highlighting?
I do intend to highlight the Morannon orcs clothing with blood red,being the elite troops i think they deserve more than speedpainting like the regualr grunts,even if it is just and extra highlight or too.
Glad you like the banner.Its made from a paperclip ,a warhammer skeleton banner and the top is from the dark elf warrior banner.
I don't have a rulebook at the minute,can banner bearers not use shields?
I do,infact,use highlights in my painting.However i've found that as I'm expecting to have a lot of orcs and that they have less detail than thier warhammer counterparts that simple basecoats and washing will suffice for a decent standard.Plus its quick meaning i may actually finsh this army.
Here's an example of something I'm working on at the minute too-
http://underempire.net/index.php?showtopic=29957Scroll down a tad for the current pictures.
(i hope this doesn't sound like a rant)
How did you paint the red clothes?
This is very simple:
Mechrite red
a nice generous wash of Badab black
Re-apply Mechrite red on all the raised areas,leaving the wash in the recesses and thus creating some shading.
If you want to expand on this a highlight of mechrite red mixed with blood red followed by a highlight of pure blood red would be a nice way to finish the clothes off.
Thanks for the comments guys,really appreciate it!